I have 6 strains of autos and these are BUNK,these ones from SHORT STUFF,did not sprout,dies in the peats ,MALES lots of em!!what a waste of money.The automatic I want is my car.
that I did sumpthin rong...I germinate with paper towel,just like I always have.See it's a funny thnig when 2 batches of beans from the same breeder[short stuff's autos]the HBD were duds,replaced em!!Russian rockets Males..so far 6 out of 7,other 3 were duds .if that is what these auto shitty things are about SAVE YOUR MONEY FOLKS:anim_52:MY Nickel...
this has been with most of these autos!Most are males,WTF then why are they selling them 4.Then who's too blame the easter bunny...this crap costed me, alot of bucks!
Ive had a few batches off sensible seeds and all females but then i did ask for feminized, no problems at all with auto's for me and now with the 'Big Bad John' strain it looks like the evolution of auto's is almost complete, cloneable auto's, awesome!