Arthritis_sucks makes his journey to the Farmer

  • Thread starter ArthritiSux
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I get a lump in my chest as I type this.......I longed for the community that was lost on OG, an felt it growing on IC. But now our Canna world is left in doubt an rumors are about. What is one to do but to take care of the number one aspect of our I come in peace, in search of an alternate community to share my passion and love for our great herb. Hope to meet new friends and share the wealth of knowledge in my noggin.

A lil about me, I'm in my 30's an have been growin for about 21 years.........DAMN....just realized that. I was mentored when I was a freshman in high school by my best friends dad. We would always smoke his killer herb he would say his dad hooked him up with. It was always this killer Hawaiian skunk that was a lime green madness. Well I had been throwin seeds in the backyard for a year now an he told his dad what I've been doin an I guess I had the green light to go to the backyard one day. OMFG! I have never seen buds so big......literally the size of a 300lb mans leg but twice as long. the plants spread around the whole backyard and on the side of the garage was a custom built shack on the side filled with mothers and cuts. I was in amazement standing out there, I just wanted to hug a plant or something.......and that was it. I fell in love with the great Canna Goddess that blesses us all today. A few days later I came over and his dad answered the door and my buddy was behind him, he let me in and proceeded to this table drapped in a cloth. Removed the cloth an showed me a phototron {old school growing chamber sold on hightimes} with a single plant in it. Started talkin about how his son told him about my passion and he started fillin my head with the do's and don'ts, an gave me a spiral edition of the growers handbook. Left his door open for whatever I needed in knowledge but that was it. It was more than I could ever ask for an am thankful of what he taught me overtime.

That time has long past an I lost contact with their family. I have kept to my self about growing and don't tell a soul but one person that I taught the craft to and is now self sufficient. Don't always work that way though. I joined the mmj scene when I was injured on the job very badly and found out through MRI that I had Osteoarthritis in an advanced stage. Basically they looked at my MRI an said this can't be his. It looks like the bones of a 60 year old. I have bone spurs all over popping in my joints an clicking causing inflammation an extreme wear. My father was in the Vietnam war an was sprayed or came in contact with Agent Orange. It went into his DNA and he passed it onto his offspring. It takes shape in many ways but mostly in bone degenerative disease forms. I was lucky enough to get this advanced Osteoarthritis along with a messed up back from the accident. When I found out about my condition I looked into the drugs they wanted to prescribe me and I immediately started searching for homeopathic alternates once I saw all the crap that came along with being on a pharma life/death. I found out that this great herb is one of the strongest anti-inflammatory drugs out there with 0 side effects......besides the munchies, but that has never killed anyone......minus the twinkie bingers. So I got a script for the bad stuff, an then went to a doc to get a script for herb. Then every year I need to pay for a damn new one, which I feel is so stupid since my arthritis doesn't go away. They need to make up regulations that allow certain patients a lifetime script. Won't ever happen though, wishful thinking.

I started growing for other patients in 05' and have been expanding ever since. I started collecting certain strains for my first pollen chuck a year ago and made some seeds outta what was crossed. I was gifted some beans from Maj.Pothead and Ganesh a while back when I was at a low point with no access to cuts or ability to buy beans. With their generosity I was able to use one of Maj's Bubba Ho Tep males to dust:
King Louie XIII (ape)
Green Dragon(Maj.Pothead)
Strawberry Diesel f3(Fractal Genetics-Ganesh)

The male was very sticky and stacked nicely with a short flowering period which was used. I kept him in an isolation chamber and waited for the pollen to start droppin. Dusted at week 3 and got a few hundred beans. I have already gifted a bunch of these beans out and have gotten reports back of their dankness from the King Louie cross that was ran. Feels good to give back to the community.

But that's enough of my grow passion, this is about ME! J/K.......hope to meet some new friends on here an as always learn something new.


20130912 082920

hope this works.


Living dead girl
Welcome to the farm, Arthritis, it's nice to see you and we're pleased to have you.


Thanx for all the warm welcomes. Lookin forward to new beginnings.


Hey, welcome to the farm lots of good people & good info. Nice pic, looks like sugar!


Hey, welcome to the farm lots of good people & good info. Nice pic, looks like sugar!
Thanx, its a Maj.Pothead/Jaws creation called Bubba Ho Tep which consists of Decapitation x insane banana kush f9


Going to be moving to norcal Eureka area soon.......woohoo! To true new beginnings.


Living dead girl
And a completely bizarre, yet easily followed one at that.


This pic issue is buggin me. I cant post pics from my phone an thats where i upload my pics from. Its worked once an not at all now. Do others have issues with their smartphones uploading?

No point of startin a thread if its just a story with no pictures. Whats that sayin,"If theres no pics, it didn't happen."

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