All Mental Illness Patients!!!!!!!!!!!

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Living dead girl
I totally agree.

However, the success of therapy and counseling techniques is horrible. A kind, loving, caring, understanding person ... (the more "severe" the condition ... the more they know about it ... the better) ... to talk to ... has been proven to be more affective than therapy / counseling.

imho ... almost all techniques are worthless (except for perhaps the "segment" of society that a specific technique is designed for) ... the wrong one can be very harmful and even fatal ...

Perhaps more techniques would be successful if:
The individual received ... enough time in therapy for their individual needs ... an hour a week or month does not cut it unless it is "maintenance" so to speak ...

fyi ... been on both sides of the fence ... received many years of therapy / counseling ... I have over 150 post secondary credits ... most of which are in the humanities ... most having something to do with human behavior ... prior to challenges because of brain injury had a Marriage and Family Counseling license ... a licensed counselor ... .
I've seen various levels of success with therapy and counseling, depending on the issue and depending very heavily on the therapist/counselor in question. The family member of whom I speak had previously seen several psychiatric, counseling and therapy professionals--not a single one of them ever dug deeper than the immediate problems at hand (which brought that person there) and so each and every one missed an opportunity to really help this person by first getting the whole picture, and then being able to make a Dx based on that information. Nary a single one. This person actually self-Dx'd after another incident caused yet another familial rift, then was, after months, able to see a psychiatric professional who confirmed Dx. But who could not follow up for another 2mos.

This person has now been able to see a really good professional for several weeks now, 1x/week and it has helped tremendously, I cannot say just how much it has helped. So my opinion on that is that even if it's that 'infrequent' it is far better than nothing and even moreso than any medication would have been.

Honestly, my opinion of the US mental health care system is that it's care less. Just as we don't seem to view vision or dental health as important in this nation, we do not view mental health as important. It is absolutely MADDENING.
our understanding of the brain and chemical imbalances is still a seed ... hasnt even sprouted yet ... although Israel is way ahead of everyone else as some have pointed out ...
Mm... I think that people like Vilayanur Ramachandran have opened a few doors to our understanding, and while therapies for the BPD range of disorders are certainly still emerging, do you think it's more or less prudent to medicate these people with no other clinical indications? I personally do not believe it is prudent, given the state of how the FDA works in conjunction with pharmaceutical companies. I cannot imagine how adding something like Prozac could affect someone thus (my own son immediately began talking about suicide, and you'd better believe he was taken off if ASAP), and seeing how well the appropriate therapy is working for this other family member even prior to embarking on the DBT course, I feel strongly that this is a tool that must not be dismissed.
Also, our emotional processors don't have dual cores. We can't modulate our emotions, all things are either 100% good or evil, immediately.
This is absolutely true of everyone on the spectrum of Borderline Personality Disorders. This is what *good* therapy can address. Caveat/qualifier being good, of course.


Since were all sharing.....

When i was younger I think my trouble started around age 5-6 I was put into school a year too early, which i think had something to do with it, I never could understand the homework or school work no matter how much they tried to teach me it just would never stick, I guess i was never really interested in the subjects so i never bothered to commit to memory the substance...

This went on for a cpl years along with behavior issues, I was constantly getting kicked out of class/school/suspended.. Id cuss out my teachers id fight with other students i was the definition of hell... By grade 6 things had gotten REALLY out of control so the school put me in the special ed class with all the special kids, That just destroyed my self esteem and left me open to alot of bullying, Also got to ride the special short buss home because of all the behavior problems.. (we'll get to the root of the issue soon)

So after 6th grade we moved and i ended up in another new school ( this was becoming a normal thing for a military brat ) Moving around so much and being such a dick that i was i had a chip on my shoulder that no one could knock off, so in my new school i kept doing the same shit, cuss at teachers throwing shit around the room back talking, everything you can think of, And again same thing got put in the special class, but no buss i could walk home from school was cool that way.. Well they got to the end of their rope with me and gave my mom a choice to put me in a psychiatric hospital ( bare in mind this was the very early 1990's ) For evaluation and perhaps medication.

I protested to high hell and back there was no fuckin way i was getting locked up 300 miles away from my family, But i had no choice... She signed the papers being at her whits end i cant blame her.. And off i went for a week into the biggest joke of a hospital i ever seen...

Spent a week there being " Evaluated " Which consisted of me being me acting out cussing threating staff, even assulted one which ended me up in a padded room for 4 days.. Fun.. At the end of that stay they wanted to keep me Long term and stuff cocktails of anti depressents and adderal style shit down my throat.. My mom at that point said not a fucking chance are you drugging my son and took me home.

The school was pissed and gave her one last option, home school or expulsion from there school for life..

We chose to finish my year out in home school..And a year later we moved again.

The 2nd to last move was to a state that i couldn't fit in no matter how hard i tried and being the new kid with a chip on his shoulder and scared that im in a new school and i don't know anyone i acted like a tuff guy in hopes people would leave me alone... They didn't it back fired on me and i got my ass kicked alot, chased home from school alot.. Fights ALOT.. and that caused me to act out EVEN MORE!

So once again i got stuck in the special needs classes... It was a joke i was able to go to school for 3 hours a day and that was it i was sent home sometimes sooner if i got what LITTLE bullshit homework they handed me..

Everyone had given up on me so at that point i turned 16 over the summer and just never went back to school. 8th Grade is what i finished.

My Guess i suffered from ADD/ADHD which was brought on by LARGE DAILY!! Consumption of SUGAR, When i was kid i ate sugar on frosted flakes , I washed peoples car for 5$ to go to the store to get a 6 pack of soda and a bag full of candy and would eat that all day.. Before school it was sugar and cereal and chocolate milk, When i got to school id buy a soda..

My issues followed me pretty far into adult hood which led me down a dark path of most drinking but a little drug use..

Finally tho about 4-5 years ago I had an experience with a drug that i'll never do again but it changed my life for the better and i cant explaine it very well, but it changed who i was, It gave me a sense of importance, it gave me the will powder to do things i never ever thought id want to do...

It cured me in short.. I think i still suffer a little depression at times but who don't... But my add/adhd Fell away thank god...

I honestly believe had i not found the drug i took that changed me, I would be dead or in prison by now..

So thats my story... I don't think ive really told anyone before about all that.. Kinda hard to admit that being bullied as a kid changed who you are ya know.. I know ive bullied people before and having the first hand experience and perspective makes me feel like shit that i did that to someone to..


This is absolutely true of everyone on the spectrum of Borderline Personality Disorders. This is what *good* therapy can address. Caveat/qualifier being good, of course.
Yeah that's what I keep hearing. Can you explain how?

Judging from your ample usage of clinical terminology, you obviously have extensive experience in therapeutic settings. With all due respect, nobody with the ability to help me would ever use the terms "on the spectrum" or any of the other psycho babble buzz terms that make me cringe when I hear them. All of this clinical terminology and therapeutic interaction is so cold and clinical and void of love. The whole process is so objectifying and dehumanizing on every level. The therapist-patient relationship should not be like the mechanic-automobile relationship, yet it is.


Living dead girl
Yeah that's what I keep hearing. Can you explain how?

Judging from your ample usage of clinical terminology, you obviously have extensive experience in therapeutic settings. With all due respect, nobody with the ability to help me would ever use the terms "on the spectrum" or any of the other psycho babble buzz terms that make me cringe when I hear them. All of this clinical terminology and therapeutic interaction is so cold and clinical and void of love. The whole process is so objectifying and dehumanizing on every level. The therapist-patient relationship should not be like the mechanic-automobile relationship, yet it is.
Interesting. I find it easier to discuss certain things by taking them to a clinical level, but that is also how I was raised. I think, given your upbringing, you would find how I was raised rather odd. Then again I think most people would.

Yes, I have extensive personal experience in these settings, mostly with my sons. I have tried to make my comments less personal, so I apologize if using such terminology bothers you. I'm not sure what other terms to use, so I'll bow out of the conversation at this point.


I feel strongly that this is a tool that must not be dismissed.

True ... should not be dismissed ... but ... unfortunately ... as other posts have indicated ... our ability to match the person with the right therapy and the right therapist is horrible ... and more

Honestly, my opinion of the US mental health care system is that it's care less. Just as we don't seem to view vision or dental health as important in this nation, we do not view mental health as important. It is absolutely MADDENING.

So true.

My last "job" was as a "coordinator" of services. I had a "caseload" of persons with severe disabilities, not able to work. By severe ... I mean severe ... like just getting released from the hospital "for the criminally insane" for attempted murder. To determine eligibility for the program and to get me started thinking about all the things this person had as "challenges" to them becoming the person they wanted to be ... I had to review 1,000's of medical records. Have reviewed medical case notes from more different therapists and different therapies and psychiatrists than I can count.

If a person was eligible ... we would discuss everything that we felt the individual needed to do to get to where they wanted to be in life. We would write a "roadmap" of things to do to get there. We continued working together until a couple months after the person had reached their goals and was ready to say they were ready to move on. Depending on the individual and their goals it could be anywhere from a few months to 5 or more years.

During this time I was responsible for purchasing the services they needed, reviewing the "feedback" from the service and most important - meeting with the individual to discuss the whole thing and make sure it was working out as they wanted.

Put me in a very unique position to view this whole issue.

We can talk about and defend this therapy and that therapy ... this counselor or that one ... this psychotropic drug or that one ... until your blue in the face. Almost all are "cookbook ... follow the recipe" approaches developed by someone ... (to make $?)!

The "Whole Person" and all the "challenges" in their life need to be addressed. A "follow the recipe" approach is a band aid at best for someone who does not care for one of the "spices" in the recipe.

Yeah that's what I keep hearing. Can you explain how?

Judging from your ample usage of clinical terminology, you obviously have extensive experience in therapeutic settings. With all due respect, nobody with the ability to help me would ever use the terms "on the spectrum" or any of the other psycho babble buzz terms that make me cringe when I hear them. All of this clinical terminology and therapeutic interaction is so cold and clinical and void of love. The whole process is so objectifying and dehumanizing on every level. The therapist-patient relationship should not be like the mechanic-automobile relationship, yet it is.

Good point. Psycho babble alienates the person who hears it, is confusing, is often complete BS imho & ...


@Growin Grass welcome to the thread friend I'm happy that you are happy! :D


i thought you guys and girls would find this one funny bring a little humor into the day !

Eddie was serious :D:D:D



Here's my very frustrating attempt to get help.
A year ago I just couldn't take the shit anymore and made a doctor's appointment.
At this point with everything going on I needed to be medicated on some benzos.
First appointment was with a therapist talked to me about the fucked up shit in my life. Leaving the meeting I never felt worse in my life. Anxiety was out of control.
So I went to the walk in clinic for mental health asking to be seen so they cauldron help.
I get sent away because I'm already in there system and have a appointment in 2 Fucking months with another person. Than 3 months for another appointment with the person who decides what the Fuck is wrong with me.
I lost my shit when they told me that. Go see your primary doctor for help until your next appointment in 3 months. This is how people go on random shooting sprees. Luckily I'm not a violent person.
I was able to see my primary doctor. I'm already been diagnosed with PTSD from a different time in my life.
She decided to put me in Zoloft and tells me your anxiety is going to be hell for 2 weeks. Huh? WTF? I ask her. Here's some citalpram for anxiety so you can sleep. It's basically just benadryl.
That knocked me or where I couldn't get it off bed till the afternoon.
I have young children and am a single dad. Can't be sleeping all day.
Go back to see my primary and she tells me sorry. That's all I can help you with.
So I stopped taking those meds.
Just living life day by day and been having cloud over me ever since.
No drive what so ever to do anything.
Growin Grass

Growin Grass

Thanks @Smokey503ski
Personally I stay away from benzos with a 12ft pole, way too many addiction problems with me and my family. My best advice on the cloud is to fully involve yourself in whatever you happen to be doing at the time. Look into mindfulness, meditation, yoga, etc I know it's hippie as fuck but it's really helped me get outta my head and heave a better outlook. google Dharma Punx and check out some of Noah Levines books or check out some dbt videos. Best of luck


I'm fine with benzos. I don't take them to get high. Only when I needed them. I have taken them in the past when younger and did not have a addiction issue.
I appreciate the advise on yoga and the meditation. Honestly I'm just to lazy to do it.
I tried going to a group therapy session and could not give one Fuck about anyone's else's shit. So I left half way through.


i feel you smokey. i told em i was going to kill a certain person n they told me to make an appointment.

i'm bi-polar, diagnosed after 20-30 years of drug n alcohol abuse. i never felt comfortable talking to a doc about my feeling because i feel i'm being judged. part of my mental illness. the pharm meds help but without the mj i don't think i could hold a job or a relationship. the pharm meds are so over priced it's no wonder people stop taking em n go off.
@Seamaiden i commend you!!! i had a similar situation with my children, i taught myself to never attempt to reprimand them without taking an hour to get my head together. it has worked great for me. the guilt still eats me up though.

the anger is my downfall, i just can't seem to control it (although it's better then it ever was). i'm starting to rapid cycle which i don't think i did before and it scares the shit out of me. i can't drive around the corner without screaming at other drivers if i don't take a few hits first. i can def. understand why people give up n out themselves, i just don't want to let my children think it's an option for them as i'm sure my daughter is bp too.


fully involve yourself in whatever you happen to be doing at the time. Look into mindfulness, meditation, yoga, etc I know it's hippie as fuck but it's really helped me get outta my head and heave a better outlook.

Thanks Growin Grass ... those are great ideas.

Im like a lot of others ... just cannot go full tilt into any of this stuff ... need to do it at my own pace and in a way that is right for me ... or forget it ... I cant do it. Hate group stuff.

I have learned to just take a "small bite" of one of the things mentioned ... a bite that "tastes good to me" ... rather than reading a whole damn book or whatever ... only read the pages that I feel like reading and that applies to me "hear and now" ... might be a few months before I go any further with it.

I have found positive affirmations to be a real easy and simple method of helping to stay in the here and now. Even with these ... I make em my own ... put them in words that fit me and my specific needs. Have a long list of them. But hardly ever use more than my 2 or 4 favorites. Re-wrote them in a way that is perfect for me & the present time. I do try to add / include the words "I am" in every one as it has been shown and I believe that this helps it "sink in" or something.

Sometimes people need "something" right now. WTF is all this wait, wait, wait ... can see you 2 months ... we are told ... what is fucking wrong with our society ... what is wrong with the "system" ... $ is the root of all evil?


I'm fine with benzos. I don't take them to get high. Only when I needed them. I have taken them in the past when younger and did not have a addiction issue.
I appreciate the advise on yoga and the meditation. Honestly I'm just to lazy to do it.
I tried going to a group therapy session and could not give one Fuck about anyone's else's shit. So I left half way through.
Isn't that group shit painful? Such a corny and cliche thing to be part of, felt like being in a Cohen brothers movie to me.


Interesting. I find it easier to discuss certain things by taking them to a clinical level, but that is also how I was raised. I think, given your upbringing, you would find how I was raised rather odd. Then again I think most people would.

Yes, I have extensive personal experience in these settings, mostly with my sons. I have tried to make my comments less personal, so I apologize if using such terminology bothers you. I'm not sure what other terms to use, so I'll bow out of the conversation at this point.
Sorry, it's hard for me not to get butt hurt when discussing this stuff. I'm not asking you to bow out. You bring a lot of knowledge to the conversation.


Living dead girl
I understand, @GreenThumbBill, and thank you. :)

I don't think I can really help you and I apologize if I came off as sounding like I thought I could. I do understand the difficulty you're experiencing, and due to personal shit I'm going through myself, when you talk about not having access to good and appropriate care I'm feeling it especially sharply. All I can do is be understanding, and I *do* understand just how difficult this is to even think about, let alone discuss openly (even behind a mask of a username).

I want you to know that I truly admire the fact that you've come out and said all of this stuff about yourself, which was why I decided to go ahead and engage with you. I mean, our past interactions haven't exactly been all roses and chocolate, have they?

i feel you smokey. i told em i was going to kill a certain person n they told me to make an appointment.

i'm bi-polar, diagnosed after 20-30 years of drug n alcohol abuse. i never felt comfortable talking to a doc about my feeling because i feel i'm being judged. part of my mental illness. the pharm meds help but without the mj i don't think i could hold a job or a relationship. the pharm meds are so over priced it's no wonder people stop taking em n go off.
@Seamaiden i commend you!!! i had a similar situation with my children, i taught myself to never attempt to reprimand them without taking an hour to get my head together. it has worked great for me. the guilt still eats me up though.

the anger is my downfall, i just can't seem to control it (although it's better then it ever was). i'm starting to rapid cycle which i don't think i did before and it scares the shit out of me. i can't drive around the corner without screaming at other drivers if i don't take a few hits first. i can def. understand why people give up n out themselves, i just don't want to let my children think it's an option for them as i'm sure my daughter is bp too.
The anger is, or was, absolutely frightening. The guilt can be overwhelming.

How rapid is the cycling? Days? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? Are there *no* triggers at all? Now I usually require a trigger. I used to be amazed at how I could physically feel my mind change. I wished I could have controlled it better, for my kids' sake. I guess in cases like these guilt is a good thing.

I don't know if this is a good suggestion for you or anyone else here, but there's a book that this family member found somewhat helpful. It's called The Four Agreements, and if you just distill the basic tenets, it can be a bit of a help. For example, the tenet to never take things personally can go a long way, for me at least, toward not becoming angry. Which, for me, is a bad, bad road to go down. My mouth tends to go off and I have a gift for pissing people off. A real gift, I must say! Another tenet is to always do your best, while remembering that *your* best changes from day to day, minute to minute.

One thing I keep in mind always now is to never react or do something in anger, especially with animals or children or other helpless things. I let my anger get the best of me when I was younger and I deeply, deeply regret it and have vowed to never do it again, but some days, man is it hard!


likes to smell trees.
@LittleDabbie what drug was that? The one that made you rethink your shit?
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