Aurora master pack

  • Thread starter Boogi3Man
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You gotta love when your killing time drinking your morning coffee at your local garden shop and one of the owners hand you a free sample of something you where about to purchase ! Does anyone have any experience with these products at all ? I was interested in there Oregonism XL which led me to asking about there master pack.
Aurora master pack
Aurora master pack
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

Rocking them for 3 years straight. I mix my own chart between organics n synthetics, never been happier! I strongly suggest to use them. All their ingredients are derived from great locations


Premium Gardener
The have a majorly complex schedule with an ungodly amount on ingredients. Powdered nutes, liquid nutes, organics, synthetics, and microbes. I've been using just their powdered uprising nutes with great success.

Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

Agreed, really like their dry adds, a little pricey but good stuff. I stick with thier bases for the most part. + amino aide, big swell, hpk, and hp2. Always switch it up though... Something about getting bored of the same mixeZ


Gave my girls there first dose at half strength . They seem very happy and have responded very well


I thought my product would have tought you something boogs, keep it simple stupid lol. I tried showing you the winning combo of the most simple of products and application rates but if you wanna keep making it harder for yourself then be my guest. Jk bro I hope this works for you but if not you got my number...
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

oh my god 19? That's more than I think I've used about overkill haha. How many of them have the same ingredients? I gotta look this stuff up

edit to add - someone found 19 different ways to mix poop together. wowzas.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

another poop factor would need a minimum requirement of 24 products.

also - GUANO MINING IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. I personally refuse to use it simply because it is an extremely scarce resource that is one of the only sources of nutrition for the small ecosystems of the islands where it is taken from. It damages the local soils and disrupts the colonies of bats and seabirds that create the guano, causing them stress and inevitably colony collapse. These island ecosystems represent some of the last examples of functioning, thriving biodiversity in remote/desolate climates, and there is SO much more to learn from them then there is to take from them. A real shame.


I've ran the whole line. The Roots and Synthetics. Both worked well but i have to say i favored the synthetic line over the roots line. Best results were achieved when i was using both the roots and the synthetics


I've never used their synthetic line but I have used their Organic line
and it was not that impressive in my garden.
The Buddha Grow didn't cut it in my garden at all,I was having major nutrient deficiencies trying to use it
Some strains were kinda OK with it, and some hated it........

I've tested the Oregonisim XL against Caps bennies and Root Bloom and it's a solid product.
Though the best results I've had came from Caps bennies and the Root Bloom

I really like using their hp2 liquid bat guano and continue to use it.


I thought my product would have tought you something boogs, keep it simple stupid lol. I tried showing you the winning combo of the most simple of products and application rates but if you wanna keep making it harder for yourself then be my guest. Jk bro I hope this works for you but if not you got my number...
I'm always on the hunt for something new :) but that being said its hard to turn down FREE :).
I'd have to say I have A's nute schedule locked and loaded ready to go. I'm waiting to grab some of his gear before I run that shiz


another poop factor would need a minimum requirement of 24 products.

also - GUANO MINING IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. I personally refuse to use it simply because it is an extremely scarce resource that is one of the only sources of nutrition for the small ecosystems of the islands where it is taken from. It damages the local soils and disrupts the colonies of bats and seabirds that create the guano, causing them stress and inevitably colony collapse. These island ecosystems represent some of the last examples of functioning, thriving biodiversity in remote/desolate climates, and there is SO much more to learn from them then there is to take from them. A real shame.
Damn I never thought of that.. Great post


this stuff is a tea primarily!

it needs to be bubbled for 24hrs prior to use! it will breakdown and become totally foamy.....

i like the additives, but i switched the base up! as i already make teas, so i was sick off bubbling everything all the time....

the base is junk, but the rest are good! IMO


another poop factor would need a minimum requirement of 24 products.

also - GUANO MINING IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. I personally refuse to use it simply because it is an extremely scarce resource that is one of the only sources of nutrition for the small ecosystems of the islands where it is taken from. It damages the local soils and disrupts the colonies of bats and seabirds that create the guano, causing them stress and inevitably colony collapse. These island ecosystems represent some of the last examples of functioning, thriving biodiversity in remote/desolate climates, and there is SO much more to learn from them then there is to take from them. A real shame.

And there are plenty of people who will bitch and complain about using synthetic salts that hurt the environment, but most of them use bat guano that destroys environments. The irony....

P.S. I don't wanna get off the subject of this thread and start a pissing contest between organic and synthetic ferts, I just think its funny how hypocritical alot of people are (I am NOT talking about anybody in this thread).


another poop factor would need a minimum requirement of 24 products.

also - GUANO MINING IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. I personally refuse to use it simply because it is an extremely scarce resource that is one of the only sources of nutrition for the small ecosystems of the islands where it is taken from. It damages the local soils and disrupts the colonies of bats and seabirds that create the guano, causing them stress and inevitably colony collapse. These island ecosystems represent some of the last examples of functioning, thriving biodiversity in remote/desolate climates, and there is SO much more to learn from them then there is to take from them. A real shame.

I used to get my bat guano from the mine shafts where i grew up. Did this affect the ecosystem down there? Was i stealing sources of nutrition for the critters down below? I didn't think anything down there wanted to eat that poop except my plants
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

I used to get my bat guano from the mine shafts where i grew up. Did this affect the ecosystem down there? Was i stealing sources of nutrition for the critters down below? I didn't think anything down there wanted to eat that poop except my plants

you're lucky you had a local source - ultimately those bats live in a mine shaft so that ecosystem was totally fucked a long time ago, but the guano is definitely helping to re-balance any toxicity caused by the mining. Guano mining is something that can be done responsibly and in a sustainable way, but buying off the locals and giving them a bulldozer is the current norm.

Back when I lived in Florida I would collect the dried cow patties and crumble them into compost/top dress with them, that was probably the best natural fertilizer I've used. In fact, the agrarian civilization of the Indus valley worshiped cows because cows plowed their fields in off seasons, provided milk, and provided fertilizer and fuel from their poop.

Why we don't use cow poop, I'll never know. you can order it by the freight car full, and it makes much, much happier plants than guano.
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