Another Failed Colorado MMJ patient Prosecution

  • Thread starter Bluzboy
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Agreed Bluzboy . The fact they can try these cases at all shows the huge miss use of the system in simple form.
Ditto! That is why like Bob, patients/caregivers/MMC's, etc.... have to fight in court and not plea if you are a victimized by DA's like Dan May. Weld County has one of the biggest GOP narcissistic vanity cases for a DA who has the same kind of unethical biased fascist hubris about harassing MMJ patients and caregivers as May and his name is Ken Buck. The Colorado GOP has put him in charge and out front on the propaganda deluge of Colorado voters to vote against any of the three ballot initiatives legalizing MJ for those over 21. You will probably see Buck doing ads or the voice over on political ads against the initiatives.
The Bluzboy


That cockroach prosecutor Dan May is wanting the CO Attorney General spot. Heads up! The nazis would love him in that spot.


Hopefully his bid fails and I believe his candidacy would/will be challenged by other Republicans wanting the spot on the ballot. I think Colorado is going to elect a Democrat AG and Secretary Of State as well in the next election cycle. Colorado's voting constituency has swung the last 2 elections cycle to the center left and I believe that sway will continue to the chagrin of the GOP electorate base that is actually dwindling to the outlying rural cracker County's like Weld. I could be wrong, but I really think over the next 5 years politically there will be movement to the center left even nationally. I think in 5 to 10 years if the GOP is still operating on its tired old cracker philosophies then it will be a party whose political relevance will be primarily in the South and the Libertarian Party rivaling the GOP Party for domination of the conservative movement and doctrines. My predictions for the fall election are this Kolah, so keep them and see how my "Great Karnak" skills of election day prescience are. My election outcome predictions as follows.
1. Barack Obama will be re-elected but after some recounts and maybe a Court challenge or two like with Bush/Gore in 2000. This time though, Democrats and Obama will be declared the winner by the first week in December. Mercury will be retrograde during the election cycle just like in 2000 which is why I am predicting this delay in the
confirmation/declaration of Obama as the winner.
2. Democrats retain control of the Senate, return Ted Kennedy's seat to Democrat control plus one, maybe 2 more at most.
3. The House will have a dramatic shift for the Democrats. I believe they will come within four to 5 seats of retaking the House and there is a possibility they could actually take back the House by 4 seats according to my "Great Karnak" astrology predictions.
4. Colorado will enact at least one of the three ballot initiatives legalizing marijuana for those over 21.
5. The following Spring of 2013, Obama will use Executive power to declassify MJ to a class 2 controlled substance to legitimize States with MMJ and end Federal interdiciton in those States for the rest of his tenure.
6. 12 other States have a legalize MMJ initiative on their ballots this fall. I predict 6 for sure will pass with the possibility if 8 to 9 States passing their voter initiatives.
7. Over the next 3 years there are 5 squares between Uranus(Planet of Rebellion) and Saturn(Planet of Rules/Regs) and these are squares that Uranus the planet of Rebellion has the upper hand and Rebel Uranus wins when all is said and over. An example is that the first of these squares just happened in June and what happened to the Saturn based Conservatives attempts to thwart Health Care through the Supreme Court. Uranus stepped in and Roberts jumped ship on the Saturnites hubris expectations that the legislation would be overturned with ROBERTS leading in dissent and striking it down. not leading in opinion upholding the law. You see, Uranus is the planet of rebellion and shocking change and it played its hand here and will again shortly.There are 4 more of these squares over the next 30 months and the next one is in....... you guessed it, November when the GOP takes big hits when it is confident of winning. They are going to be in shock just like they were over Roberts siding with the Courts progressive/liberal wing upholding Obamacare/Health Care legislation. The last time these squares happened was during the civil rights/voting rights, LBJ Great Society, miranda rights, era of the mid sixties. And the time before that these squares happened was when FDR was elected, social security invented, and siginificant taxing of the rich and capital gains, banking and Wall Street regulation enacted as well as esyablishing the SEC as enforcement entity, and then the Bolstead Act(alcohol prohibition) was overturned also. That is why I have great hope for OUR side winning on our issues over the next 3 to 5 years. So there you got it. Save my predictions and come Thanksgiving we will find out if my Swami powers of political clairvoyance acumen amount to more than "pipe" dreams. I finish by quoting Winston Chruchill:" If you look far enough back into the past and history, you will see the future."
Best regards always from The Bluzboy!
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Ya know bluzboy, for all of your railing against the GOP and Republicans, you apparently need to be reminded of the fact that there is only one Presidential Candidate that advocates the legalization of Marijuana.

And he is a member of the GOP. Not the current socialist in office. Your beloved left winger, champion of the people, does NOT support anyone on this forum.

It is obvious you are a left winger / socialist, but keep the left right shit outta this, as the head Democrat in office, is all of our enemies too. Obama did one of those flip-flop thingies, didn't he? Umm, yea, the democrats are really our friends, aren't they?

On balance and on whole both the republican and democratic parties are our enemies.

Maybe you should look into libertarianism. ;)


Maybe you should actually read Adam Smith's book about Capitalism and then you so called Libertarians might quit using his picture on your wing nut T-shirts and as a flag for your philosophies. And the war on drugs and MJ was started by a Republican named "Nixon" who was not a Democrat. I was smoking weed 4 years before he started it punk. And I am sick of you asinine so called conservatives calling anybody or anything you don't like socialism. Want to start a war with an ex-marine and there aint no such thing as an ex-marine. I was kicking ass in Nam before you were ever even sucking on tit so don't come on my thread punk and start your "socialist" rants or some Glen Beck brown shirt nonsense. And the thing that burns me the most about wing nut libertarian Tea Party whack job smart aleck's like you is that most of you never had the guts to wear a uniform or much less even bleed a little for what you believe in. So get off my thread and don't come back PUNK!


On Saturday Night Live the skit I would like to see is where the SNL team does a skit of the finals for "Dancin' With The Stars" and the three competing couples in the finals are:
Couple #1. Ron Paul and Boy George who for the finals do that 70's sleazy disco dance "The Bump" together to Boy George's "Do you really want to hurt me?".
Couple #2. Rosie O'Donnell and Dick Cheney who for the finals do that French dance( I think its from France too) where the dancers slap, punch, and throw each other on the ground to some music from probably.....France .
Couple #3. Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck dressed up like New York's Naked Cowboy/Naked Indian doing a hip-hop/disco dance off against each other to Madonna's "Bad Girl".
Now this skit is sure to get me my Emmy even if I never get to win my Cannabis Cup.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Maybe you should actually read Adam Smith's book about Capitalism

I own it. Along with many other books. Wtf is a 'so called' libertarian? Are you a 'so called' democrat?

And the war on drugs and MJ was started by a Republican named "Nixon" who was not a Democrat.

And every single democratic President has continued that war, haven't they? Up to and including the current democrat in office. That is my point. BOTH parties are no friend to us. Further, mj prohibition was in effect in the mid 30's. On top of that it was a DEMOCRATICALLY controlled Congress that passed the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. Democrats pushed the bill through Congress and a Republican signed off on it. Again, both parties don't like us and put us in jail.

It wasn't just a Republican President. It was a Republican Pres and Democratic Congress that teamed up and worked together to create the WOD. Get yer fuckin' facts straight meathead, before you start calling guys like me punks and you make yourself look like an angry idiot.

Wow. You really got yer little girl panties in a wad over this, huh? I think I see a vein popping out on your forehead. Maybe you should fire up a bowl and chill the fuck out so you don't come across as such a douche bag calling me names. I ain't a conservative. I thought it was more than clear that I lean toward the libertarian side of things. Big difference. You would think someone as old as yourself would understand that, but it is apparent to me that in all your years of life, you haven't really taken the time to properly educate yourself on things political and philosophical.

And I am sick of you asinine so called conservatives calling anybody or anything you don't like socialism.

Don't know what to tell you, old man. You champion and implement socialist political policies and, well, you are someone who supports socialism.

Don't get butt hurt about, just accept the fact that you and Mao and Lenin have more incommon, politically, than I and the Constitution do. It is nothing more than an accurate and clincal observation. Don't want to be called a socialist, well, then don't support socialistic policies. Pretty simple. Not quite sure how you turned into such and old man without figurring such simple things out. I am just a young man of 40, but even a 16 year old can understand that.

Want to start a war with an ex-marine and there aint no such thing as an ex-marine.

You're a real tough guy, aren't ya? Me, I would have split to Canada instead of being forced to kill another human being for no good reason, but I am just some young punk. Nothing to be proud of there buddy. You were part of the exermination of 1,000,000 people in a foreign land who were NO THREAT TO YOU and who wanted to decide for themselves what form of government to have. Nothing wrong with being drafted, I personally don't hold it against you the fact that you were involved in killing innocent people in a foreign land because you were drafted, I don't condemn you for it, I don't think you are a bad person because of it, but I certainly am not impressed by it either.

What, was that supposed to scare or intimidate me, or were you just looking to brag to us stoners about how tough you are and the fact that you taken the lives of other human beings? 'Cause here 40 year old my punk ass is in your thread, neither intimidated nor impressed. You gonna bring your walker and adult diapers to this war, old man?

Me, well, I'm just a fuggin' stoner and ain't looking for no war. I'd prefer to smoke a bowl with you instead.

And the thing that burns me the most about wing nut libertarian Tea Party whack job smart aleck's like you is that most of you never had the guts to wear a uniform or much less even bleed a little for what you believe in.

Everyone here raise their hand if they have never been to war and killed another human being. That's a lot of hands I see raised there tough guy. A whole bunch of hands in the air. Sorry there wasn't a draft going on when I was 18. I guess that makes me a gutless pussy, huh?

Chill the fuck out old man. You are coming across like a complete douche bag dickhead. What I said was accurate. Neither democrats or republicans are our friends. Neither. Live in your fantasy world if you want, but the reality is that it ain't just the GOP that prosecutes and imprisons us and the democrats are the ones who pushed the WOD through Congress to begin with.

Nixon couldn't have a WOD were it not for the democrats passing the bill that allowed it and made it happen.

Ya know, I feel for you. I truly do. I have no doubt war is hell. My old man was a marine on the DMZ in 66-67. I know it had negative effects on him. I also know that the VA can help people like you with counsling to deal with the trauma.

You should look into it, 'cause you got some real anger issues and are posting like a fuckin' 17 year old boy instead of an adult man. That was 40 years ago dude. The fact that you are bringing that up in a thread on a stoner forum tells me you have some unresolved issues from being forced by your government to kill other human beings. I wish you the best with dealing with those very apparent issues buddy. I really do.

Now, I'll get outta 'your' thread. But not because you told me to. Because I don't like wasting too much time talking to ignorant douchebags that feel the need to brag about how tough they are because 40 years ago they were, umm, 'kicking ass in Nam', killing other human beings that posed NO threat to them. Deal with your issues from a war 40 years ago, don't take your issues out on me, tough guy.


You would not know what socialism is even if it bit you on your ass Jack ass. I told you to keep your shite off my thread punk. The only libertarian I ever knew was loud mouth nancy like yourself who sold me a gun so he had some money to run to Canada to escape the draft. Jesus, is that you Bill, the coward from my home town of Philipsburg Montana. Nobody misses you coward. And like I thought, your just another loud mouthed punk nancy who if was in the room right now, yes, I would beat you bloody you buggering loud mouth coward. Stay in Canada and keep your puppy ass on the porch with your Mom nearby so you don't get hurt. And If you read Adam Smith;s book then you did not read it very well for Smith invented capitalism for all the opposite reasons you libertarians and other jack ass loud GOP anti-government, anti-tax, solipsistic neo conservatives who actually believe in nothing, invest in nothing, produce nothing in tangable logic or reason unless you want to live in and under a plutocracy of Mitt Romney like corporate facists. I told you to get off my thread you jackass gutless coward. If I wanted anymore of your opinions on anything I would have asked for it. And like I thought, you are a gutless nancy who would pee all over himself if you actually had to fight for your beliefs or bleed for them.


I own it. Along with many other books. Wtf is a 'so called' libertarian? Are you a 'so called' democrat?

And every single democratic President has continued that war, haven't they? Up to and including the current democrat in office. That is my point. BOTH parties are no friend to us. Further, mj prohibition was in effect in the mid 30's. On top of that it was a DEMOCRATICALLY controlled Congress that passed the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. Democrats pushed the bill through Congress and a Republican signed off on it. Again, both parties don't like us and put us in jail.

It wasn't just a Republican President. It was a Republican Pres and Democratic Congress that teamed up and worked together to create the WOD. Get yer fuckin' facts straight meathead, before you start calling guys like me punks and you make yourself look like an angry idiot.

Wow. You really got yer little girl panties in a wad over this, huh? I think I see a vein popping out on your forehead. Maybe you should fire up a bowl and chill the fuck out so you don't come across as such a douche bag calling me names. I ain't a conservative. I thought it was more than clear that I lean toward the libertarian side of things. Big difference. You would think someone as old as yourself would understand that, but it is apparent to me that in all your years of life, you haven't really taken the time to properly educate yourself on things political and philosophical.

Don't know what to tell you, old man. You champion and implement socialist political policies and, well, you are someone who supports socialism.

Don't get butt hurt about, just accept the fact that you and Mao and Lenin have more incommon, politically, than I and the Constitution do. It is nothing more than an accurate and clincal observation. Don't want to be called a socialist, well, then don't support socialistic policies. Pretty simple. Not quite sure how you turned into such and old man without figurring such simple things out. I am just a young man of 40, but even a 16 year old can understand that.

You're a real tough guy, aren't ya? Me, I would have split to Canada instead of being forced to kill another human being for no good reason, but I am just some young punk. Nothing to be proud of there buddy. You were part of the exermination of 1,000,000 people in a foreign land who were NO THREAT TO YOU and who wanted to decide for themselves what form of government to have. Nothing wrong with being drafted, I personally don't hold it against you the fact that you were involved in killing innocent people in a foreign land because you were drafted, I don't condemn you for it, I don't think you are a bad person because of it, but I certainly am not impressed by it either.

What, was that supposed to scare or intimidate me, or were you just looking to brag to us stoners about how tough you are and the fact that you taken the lives of other human beings? 'Cause here 40 year old my punk ass is in your thread, neither intimidated nor impressed. You gonna bring your walker and adult diapers to this war, old man?

Me, well, I'm just a fuggin' stoner and ain't looking for no war. I'd prefer to smoke a bowl with you instead.

Everyone here raise their hand if they have never been to war and killed another human being. That's a lot of hands I see raised there tough guy. A whole bunch of hands in the air. Sorry there wasn't a draft going on when I was 18. I guess that makes me a gutless pussy, huh?

Chill the fuck out old man. You are coming across like a complete douche bag dickhead. What I said was accurate. Neither democrats or republicans are our friends. Neither. Live in your fantasy world if you want, but the reality is that it ain't just the GOP that prosecutes and imprisons us and the democrats are the ones who pushed the WOD through Congress to begin with.

Nixon couldn't have a WOD were it not for the democrats passing the bill that allowed it and made it happen.

Ya know, I feel for you. I truly do. I have no doubt war is hell. My old man was a marine on the DMZ in 66-67. I know it had negative effects on him. I also know that the VA can help people like you with counsling to deal with the trauma.

You should look into it, 'cause you got some real anger issues and are posting like a fuckin' 17 year old boy instead of an adult man. That was 40 years ago dude. The fact that you are bringing that up in a thread on a stoner forum tells me you have some unresolved issues from being forced by your government to kill other human beings. I wish you the best with dealing with those very apparent issues buddy. I really do.

Now, I'll get outta 'your' thread. But not because you told me to. Because I don't like wasting too much time talking to ignorant douchebags that feel the need to brag about how tough they are because 40 years ago they were, umm, 'kicking ass in Nam', killing other human beings that posed NO threat to them. Deal with your issues from a war 40 years ago, don't take your issues out on me, tough guy.
You are a just an insidious little bastard of a punk. Just a fucking lousy chicken shit fucked up loud mouth Punk. Some day some nearby vet is going to mop up the floor with you and you will find out how there is no such thing as free speech for nancy pee on yourself cowards like you. You will learn that a wise "punk" thinks twice before he speaks and then says nothing on that day. I would be glad to teach that lesson any time even though you got 40 years less than me "dudddddde". When you get some guts to fight for what you believe in let me know, other wise go play with the other "little" kids and libertarians out in sandbox in the back yard before you get run over by something adult.


And by the way, the only Democrat President since Carter in 76 was Clinton who smartly pulled 300 DEA agents off of MJ bust assignments and put them to work busting cyber kiddie porn traders instead. So get your fucking facts straight before your open your fucking mouth about Democrat presidents and MJ prosecutions too. The fewest amount of MJ cultivators/growers busted during a presidential tenure of the last 40 years was during a tenure of the only Democrat President of the last 40 years named Clinton. It was a low priority during his tenure.


This is why I know Cat Jockey and every Libertarian, GOP'er, Tea Party Wing nut that says something about free markets and Adam Smith never read a damn thing by Adam Smith and if they did, they just looked at the pictures and there aren't any. So here you go Cat Jockey. This is why you are an absolute idiot about Adam Smith and proves you never read the book in the first place. I know courage is hard for you to come by but read the below facts about "Adam Smith" and his idea of free market capitalism .
Smith’s work comes in two volumes, his “Theory of Moral Sentiments” and his “Wealth of Nations.” In both, his primary concern is not to free mankind from the hold of government but to free the market from the undue influence of a handful of hereditary plutocrats (nothing personal, Mitt) who seek to escape the rules of the market, control their own costs, and set their own prices, contributing only as much to the public weal as they feel like. It’s a radical, not a conservative doctrine (which is why Dr. Johnson distrusted him so much, probably don't even know who Dr. Johnson is do you Cat). Smith was for a government that intervened regularly and actively on behalf of consumers and against the natural tendency of “producers”—i.e., very wealthy people, whether aristocratic landowners or manufacturers or, perhaps, financial-leverage experts—to band together for their own benefit. The laissez-faire economy, truly “left alone,” becomes a conspiracy of producers against consumers, of sellers against buyers, and makes the submissive state hostage to special interests. As Smith wrote, “The interest of the dealers”—i.e., manufactures and merchants—“in any particular branch of trade or manufacture, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public.”
Smith, as I wrote, does not think that “government is the problem”; he thinks problems arise when the rich are able to make the government take their side. A healthy sovereign state is what serves the public against the producers. (He was all for high wages, by the way, on the now old-fashioned grounds that the actual wealth of a society can be discerned not by how much its top class has—you can find rich topsters in Ur or ancient Egypt—but by the dissemination of wealth to the many. “The high price of labor,” he wrote, “is the essence of public opulence.”)
It isn’t just that a free market can survive regulation; it’s that the free market is the product of regulation, regulation designed to protect the public from the kind of arrangement that, let’s say, allows people with undue influence on the government to have a lower tax rate than people who don’t. This makes Smith, as I wrote, a firm believer in public goods: his state has an obligation to build roads and schools, establish an army, build bridges and highways, and do all the other things necessary for a sane polity in which the market can function naturally. Everyone should pay for them, and the rich should always pay more than others. “The rich should contribute to the public expense not only in proportion to their revenue,” Smith writes, “but something more than in that proportion.” (He also thought, Mitt and Cat Jockey, that taxes should be paid with joy, as a contribution to the well-being of all.)
And this—that—all goes deeper than questions of efficiency, to questions of what we can only call the common emotional tone that lets prosperity happen. As Emma Rothschild writes in “Economic Sentiments,” her matchless 2001 study of Smith’s thought, it depends on what might be called niceness: Smith’s “faith … is in the mildness and thoughtfulness of most individual men and women. He is induced thereby to believe that they will usually not pursue their interests in grossly oppressive ways, and that they will usually wish to live in a society in which other people are not grossly oppressed or deprived.” Even if more money can be made by the producer by enclosing the land the peasant’s animals grazed on or by hiring child labor—or by looting someone’s pension funds—a decent concern for the opinions of mankind will stop the wise producer from doing these things, because he will know that they will break the bonds of common sympathy, the sense that we’re all in this together, on which the producer’s—or the equity manager’s—well-being ultimately depends.
It’s always easy, Smith knew, to provoke a cycle of exploitation, rage, and revolution; that’s what most of history has been. What’s hard is to replace it with one of “mildness”—of public decency, progressive reform, and shared prosperity. You couldn’t have a free market unless you had all the institutions of trust in place that only a sovereign state can guarantee. (If you want to know what capitalism looks like without those institutions, think of words like “Russia,” “oligarchs,” and “kleptocracy.”) Everything we mean by a free market depends on a functioning, sympathetic state—a state rooted not in selfish individualism but in a social sympathy so broadly articulated and institutionalized that every man is confident that he can make an honest deal with his fellow man. So its hysterical that Libertarians, GOP'ers, and Tea Party anti-government people like yourself quote Adam Smith to promote your political dogmas that Smith in reality condemns and would today condemn your dogma as plutocracy or an oligarch for elites. So youi were saying something Cat Jockey about really knowing something about Adam Smith but it appears you know about as much about Adam Smith as you got courage. I notice that Libertarians or conservatives when confronted to fight for anything at all they practice the Monty Python and The Holy Grail tactic of "Run Away, Run Away!!!!! You know Cat, I can respect somebody like Ali who went to prison rather than serve. That I respect. But you libertarian anti-war or neo-con cowards that would run to Canada rather than wear a uniform if drafted, you don't deserve anything but a closet of canary yellow shirts and pants to wear every day that display in large letters I AM A FUCKING COWARD. And you know NOTHING about Adam Smith Cat Jockey. Not only are you a coward, you are a liar.


The only idiotic Douchebag on this thread is you and I bet over the next few days you get thousands alerts asserting that you are just that and as I stated, a gutless coward, as well as an imbecile on who and what Adam Smith stood for. You might have one of his books laying around but you never read it. No there isn't a draft but if there was one we now know you are one of the cowards that would run and hide from it in Canada. Which is a common trait in libertarian patriots(remember, I bought a pistol from one just like you in 67 so he could catch a bus to Canada)and you even asked for a show of hands of other cowards but so far no one has stuck their hand up out here on this thread. So obviously, you are not an expert on Adam Smith, or libertarian politics, but have a great deal of knowledge about "running away" if faced with actually defending or bleeding for anything you state you believe in. Oh, I'm sorry Cat, you have the courage to call people douche bags while you "run away! run away!" to Canada. Like I said, keep your puppy ass on the porch so you did get run over by adulthood Cat.
sky high

sky high

The blanket statement that Obama lied or "flip-flopped" on MMJ is...well..a lie perpertuated by (again) someone who goes on what they HEAR rather then on the truth.

When Holder made the statement that the DEA wouldn't come after MMJ patients adhering to State law...Colorado had NO provision for "Centers" and 1284 was nowhere to be seen. Soon after, once the greedy fucks like you started thinking that MMJ was your road to riches and started opening retail stores ....Colorado passed 1284 to regulate those stores. This was AFTER the Holder memo.....and truth be told (remember truth?) only the PATIENTS and the STATE who had GREED as their sole motive "flip-flopped" on MMJ....not the Gov't or Obama.

Cali is the only state that has a valid bitch. Their laws allowing sales and non-prof (?) dispensaries were well on the books when the Holder memo hit the street. Anyone in CO who whines that they didn't know what the license was..or who act as if the Gov't changed their tune and is now OUT TO GET THEM is illiterate because the parameters were all spelled out multiple times between the drop of the Holder memo in Oct 2009 and the July 2010 enactment of 1284.

If yer gonna come back to the Farm merely to attack folks and spread negativity simply because you weren't able to hang with the big boys.... at least get yer fuckin facts straight.


The blanket statement that Obama lied or "flip-flopped" on MMJ is...well..a lie perpertuated by (again) someone who goes on what they HEAR rather then on the truth.

When Holder made the statement that the DEA wouldn't come after MMJ patients adhering to State law...Colorado had NO provision for "Centers" and 1284 was nowhere to be seen. Soon after, once the greedy fucks like you started thinking that MMJ was your road to riches and started opening retail stores ....Colorado passed 1284 to regulate those stores. This was AFTER the Holder memo.....and truth be told (remember truth?) only the PATIENTS and the STATE who had GREED as their sole motive "flip-flopped" on MMJ....not the Gov't or Obama.

Cali is the only state that has a valid bitch. Their laws allowing sales and non-prof (?) dispensaries were well on the books when the Holder memo hit the street. Anyone in CO who whines that they didn't know what the license was..or who act as if the Gov't changed their tune and is now OUT TO GET THEM is illiterate because the parameters were all spelled out multiple times between the drop of the Holder memo in Oct 2009 and the July 2010 enactment of 1284.

If yer gonna come back to the Farm merely to attack folks and spread negativity simply because you weren't able to hang with the big boys.... at least get yer fuckin facts straight.
I am assuming you are making your statement to Cat Jockey since he is the one making the "flip flop" accusation and since my belief is that Obama if re-elected will use Executive Order to reclassify or decriminilize MJ in 2013. And since Cat Jockey has the Adam Smith book but has not read it, we can assume his notions on Adam Smith are as skewed and misinformed as his Obama flip flopped statement Sky High. I also think its hysterical that Libertarians wear/use Adam Smith's portrait on T-shirts and other things associated with their party when Smith would be the first to denounce the Libertarian party and its platform. Libertarians would actually know that if they read either of Adam Smith's books besides just looked and paged through the books looking for pictures.
sky high

sky high

I was certainly thinking about our buddy's posts when I penned it Bluz...but it also pertains to any of the folks who stepped outside of A20 and ultimately forced the changes we have seen via 1284.

s h


Thanks for the support on this thread invading jackass by the way, I appreciate that Sky High greatly. I agree with you about 1284/109. It was folks stepping outside A20 that contributed to 1284/109 creation. I would point out however that HB1284 and SB109 also cost Democrat Senator Chris Romer the main author of SB109/HB1284 to lose the Denver Mayoral race against Michael Hancock however by over 16 points. In fact it has cost Chris Romer his whole political career because he intended to run for governor after serving as Denver's mayor. I believe all of those aspirations have been effectively shattered by Romer's extensive involvement with both bills. And those bills, HB1284 and SB109,will/have come back to haunt him in any further runs for political office in Colorado. MMJ patients and business' in Denver and around the state have made sure Romer keeps paying for it politically as well. Notice you haven't heard much from or about Chris Romer in Colorado politics or Democrat politics anymore.
sky high

sky high

Since he was key in authoring/passing/shoving these bills down the throats of the patients and the public, I personally hope that Romer is the first one in handcuffs IF the DEA ever finds their balls and takes this sham and >all< of it's participants down.

Had he/any of the other lawmakers had ANY balls they would have stopped this "industry' in it's tracks and allowed the same people who voted in amendment 20 to say whether or not they wanted or needed these "dispensaries" and huge grow warehouses in their communities rather than cooking up the tax/licensing scheme known as HB1284 and circumventing/ignoring the original will and intent of the people and A20.
Darth Fader

Darth Fader

I own it. Along with many other books. Wtf is a 'so called' libertarian? Are you a 'so called' democrat?

And every single democratic President has continued that war, haven't they? Up to and including the current democrat in office. That is my point. BOTH parties are no friend to us. Further, mj prohibition was in effect in the mid 30's. On top of that it was a DEMOCRATICALLY controlled Congress that passed the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. Democrats pushed the bill through Congress and a Republican signed off on it. Again, both parties don't like us and put us in jail.

It wasn't just a Republican President. It was a Republican Pres and Democratic Congress that teamed up and worked together to create the WOD. Get yer fuckin' facts straight meathead, before you start calling guys like me punks and you make yourself look like an angry idiot.

Wow. You really got yer little girl panties in a wad over this, huh? I think I see a vein popping out on your forehead. Maybe you should fire up a bowl and chill the fuck out so you don't come across as such a douche bag calling me names. I ain't a conservative. I thought it was more than clear that I lean toward the libertarian side of things. Big difference. You would think someone as old as yourself would understand that, but it is apparent to me that in all your years of life, you haven't really taken the time to properly educate yourself on things political and philosophical.

Don't know what to tell you, old man. You champion and implement socialist political policies and, well, you are someone who supports socialism.

Don't get butt hurt about, just accept the fact that you and Mao and Lenin have more incommon, politically, than I and the Constitution do. It is nothing more than an accurate and clincal observation. Don't want to be called a socialist, well, then don't support socialistic policies. Pretty simple. Not quite sure how you turned into such and old man without figurring such simple things out. I am just a young man of 40, but even a 16 year old can understand that.

You're a real tough guy, aren't ya? Me, I would have split to Canada instead of being forced to kill another human being for no good reason, but I am just some young punk. Nothing to be proud of there buddy. You were part of the exermination of 1,000,000 people in a foreign land who were NO THREAT TO YOU and who wanted to decide for themselves what form of government to have. Nothing wrong with being drafted, I personally don't hold it against you the fact that you were involved in killing innocent people in a foreign land because you were drafted, I don't condemn you for it, I don't think you are a bad person because of it, but I certainly am not impressed by it either.

What, was that supposed to scare or intimidate me, or were you just looking to brag to us stoners about how tough you are and the fact that you taken the lives of other human beings? 'Cause here 40 year old my punk ass is in your thread, neither intimidated nor impressed. You gonna bring your walker and adult diapers to this war, old man?

Me, well, I'm just a fuggin' stoner and ain't looking for no war. I'd prefer to smoke a bowl with you instead.

Everyone here raise their hand if they have never been to war and killed another human being. That's a lot of hands I see raised there tough guy. A whole bunch of hands in the air. Sorry there wasn't a draft going on when I was 18. I guess that makes me a gutless pussy, huh?

Chill the fuck out old man. You are coming across like a complete douche bag dickhead. What I said was accurate. Neither democrats or republicans are our friends. Neither. Live in your fantasy world if you want, but the reality is that it ain't just the GOP that prosecutes and imprisons us and the democrats are the ones who pushed the WOD through Congress to begin with.

Nixon couldn't have a WOD were it not for the democrats passing the bill that allowed it and made it happen.

Ya know, I feel for you. I truly do. I have no doubt war is hell. My old man was a marine on the DMZ in 66-67. I know it had negative effects on him. I also know that the VA can help people like you with counsling to deal with the trauma.

You should look into it, 'cause you got some real anger issues and are posting like a fuckin' 17 year old boy instead of an adult man. That was 40 years ago dude. The fact that you are bringing that up in a thread on a stoner forum tells me you have some unresolved issues from being forced by your government to kill other human beings. I wish you the best with dealing with those very apparent issues buddy. I really do.

Now, I'll get outta 'your' thread. But not because you told me to. Because I don't like wasting too much time talking to ignorant douchebags that feel the need to brag about how tough they are because 40 years ago they were, umm, 'kicking ass in Nam', killing other human beings that posed NO threat to them. Deal with your issues from a war 40 years ago, don't take your issues out on me, tough guy.

ROFL! Textbook smackdown!
Darth Fader

Darth Fader


blah,blah,douchebaggery, blah,blah,...

if was in the room right now, yes, I would beat you bloody you buggering loud mouth coward.

... (more stupidity) ...

...I told you to get off my thread you jackass gutless coward. If I wanted anymore of your opinions on anything I would have asked for it. And like I thought, you are a gutless nancy who would pee all over himself if you actually had to fight for your beliefs or bleed for them.


IB4TL = "In before the lock" LOL
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