Bag Seed Hunting & The Lst Adventure

  • Thread starter rmoltis
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Man I have not stopped back in here for a second. I love how big that runt is getting! She's come so far:love2:

Thats very kind of you to say buddy and I hope together we can conquer the complexity and simplify the processes for those coming afterwards.

Super soil is more like an unwindable game to me so i tend not to play anymore, my advice is usually try not to get to tied up in mixing too many inputs. I would say adding your own resonant compost/ vermicompost is the best and only thing you might need to add to soil and honestly, can you say you need to change from the look of your plants today?
That said, learning about the relationships between Carbon and Nitrogen ratios is immensely valuable, but trying to get a soil to decay just the right elements at just the right time, in artificial growing conditions, is ultimately, extremely time consuming and in my opinion, no one doing this has ever produced buds that are of any better value than those using traditional methods.
Not least what are we learning here? What is actually happening to our soils as we add varying inputs, what is the sum of action? Do we need X Y or Z all or just one or other, and why and how and who is changing the state?
True story, i spent years trying to perfect a super soil, in the end i understood that it didnt really matter so long as I understood that I had quality liquids and powders to boost what was needed, and that i understand how soil type impacts levels of Organic matter and or leaching/ retention, knowing also CEC and how to re-balance this system as it gets hammered by fast growing crop types.
It was far easier for me to use a few well timed liquids and whatnots, than trying to second guess the weather and so related decay rates of multiple inputs with varying C/N etc.
Where one has time, I say go for it, but you can learn about C/N without spending heaps of cash on all manner of inputs, themselves often questionable once you understand C/N :) Get the C/N under your belt, then decide if you want to make "super soil" or if then you like me think all soil is super in the right hands. You already have green fingers bro but I can also tell you, sometimes i change my life for the sake of not wanting to continue unchallenged in monotony ;-)

Unless people are regularly taking leaf tissue samples, then I am going to keep saying observation isnt transferable or useful to anyone but the immediate viewer in most cases, and i have rarely seen a super soil thread that ever once showed me a leaf test result. IE if you cant say what is happening with actual certainty, its guess work and gut feeling. I am not saying this isnt enough, but for me...I do tend to require more convincing before i spend my money LOL

Well said! This totally reminds of the book "Teaming With Microbes". It is an excellent read for those looking to learn about Carbon and Nitrogen ratios and how they affect the microbial population.

I've run into the same school of thought when I ran different soil mixes outdoors.


This particular plant was a runt/mutant/broken embryo/backwards emerging seed sprout lol. It is delicious seeds-critical super silver haze.

She was on standby in a tiny pot during the beasts whole flower session.

Once the beast was done she got to stretch her legs in this 20 gallon pot.
And bask in a higher density of light.
She has most definitely come around from the broken seed embryo she started as.

I'm unsure what this strain potential is. But she is a living thing so I did not feel right with the idea of just throwing her out. Hopefully with love and time she will reward/thank me for giving her a chance :)

Damn! Your training champs my man, nursed it to health and tied her down all sick, hopefully she gives you plenty of awesome smoke.


The Beast Slayer
Today I made some oil from the beast.
It is a gift for a friend who is moving away.

Took 8.06 grams of medium buds.
20170508 213155

And the return was.....
20170508 213216

20170508 212354

%30.14 return!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit!!!!!


The Beast Slayer
My opinion....

Good breeding practices from thunderF and genetics being the core factors as to what is possible.

I honestly think the extended flowering period to allow the trichomes to fully swell. Was the main factor in maximizing the resin yield.

But yet again just an opinion.


My opinion....

Good breeding practices from thunderF and genetics being the core factors as to what is possible.

I honestly think the extended flowering period to allow the trichomes to fully swell. Was the main factor in maximizing the resin yield.

But yet again just an opinion.
I have to say I agree. The proof is in the pudding, or this case, the oil!


The Beast Slayer
Nice, How long ago did you chop that bud off the plant?

Not sure. It is logged back in this thread somewhere.

Just remember moisture content of buds can skew the accuracy of oil returns.

The most ideal point to gauge the most accurate measurement of concentrate return would be when there was 0 moisture in the buds.

Make sure your buds are properly dried and cured fully before attempting measurements of oil content

These buds have already been done curing and stored away in jars.


The Beast Slayer
Runt update.
20170509 194824
20170509 194852

I've been super busy with work lately.
I haven't had a day off in weeks :sleep:

But everytime I get home she is bigger and bigger. If you use the horizontal tent bar for reference in the older pictures you can see the gains.

At this rate she will be ready for flower in a few weeks (2-3).

I've Just been so drained from work I just keep adding only water to all the plants.

Im gonna drip off some help in @jipp 's thread then off to bed.


The Beast Slayer
Did some measuring and did some math.

From the top of the soil to the highest possible point of the t5 fixture. Plus the heat buffer. I have "44 of vertical height

The runt is "12 tall as of today.
20170510 172647
20170510 172703
20170510 172726

Now if I divide "44 by 3 (assuming 3x stretch, has always been perfect every round for final height) I need to flip at "15.

If divided by 2 it's "22 tall.

The t5 fixture has less heat buffering needed which frees up more upper vertical height previously not available. But I think "22 may be too much?

If I use a middleground between 2x & 3x I would need to flip at "18.5.

There is lots of nutes in the fresh soil. So the N content may cause more stretch during flower.

I may use "18 as a conservative number.

At the rate of growth in seeing everyday. I may be flipping within the week or so.

I'm gonna have to get my lollipopping game on soon :)

For now I want those roots to stretch. I'm not sure exactly when I want to lollipop, but I'll let you guys know when it happens.

Man it is gonna be a pain in the butt to lollipop lol.


The Beast Slayer
I thought it over.
And with the aggressive growth.
If I didn't defoliate now there wouldn't be enough time for her to de-stress before flip is needed.

Behold the F.O.C.
20170510 182251
20170510 191307
20170510 191647
20170510 191701
20170510 192545
20170510 192504

There were 53 tops counted :).

And with the increased soil capacity (20 gallons) I'm hoping each one turns out to be a good size compared to the beasts 56 tops in 10 gallons (granted the t5 is weaker than hps)

This round I wish to buy stakes. So that I can direct each branch to receive ample light by spreading them out.

They are able to support themselves but I wish to try positioning them this round since I'm not using tie downs.


Did some measuring and did some math.

From the top of the soil to the highest possible point of the t5 fixture. Plus the heat buffer. I have "44 of vertical height

The runt is "12 tall as of today.
View attachment 699243 View attachment 699244 View attachment 699245

Now if I divide "44 by 3 (assuming 3x stretch, has always been perfect every round for final height) I need to flip at "15.

If divided by 2 it's "22 tall.

The t5 fixture has less heat buffering needed which frees up more upper vertical height previously not available. But I think "22 may be too much?

If I use a middleground between 2x & 3x I would need to flip at "18.5.

There is lots of nutes in the fresh soil. So the N content may cause more stretch during flower.

I may use "18 as a conservative number.

At the rate of growth in seeing everyday. I may be flipping within the week or so.

I'm gonna have to get my lollipopping game on soon :)

For now I want those roots to stretch. I'm not sure exactly when I want to lollipop, but I'll let you guys know when it happens.

Man it is gonna be a pain in the butt to lollipop lol.

i guess iv done better than i originally thought at keeping her tied down.. mine is only 8" from the soil to the top ( but really wide.. hah big bottom girls. ).. but its a twisted snake mess waiting for netting.

im losing a lot of height because of the carbon filter. which sucks. to bad it can not be all nano and shit. laughs.

hope you are having a amazing day my friend.



The Beast Slayer
So you all know I was taking one half of one Vicodin each day to help alleviate pains I've been having.

Well within the last week or so I started noticing I felt like shit in the evenings. And there was one day I needed to take the 2nd half in the evening.

Well that day I noticed my bad feelings disappeared and I felt good.

It was then I realized even though I was taking a very tiny dose. My body had started to become physically dependant upon them.

So 3-4 days ago I stopped taking them. I went through a few days feeling like i was sick. It was nasty.

But today I started coming out of the funk. Now I still have pains but they are becoming more manageable. Somedays still very annoying but I'm learning to deal with them.

My first prescription of 40 pills I still have over 10 left and they have lasted me almost 2 months already now lol.

If I had taken the recommended 4 a day I'm sure I'd be having much worse withdrawal symptoms as well as a higher tolerance.

I still have them stored away for occasional use as needed. But for long term usage they are bad news.

I am still thankfull for them because they helped me return to activity while reducing the pain from activity.

It would have been much harder without them.

But now it is time to stop

I'm sure @jipp and @Broken Will approve :)


i do my friend. its funny how they make you feel good for a short period of time.

then you wake up feeling like shit. then when you take a pill it makes you feel better. however,dose nothing for pain after a while.. that is one thing i like about herb. i am not waking up thinking i need a hit.. laughs, i take one once im awake etc.. but on pills i would go from waking up, feeling like shit. knowing the only thing that wouldmake me feel better was that Oxycontin/oxycodone, etc.

i am finding that now im off the pain pills i have a much higher tolerance for pain ( not saying i like it.. just saying you deal with it.. best any of us can.. but some days are bad wont lie )..

odd how that works.

glad you realized.. i wish i would of.



that is impressive. the stock on my 4 older plants are about the size of my thumb now.. so i think they will have fun once they get transplanted to 5g this weekend.
well at least #1, and #2 since they are female. not sure about the other two yet.
the babys ill transplant to 2 gallons for now to save space since i plan on putting them in the clone tent.



Man I have not stopped back in here for a second. I love how big that runt is getting! She's come so far:love2:

Well said! This totally reminds of the book "Teaming With Microbes". It is an excellent read for those looking to learn about Carbon and Nitrogen ratios and how they affect the microbial population.

I've run into the same school of thought when I ran different soil mixes outdoors.
excellent book, very accessible.
if you want a really easy to read but highly valuable book, i recommend The ABC of Organic Agriculture - phosphites and stone meal by Jairo Resptrepo Rivera and Julius Hensel :-)

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