All Mental Illness Patients!!!!!!!!!!!

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@Seamaiden my cycling seems to change, sometimes couple days other times hour to hour. i've been trying to figure out my trigger(s) to no avail. i only know i go into a deep depression after any negative interaction with another person. other then a few very understanding friends and my lady, i keep to myself. lot of nature
i really like what u had to say about that book, i'll def. pick it up, soon!


Isn't that group shit painful? Such a corny and cliche thing to be part of, felt like being in a Cohen brothers movie to me.

The place I was going to was called Cascadia clinic. Good ol Oregon health plan.
Bunch of drug addicts forced to go there.
The group they put me into was with a bounch of drug addicts. I'm not one of them.
I really tried to have a positive attitude about the group thing.
Just couldn't sit through a tweaker telling everyone it's others fault she was there for her use.
Couldn't do it. Lasted a few minutes. No more Cascadia.
When I called my counselor to let him know I will not be involved there, it felt like I was breaking up with a girlfriend.


@Smokey503ski welcome!! that grey cloud can be a bitch i deal with it every day thank god for the euphoria and pick me up ive been getting from my meds it helps to cutt threw the fogg you know....... hey are you on any meds (the green kind ) right now?


@brimck325 welcome ! i too have the same issue regarding anger or better yet frustration with humans ..:D i have developed this way of helping those really bad delusions that could lead to me becoming violent .... i just tell my self......... this person has no idea what i can do to them . its kinda like i develop sympathy for them ..because i know that my delusions can get so intense that i could hurt some one behind it even tho i would cry like a baby afterwards this is also another thing i put in retrospect these two points are extremely helpful for me plus all the other tools meds,family,faith, etc... its a battle friend but if your still here after 20-30 years of this bull shit your more then qualified for battle!!!!!!:cool:



@brimck325 it sounds like you mane thing is fear so is mine some of my triggers are sounds i.e. slamming doors thumps in a house basically unexplained noises now with people there are many :D but i watch the hell out of a person kinda like a professional body language reader so if i see a nano inch of something my delusions will interpret as
negative my mind will start the movie of this person it will be a great fucking movie but it will be the most negative traumatizing thing to watch and this will build the case for other delusions that will come up im not sure if this is how it works for you but bi polar has some collation with ps i renewed my vows last year and i dreaded going because off all the different scenarios that where being played over and over again but for my wife i sucked it up and got on the boat .... it was the best thing i had done for my illness sense checking into the clinic

you have to go out and experience life seriously people like you and i need those good moments to help out way the bad ones or delusions that may come up if not all we have is the negative ones to measure with ... i know its easier said then done but start of small those nature walks are great now start walking down the trail those smiles and hellos can help build your arsenal .. keep in touch friend let us know your progress where here for each other



@Smokey503ski welcome!! that grey cloud can be a bitch i deal with it every day thank god for the euphoria and pick me up ive been getting from my meds it helps to cutt threw the fogg you know....... hey are you on any meds (the green kind ) right now?

I honestly tried the pharmaceuticals and zoloft is what worked.

Problem is my doctor would only prescribe me 2 months worth.
I moved to Washington and took to long for insurance to switch over from Oregon to Washington.
I had to go from 200mg down to 100mg dosage to make them last. That REALLY messed me up.
Went to the ER in Vancouver and the doctor could only give me 15 zoloft until I was able to see a primary doctor.
The primary doctor said I could not get a appointment for 4 months. At this point I decided to ween myself off of them.
Fucking sux! Zoloft worked very well for me for the month once my brain adjusted to it.
Now I'm really wishing I kept the appointment so I could be back on them.
My stubbornness got in the way and now things are Shitty.
Just can't shake this cloud no matter what.


I honestly tried the pharmaceuticals and zoloft is what worked.

Problem is my doctor would only prescribe me 2 months worth.
I moved to Washington and took to long for insurance to switch over from Oregon to Washington.
I had to go from 200mg down to 100mg dosage to make them last. That REALLY messed me up.
Went to the ER in Vancouver and the doctor could only give me 15 zoloft until I was able to see a primary doctor.
The primary doctor said I could not get a appointment for 4 months. At this point I decided to ween myself off of them.
Fucking sux! Zoloft worked very well for me for the month once my brain adjusted to it.
Now I'm really wishing I kept the appointment so I could be back on them.
My stubbornness got in the way and now things are Shitty.
Just can't shake this cloud no matter what.
Sounds like you may need to switch doctors and or health care providers. My doc will write/extend a scrip for zoloft over the phone without even an appt. Generic Zoloft is a $4 prescription in WA too, so if you have your doc write the scrip for the generic you wont need to stretch them out.

Do you qualify for medicaid/apple health? That's what I have now and can get a dr. appt. same day almost every day. Before that I paid out of pocket for Regence and never waited longer than a couple weeks. Shop around dude, sounds like you are getting shit service.

Zoloft works temporarily for me but the effects always seem to wear off after a few months and then what's left is mostly anxiety and insomnia. Wish I could find some happy pills that worked for me long term, I would totally rock them.
north knect

north knect

Wow some truly inspiring people here I must say..lots of love to all you all for sharing your stories and lives..well I suffered from depression for awhile along with anxiety but seemed to kick the depression for the most part..was prescribed to a few diff prescriptions but found ciprolex was the only one to work much..still taking it but down to I only 10mg a day..only suffer from anxiety nowadays but seems to be getting harder to handle..have a hard time in Public shopping etc..this last year I've been finding I can't even smoke half the meds I used too..the odd bag I get helps me but the majority of it seems to bring on my anxiety..surly I'm not the only one going threw this..any ideas on strains I can smoke to alleviate anxiety and for most not bring anxiety on to me? Happy farming guys


Sounds like you may need to switch doctors and or health care providers. My doc will write/extend a scrip for zoloft over the phone without even an appt. Generic Zoloft is a $4 prescription in WA too, so if you have your doc write the scrip for the generic you wont need to stretch them out.

Do you qualify for medicaid/apple health? That's what I have now and can get a dr. appt. same day almost every day. Before that I paid out of pocket for Regence and never waited longer than a couple weeks. Shop around dude, sounds like you are getting shit service.

Zoloft works temporarily for me but the effects always seem to wear off after a few months and then what's left is mostly anxiety and insomnia. Wish I could find some happy pills that worked for me long term, I would totally rock them.

I have apple care but in the Molina health plan. In Vancouver there is jack shit for anyone that accepts it.
My girlfriend is going to switch it.
I have up when they told me months wait to get a appointment.


I have apple care but in the Molina health plan. In Vancouver there is jack shit for anyone that accepts it.
My girlfriend is going to switch it.
I have up when they told me months wait to get a appointment.
Find an urgent care doctor they will see you day of always. You can even make them your primary.
north knect

north knect

Ciprolex made Girlfriends right arm a ER visit from me not being able to "finish" LOL.
Plus it made me so tired.
Ya the first few months I took it I almost could never "Finnish" either!!?? The girls didn't seem to mind lol extasy and cocaine were not needed to have hours of a "session" lol


any ideas on strains I can smoke to alleviate anxiety and for most not bring anxiety on to me?

here u man ... u probably already thought of this ... but when all I have is herb that causes paranoia under certain circumstances ... most of the time it will work "ok" (better than nothing) as a med if I "take it" in very limited doses.

HOWEVER ... some of us, especially with certain mental health concerns, will very likely find strains that will cause this regardless. not sure if it is the brain injury or what but this may be my biggest challenge to date in finding appropriate meds of any kind.


Where did the persons post go, about "all that what you put in your body stuff", that was written so abrasive? There was some good info there. Wish the person could write it up in a way that was "nicer" and appropriate for this thread.

We are what we eat ... is pretty basic stuff ... that "western medicine" ... never considers first.

See a doctor for a concern ... get a test for this a test for that ... a pill for this a pill for that ... when all that was needed ... was to first ask what do you eat? drink? sleep? ... if a person is drinking a 24 pak of mountain dew a day ... WTF ... eating at Mac's or pizza 3 times a day & 7 days a week ... WTF ...

In the past 3 or so years ... lost the best shrink I ever had because he was promoted ... 1 I transferred to increased 1 of my meds beyond its known effective dose ... this caused other problems ... had to have a bunch of testing and procedures done ... which led to more meds for those things ... 2nd visit to the new shrink I decided she needed a shrink more than i did ... went to a new one ... he told me the previous shrink had me taking 2 of my meds in doses way to high (for anyone) ... turned out that this was causing both mental and some of the physical problems.

One of the physical problems was being caused by 1 of the meds that bs shrink had prescribed. It was close to a year and after multiple testing procedures when on my first visit to a new shrink was told as in the last paragraph. He reduced the meds and things are better.

Not 1 doctor did a basic review of what I was putting into my body until this.


Living dead girl
@theseekeroft -- you've hit on the major argument my parents have been having for as long as I can remember.

And what you touch on is why I've taken the expensive step of going outside our healthcare network (Kaiser) and paying out of pocket for a doctor for myself. VERY extensive workup, including measuring things like lean body mass in relation to fat, hormones (I am *so* chill that I don't even produce cortisol!), diet, exercise and total lifestyle. She had me do what I initially thought was just a food diary, and then it also asked me questions about things like quality of sleep, relaxation, time for myself, time spent in enjoyment, did I have people who supported me in my life, or are they unsupportive, that sort of thing. Some folks call it a shotgun approach because she's had me change several things about my lifestyle, I call it more "whole-istic."

One thing for sure, my GERD symptoms have all but vanished. I do hope that replacing the hormones does *not* lead to experiencing depression like I used to, though. That'll be well and truly fucked if I start getting the fucking black clouds again.

And that leads me to another thing I've thought a lot about over the years as I've learned more and more the role hormones play in our bodies and minds. How much of this stuff is indeed hormone-related? Could xenohormones play a role in screwing up our minds? How many of us own cats?


Glad that disappeared...
Lost too many people to mental illness to have someone come on here and say it's nothing

me to ... had a really hard time reading it because of the negative bullshit ... wish it had been written appropriately because it brought up some great stuff. stuff that everyone on this thread could probably find of major benefit. see Seamaiden's post above re same.

no thanks to a brain injury i have a lot of trouble expressing myself and am always worried that im saying something that is going to piss someone off ... so ... just saying ... hope i never go on a rant like that ... but i know i can be to blunt or whatever and piss people off ... especially on the internet where they cannot see me and it is easy to take it wrong ...

at first i thought ... "saying it is nothing" ... wtf ... but than i realized this poor soul has a major anger issue or something ... you said "lost too many people" ... i hope the person who wrote that is ok ... the way they wrote was complete bs and glad it was removed ... but i think all of us, especial on this thread, ... well i dont know ... just hope that person works things out and that everyone who read it is ok.


VERY extensive workup, including measuring things like lean body mass in relation to fat, hormones (I am *so* chill that I don't even produce cortisol!), diet, exercise and total lifestyle. She had me do what I initially thought was just a food diary, and then it also asked me questions about things like quality of sleep, relaxation, time for myself, time spent in enjoyment, did I have people who supported me in my life, or are they unsupportive, that sort of thing.

Fantastic Seamaiden ... the most important steps to take when reaching for a truly healthy body and mind.

Some folks call it a shotgun approach because she's had me change several things about my lifestyle, I call it more "whole-istic."

I call it the KISS approach :) ... western medicine does not begin at the root of the problem ... the cause ... they try to "cure it" ... when all they needed to do was get rid of what was causing it! If I cant take a shit ... the doc ... a highly regarded specialist at a world renowned medical center says ... take this laxative ... its safe ... take it the rest of your life ... when they should first ask what do you eat ... or in the case of someone who is taking psychotropic meds ... many can cause you know what ... and my new shrink has me taking more than twice as much of one that is known to do that ... wtf ... KISS

I do hope that replacing the hormones does *not* lead to experiencing depression like I used to, though. That'll be well and truly fucked if I start getting the fucking black clouds again.

I wish you the best Seamaiden. You may need to "tweak" things ... but my money is on you ... your head is in the right place ... and your on the way to a truly healthy body and mind.


Im so glad i started this thread so many great people who are here thank you all i am inspired everyday i see the love an knowledge being freely given:D:D:D

and to think we are the type of people they want to lock up in a adult daycare and write off......


im thinking the same thing,,,, if i have chemical imbalance then i should be care full what chemicals i ingest makes would help if society was built on synthetic food, medicine, liquids, etc i mean its nothing but chemicals its all a game a constant cycle of bullshit the food fuels the medical industry without sickness the medical industry would go into the dark ages ... its a sad reality that most do not care enough to take a second and say "why is that?" i mean a salad cost more then a cheeseburger .......... this enough evidence to know that are society is not about health and well being that's a fact!
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