hey spacebomb,, i dont have any special equipment or stuff, low budget,,usinga a mason jar and heating pad wrapped around for temp control,,,,i only do persnal sized runs so the 28 gram tube is what i use,,i do nug runs,,,,if it were trim you may fit 35 g's in it...i put my packed tube n can of tane in freezer over night or at least for 2 hrs,,,,blast onto parchment ,, consistent temp for specific strains , jus basic stuff spacebomb... i prefer the honeycomb over the shatter, tho i am only exposed to my own meds and cant compare for most part....i am fairly certain i have thwe ndn 88 g`13 h plt gear as well....they were freebies given on 4/20 2 yrs back,,,,make sure you can suck air thru your tube is a decent way to see if tane wil make it thru too,,,i dont blow cuz it adds condensation ie water,,not good,,,freezing it ties up the water part n has other functions, keeps the tane liquid ,longer contact on meds....i use 3 coffeeunder a ss 50 micron screen only ever used power 5x,,which is cleaner than their 7, and cleaner han all the vectors too,,,peacej