Are These Plants Big Enough To Cut Clones Off Yet?

  • Thread starter jinxjj
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Please see attached pics. Would like to know if these are ready to be cut and cloned.

Any issues from the pics I should be aware of? They all look same shade of green so guessing they are all healthy. Taller ones are about 6inches tall. Only getting tap water right now, they are about 4wks old.
Are these plants big enough to cut clones off yet
Are these plants big enough to cut clones off yet 2
Are these plants big enough to cut clones off yet 3
Are these plants big enough to cut clones off yet 4


Best of luck. Peace
Please see attached pics. Would like to know if these are ready to be cut and cloned.

Any issues from the pics I should be aware of? They all look same shade of green so guessing they are all healthy. Taller ones are about 6inches tall. Only getting tap water right now, they are about 4wks old.
Looking good. A lot of farmers will say to let them get 5-6 sets of leaves established before you top them. I say give them another week then top. You are close and you CAN, but they could use some time first. Best of luck.


The soil is Humboldt nutrients ()

Tap water I pH to around 6 (waiting on my digital meter for exact reading). The bigger plants began their life from seed in the solo cups, the runts were started in jiffy pellets and were transplanted early on in their life.


Im also thinking about switching to pro-mix when I run out of this soil, how does it compare to what I'm using now?

happy b

I would leave them another two weeks but it really depends on how many cuttings you want to take from each plant.
if you want more than one cutting per plant pinch away the growing tip at the very top of your plants and let them grow for a few more weeks to branch them out a bit.also if you repot into bigger pots theyr more likely to grow faster as the plants know wen theyr in a small container and grow accordingly.


I would leave them another two weeks but it really depends on how many cuttings you want to take from each plant.
if you want more than one cutting per plant pinch away the growing tip at the very top of your plants and let them grow for a few more weeks to branch them out a bit.also if you repot into bigger pots theyr more likely to grow faster as the plants know wen theyr in a small container and grow accordingly.
Would it be possible to grow them out in the cups some more? When should I be potting up and to what size pot?

I'd like to take at LEAST 1 clone cutting from the plants so I can grow those out, flower them and weed out the males. I only have space for eight 5gal pots so I want to be sure I'm putting my best 8 females in them.

After the first 8 are done I'm going to switch over to SOG style and increase the plant count. Prob shoot for 2-3 plants per Sq ft.

happy b

Would it be possible to grow them out in the cups some more? When should I be potting up and to what size pot?

I'd like to take at LEAST 1 clone cutting from the plants so I can grow those out, flower them and weed out the males. I only have space for eight 5gal pots so I want to be sure I'm putting my best 8 females in them.

After the first 8 are done I'm going to switch over to SOG style and increase the plant count. Prob shoot for 2-3 plants per Sq ft.
If that is your plan you should try to take a two clone minimum from each plant to be could leave em in the cups a bit longer but they will grow slower than they should once the plant has "out grown" the then becomes harder to keep the plant in good condition.however if you are confident you could root all the cuttings you take then one would be enough.failing that what you could do is leave a few buds and leaves on any plant you want to keep that you dont have clones of at harvest.pot into a slightly bigger pot with free soil and put it back into veg light cycle.after a few weeks you will have a mother of your favourite plant that has shoots growing in all directions and are perfect for cuttings.your better only doing that if you dont have a choice though.


I have a 16 site ez clone so I will assume they all live. Worst case I try again with another cliping.

happy b

If you hav an ez cloner cut at could probably root the shittiest of twigs in one of those bad boys.if you have square pots you can pack as many in as you can(provided you arnt worried about plant numbers)after youv rooted your cuts put em in ther 5/6"pots veg for a week then flip.if you have an 8/9 week strain you,ll be on a every 9/10week harvest can just keep your ez cloner going


Ok cool. I think I'll start with some of the 5 or 6" pots and see how those go. I want to try and have various rows of different stages of development so I can have a continuous harvest. I should be able to squeeze in 6 rows of 8. I got the big 5 gals to grow out the first set of plants that I bloom since I need to slowly build up my clones so no sense in letting the bloom area go to waste :)

happy b

If you do eight rows of six with an 8week strain and no veg time you could harvest 6plants a week.or maybe 12 a fortnight would be better.a good bit of work though but would be worth it.


That was pretty much my goal happy b, harvest every week or two weeks. Right now leaning towards every two weeks. Need to get this strain dialed in and also getting a bunch of new clones from a friend. Its my first grow so learning alot as i go along.

happy b

I need to be honest jinx,your taking on alot for a first grow.i wouldnt bank on what your going to other words,dont expect TOO much from your first grow.if (and i hope its not the case)something goes wrong dont flip out,keep sound like you have a good idea of what your doing.if your planning on harvesting every fortnight you will have to have your ez cloner going constantly and atleast one big mom or two medium size moms.if u have the space i would go with two moms so you can alternate now amd again to give em noth a chance to "rest" from having cuts taken.that should be perfect.

happy b

Jinx i was thinking about getting an ez cloner.are they any good and how much was your 16 site one?


Appreciate all the advice man! I know it seems like alot but i have an experienced grower friend helping me along locally, and i just do as much research as i can online. I had some trouble when i first started out because i used those shitty jiffy peat moss pucks but all the seeds i started in soil are beasts ( will upload some new pics to my grow journal shortly). Another reason i have so many plants is i expected to loose alot along the way being a noob, i think i started with a little over 30 seedlings and down to around 20 now i think. Really just trying to do a ton of research and keep my options open at this point, if i can come out with at least 1 successful plant i will be happy and will have learned alot for the next time around!

The ez clone works well, i got mine off amazon for 130$ but i'm sure you can find them a few bucks cheaper elsewhere since they slightly jack up the prices on amazon prime items. My friend has a much larger version (around 70 pucks) and he's been pumping out so many clones hes had to toss alot of them. I also came across a thread on here the other day which detailed how to make your own EZ clone out of a camping cooler which looked pretty badass (i would have done it if i didn't alredy buy the ez clone).
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