'88/'89 G13 x Hashplant

  • Thread starter symbiote420
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I had to severely defoliate my Ghash after burning the hell outta their tips & outer edges treating for root aphids last two weeks of veg, the burning continued for a few weeks of bloom I just got tired of looking at those crappy leaves so I plucked em in desperation .....I think I'll be defoliating them from now on!!!



.....my last plant I harvested wasn't this big and I got close to 5 oz. off of it, can't wait to get the totals on this gal and she still has 15 days to go!!

The two males I kept, one bushy hashplant leaner (p5), the other a taller more G13 leaning (p2) which are getting ready to spew on some ladies soon! I gave a p5 cut to @leafdoctor1 to hit some of his harem with and I'm using a p2 cut on my SFV OG, Ghash p1 & p6, and Motorbreath .....the next go round I'll be using the p5 male on the same girls!!

And that Stashplant looks dope too, kinda looks similar to the p6 now that I'm looking at them both!


Nope not the Mr. Nice G13/HP version (Sensi Seeds) no not here, these were a gift from my big brother ndnguy. They are from Ne ville's work and were a limited release thru The Seed Bank Holland (G13 x Hashplant/NL #1 F-1 Hybrid)

6/6 sprouted and I got 3 females and 3 studs, kept two studs to open pollinate my gals with!

Ghash p1
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Ghash p4

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Ghash p6
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p6 drying
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Be back with some nug porn and smoke reports of each gal ....the dried sample of p6 is very hashy tasting and smell of chemmy fuel and skunk
Any seeds left??


While sold out at the moment. Attitude, and some others supply this strain, when available.

It is sold by Hazeman. I myself just stumbled across it 2 weeks ago, ordered the 2 packs, and looked a couple days later because I wanted more of them, and they were sold out. Ive also looked several other places that sell them, and are also all sold out.

Ive been looking for this strain for a long time, and just came upon it by accident. This is the original Nevils genetics from 88. Killer stuff.

I think I ordered the last 2 packs attitude had. I just got them a few days ago, and went back to get more, and they were gone.

Another 1 you can look into while youre waiting for these are Swami Organic Seeds Nevils 91 NL5 x Haze.... Not the same stuff as what the Mr Nice Seed Bank Sells, which is also Nevils genetics, but from a different line. This is the stuff that was used for many, many crosses, and when Nevil originally sold it, it came with a warning. It is billed as the only weed to come with a warning, about 1 losing bodily function, and extreme paranoia.

I plan on crossing the 91 NL5 x 88 G13 x HP.

A cross of these 2, and the Original Early Sk#1... ROAD KILL SKUNK....., is still the best stuff Ive ever smoked for modern weed, and the taste was of the finest hash. Also by modern, I had the strain from 91-97. My 70 years old partner got busted ( I was 40 ) with 500 clones I gave him, and I had another 500. I didn't get off either. He did.

But Ive still not found anything with the power of this stuff. It seemingly had high THC, and CBD. It could make you very paranoid, dizzy, to some, and it would some times make you lose your vision for a few seconds if when you hit it, so driving wasnt smart.

You knew every hit, you were going to cough, and it tasted like the best nepali ect hash there is. Just pure sweet expanding resin. Forget all the different flavors. I want the hash/thc, lung busting stuff.

I hadn't smoked stuff like this since the 70s. 20 years. And its now been 20 years since Ive seen anything to even equal it.

Ive also tried all kinds of stuff.

Both of these strains are also Stabilized Hybrid. They say IBL but are actually stabilized hybrid, but regardless, breed true, and will produce f1 Hybrids, and WILL KILL.

Also while the Mr Nice NL5 x Haze is very good, its an F1 vs 91 is stabilized hybrid, and not the same genetics. I am a fan of many Mr Nice strains, so no diss. My "Friends" have been running SSH/Critical Mass/Shit for 3 years.
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I just got the 2 orders of 91 Nevils NL5 x Haze today. F5

They sent me 39 REALLY NICE SEEDS. 19 more than I ordered. Very dark.

They also sent me a free pack of what is called Blue Orca. Also really nice and dark.
Its a 1971 Kandahar Afghani x 1976 Thai, x NL5 x Haze Male. They sent 19 of those !!!!
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Hazeman 88 G13 x Hash Plant has been discontinued:crying2::speechless:
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

While I still do have some of the G13/HP, I was wanting the pure stuff for breeding selection, as they are stabilized, and am looking to breed 2 stabilized strains to create an F1.. Thanks though.

I'm going to hit a G13/Hp Female x a Swami/Coots/Nevils Original 88 NL5 x Haze Male, and wanted 50 females to pick from. Ive got 5 packs of the Hazeman, which isn't close to potential for 50 females. Maybe 25 considering runts, and some that may not come up, but I'll have to make due.

I really do appreciate the offer though.


Screenshot from 2020 08 16 02 56 59

Now popping: Hazeman's '88 G13 Hashplant.

From Duke Diamond:

"As with any 88 G13 HP hybrids, use little to no humic acid, take it easy on the feeds, and strip the lower 1/3 or more of the lower shade clean. Also, do not top these or attempt a multi top bush, you will screw your yield up– super crop a time or two to create a bush with the top still dominant by 4-6″."

Besides that, anyone have any thoughts on growing/feeding these as they mature?


View attachment 1017906

Now popping: Hazeman's '88 G13 Hashplant.

From Duke Diamond:

"As with any 88 G13 HP hybrids, use little to no humic acid, take it easy on the feeds, and strip the lower 1/3 or more of the lower shade clean. Also, do not top these or attempt a multi top bush, you will screw your yield up– super crop a time or two to create a bush with the top still dominant by 4-6″."

Besides that, anyone have any thoughts on growing/feeding these as they mature?
Is it back popping several of mine :)



p1 - low odor with a nice skunky floral oniony smell ....knock out stone, puts me to sleep no matter what time of day I smoke it, very narcotic effect! Nite time use only!
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p4 - pungent bubblegum affie scent with a touch of hash! I hate I let her go, the RAs are probably the main reason she hermed, nice strong meds just as strong as #1 but doesn't smash me as hard!
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p6 - the pre smoke keeper has become the official keeper! Smells like the old NL that I used to get back in '93 .....very acrid chemmy scent accompanies her and you definitely need to jar it to transport it!! The high isn't as strong as the #1 either but it's pretty close, taste like it's been laced in hash!!
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I've been advised by my peeps (with 20 - 25+ years of mj smoking exp) to keep the Ghash around, every pheno has been a hit and I still have more beans to go thru but I'm sure I'll be running #1 & #6 for a looooong time!!

@ 30 days
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p6 *keeper pheno
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They've really bounced back from RA attack since I've been using Cap's Foliar Pack at full strength!!
Are you still growing the 88 hp13? I'm Tom


Nope not the Mr. Nice G13/HP version (Sensi Seeds) no not here, these were a gift from my big brother ndnguy. They are from Ne ville's work and were a limited release thru The Seed Bank Holland (G13 x Hashplant/NL #1 F-1 Hybrid)

6/6 sprouted and I got 3 females and 3 studs, kept two studs to open pollinate my gals with!

Ghash p1
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Ghash p4

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Ghash p6
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p6 drying
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Be back with some nug porn and smoke reports of each gal ....the dried sample of p6 is very hashy tasting and smell of chemmy fuel and skunk
Hi there. I'm Tom. Do you know a bit about the 88hp13 by chance?


We got the same genes... That strain has a long history. Whoever smoked the Originals from the SSSC were stunned by GMO plants, The F1 from SSSC was the strongest pot EVER PRODUCED! Nothing that is in not GMO'd compared to the orginal F1, no comparision. To this day the 100's of us in Colo that witnessed the original G13 and we are still searching for the secret to re-create the Orginal G13. I've dropped a lot a shit talking breeders to trier hands and knees with one hit and never had anyone ask for another hit for several hours after the first toke of the original G13.
In the mean time we all luv the genes left behind in the genetic modification of g13. Most peeps on this site dont have a clue how good your bud is and how different it is compared to the cultivars around today, even in the non modifed genes of the G13 that was left behind is special smoke.

My home lab was busted because of this GMO seed coming to the USA. 1989 APHIP agents thought that I helped Tim genetical modify the plant, I was not even close to have the lab and knowledge to produce the original GMO G13. After a few years of college botany and hort classes and 1000s of experiments I have almost broke the code to the creation of G13. And I still keep producing beans cause its some of the best non-gmo'd pot to smoke, and there is a 1 in a million chance that the GMO genes could line up and naturally breed but no one has had that happen yet.

Those are beautiful looking seedling,,, Nice job ! I dont have to tell you but for all the other readers out there those are the real G13 lines... Shatibaba has some real insight on what happen in Europe but he remains political and politely quite about what happened but He knows what I know....; He just doesnt run his mouth in public... DEA got in the middle of all this is my guess and knowledge but that all I'm saying about it also... you guys can fill in the blanks... pretty obvious what happened to G13 and Europe.
Hi there I'm Tom. Have you read with any g13 Ash plant males before the 88 HP 13? I was really hoping to see when it the males drop all their pollen
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