Be careful!

  • Thread starter Farmer Jon
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Farmer Jon

Premium Member
Wanna hear something funny?....i just made a sandwich and when i picked up the plate to take it to the sink there was a water leaf under it!!!...rofl
Moral of the short story... BE CAREFUL of what you drag into the house!
OK lets hear those crazy "almost" screwed up stories!
Stanky pockets in the ihop, reached for money and pulled my sack out at the gas station, friend just smoked a blunt and got the drive through guy high when i rolled the windows down type stuff.:banana1sv6:


Almost? Nope... Had my 1/4 of Nepalese Hash stashed in my underpants while riding the train. Smoked a half joint in the bathroom and had to stop....sooo potent. 20 minutes later I have to take a piss and of course the whole piece falls right out of my zipper through the open toilet onto the train tracks... had to smoke the rest of the joint right there to stop from crying...

On a lighter note, I had smoked half of a small piece of hash and after a while was looking for the other half and couldn't find it. Was really soft sticky black hash. Now I'm crawling on the floor trying to find that little piece, maybe 1/4 gram. No luck. After some time I gave up. Over 6 month later I'm taking my bong apart to clean it, it had this plastic bottom stand...and lo and behold... the little piece of hash was stuck to the bottom of the stand. :D Made my day :)


had a dub in my shirt pocket after a lunch session and forgot to leave it in my car then a co worker i was cool with told me i smell dank i checked my pocket sure enough i had a dub in there had to go back to the car and drop it off.


i had a dub in my pocket once, i went to 7-11 and i had cash in ,my pocket so i pull it outand put it on the counter little did i know i put the dub on the counter along with the money, im just standing not paying attention waiting for change, cashier was looking at me i look down and see my dub picked it up quick put it in my pocket and the clerk chuckled and was pretty embarressed.
thats why i use a container now.


normaslly i get asked if i want to share the love and i tip my drive attendents anug if they speak on the smell im a nice guy i like it when people are high and i love to know that i just made dudes nite cause if i didnt hook him up he would be going to toke some garbage weed if any weed i feel it brings good karma and vibes to me and my family which i give back to my plants and the people around me i truly try to live rightously in all aspects of my life now that im in my early 30s i just dont have time for bullshit or negative shit yes my fellow farmers i am alittle long winded but its cool its me 420 king


was driving down the highway with the windows open and my 1/8 in my lap while my buddy rolled the J. when the wind caught it just right and poof right out the window it went. we smoked the joint and went on down the road.


long ago when I was 16 and taking driving lessons, I for some reason stuck a bag in my front shirt pocket along with my cigs. We took a break from class, I go outside to light a smoke up and when I pulled my pack out the bag had wrapped around it and fell to the ground in front of a group of people.. I was in horror. I picked it up as quick as I could and just acted like it was nothing. Nothing became of that..

The worst.. I went on a roadtrip to Manassas Va. with a friend and he decided to camp in a park that had no tent camping and didn't want me sleeping in his van with him. (which I didn't want to either..)
So I figured the worst that could happen would be a ranger shows up and tells me I have to take down my tent.. Well the guy showed up much faster than expected and I was still setting my tent up. Once again I had a sack in my front pocket and didn't have my pocket buttoned. When I stood up to talk to him my bag had flipped half out
and was waving in the wind in his face. Sad to say I ended up spending memorial day
weekend in the Manassas Adult detention center for possesion..
Ranger Dick was even a local guy from my state and still wouldn't cut a break.
At least I was blazed when I was locked up since we had just finished smoking a hogleg
which was why my sack was in my front pocket and I didn't put it away like I should have.
Lesson to be learned? Do not ever put your bag in a front pocket of a shirt/coat whatever..

Farmer Jon

Premium Member
Great stories all, keep em coming!


ya i got a horror story from when i was in high school flannels were in grundge ruled the airways yadyadda so we cut 1st period and toked some good green for 94 no seeds so anyways we go to 2nd and i get called down to office for being a teenage meathead when i get down there i fuckin wreaked of bud so the vicce princys have me empty my pockets and i did i was smooth i gave the bud to my people to hold so im all cocky throw my smokes money lighters and what not on the desk then one of the vps picked up my smokes out falls 7 roaches got arrested expelled my probation officer was my vice principals husband moral to the story eat your roaches or tossem


Premium Member
rollin a dub

When my buddy handed me a bag of weed that smelled like a dead skunk I was rollin in about 2 seconds. we came up to a light, perfect time to seal the dub. As i was putting the final twist on the J and giving it a lick, i looked to my left and there were 2 chicago police officers staring at me in the car next to us. I didn't know what to do so i just acted normal, licked and twisted the J, and when the light changed off they went. that J was burnin about a second later



Ok i got one

I few years ago me and my friend were broke as hell and wanted to smoke. Well we managed to scrounge up enough for a dub. So we rolled up the dub in a blunt. I had to return something at bestbuy so we hit the blunt a couple times each, when we pulled in the parking lot at bestbuy i put the half blunt stading straight up in a shot glass that i used as an ashtray since i had a honda back then and it had no ash tray. Well when we got back out to the car and open the doors the whole car was tacked out and hotbox'd , i was like we only hit it a couple times why is it so smokey? well the whole blunt was just a long ass ash in the shot glass, it had burned all the way down while we were in the store....Needless to say it was avery sad day.....

Farmer Jon

Premium Member
LOL....that sucks man, you just made me think of another time involving a great waste of weed!
Years ago me and a few friends were heading to the bay area to hang out at golden gate park and see haight asbury. (big Grateful Dead fans) Smoke some herb maybe suck down a wipit or
We all piled in my 1970 AMC ambassador (a huge boat of a car) and hit the road. We had all pitched in and got a QP of some funky old school skunk to smoke on, planned on being in frisco for a few days and there was six of us. We had been on the road for a few hours and had been smoking the whole time, passing fat hooties and hot boxing the whole ride with an electric pipe (ahhh the good ole days) needless to say we were all lit and it was getting a bit hard to see through the cloud forming in the car. It was dark now and we were grooven out to "Sugar Magnolia" as we blazed down the road.
Out of nowhere one of my buddies yells for me to turn down the stereo, i could hear the panic in his voice so i killed the tunes, it was then that i relized why he sounded so distraught. In the distance the sound of sirens pierced the night air and as i looked in my rear view my heart began to thump in my chest. I dont remember what year it was but it was long before medical marijuana and the penalty for over an ounce was more than any of us were willing to pay.
As panic came over us we began rolling down windows and tossing anything incriminating out them and onto the freeway and grassy roadside, including the fat bag of lovely nuggets. With all evidence out of our Possession and the vehicle cleared of the thick skunky smoke we began to feel at ease, even bragging to one another about our cleverness and quick thinking.
As the lights grew closer i pulled to the far right lane, giving room for the enemy of the moment to pass. When the lights and sirens finaly blared past us a lump grew in my throat and it was at that moment that sadness overwhelmed us all, for it was not the pursuing, freedom revoking entity our parinoid minds had contrived but an ambulance on its way to or from some unknown incident. DOH! oh no we just got rid of all our herb, beloved glass pieces and brand new electric pipe for WHAT!!!
Needless to say we turned around and searched for hours for our abandoned items finding not even a single thing we tossed on the cold dark roadway. After some debate we decited to continue on our journey with hopes of scoring more party supplies when we got there.
All in all it turned out to be one of the best times in my life, full of moments i'll not soon forget.


Premium Member
I went to grocery store with a big leaf on my shoulder. i had been trimming and didn't change shirts. It was stuck my back shouder blade. I saw a friend when i got in there. The only one time I've seen someone I knew. He said dude you gotta leaf on your shirt. I said oh thanks we rolled a leafy one on the way over here. uhh..



When my buddy handed me a bag of weed that smelled like a dead skunk I was rollin in about 2 seconds. we came up to a light, perfect time to seal the dub. As i was putting the final twist on the J and giving it a lick, i looked to my left and there were 2 chicago police officers staring at me in the car next to us. I didn't know what to do so i just acted normal, licked and twisted the J, and when the light changed off they went. that J was burnin about a second later


chicago cops don't give two flying fucks about people smoking weed. i burn with current chicago cops all the time. theres already been over 160 gun fire deaths in chicago just this year alone. i have never heard of or seen anyone arrested for less than an oz in chicago. there is just too much violence going on for them to give two shit about some weed. plus if your white in chicago you can pretty much get away with anything.


When my buddy handed me a bag of weed that smelled like a dead skunk I was rollin in about 2 seconds. we came up to a light, perfect time to seal the dub. As i was putting the final twist on the J and giving it a lick, i looked to my left and there were 2 chicago police officers staring at me in the car next to us. I didn't know what to do so i just acted normal, licked and twisted the J, and when the light changed off they went. that J was burnin about a second later


Funny as shit...I had a similar encounter with a cool Sacramento cop like that....good times....


Premium Member

Was picking a friend up at the airport and in a hurry, had to go thru the metal detector, just reached into my pocket and put a onehitter,lighter,film can in the tray, walked thru the detector, reached around and grabbed my shit and took off. It didn't dawn on me what I did until I took about 50 steps, I just kept goin. That was about 20 years ago, don't try today



Driving down the road on my way tto the canada u.s border on a golf/work vacation I found myself dying to try some of the oil I had just made so I spread myself a little dube thinking there was plenty of time before I got there to deal with the numerous roaches in the ashtray and jar in my front pocket of my shirt..light the joint and cruise mode took over..I remember thinking mmmm this is really nice...ahhh...then it was WOW am I ever high...time slowed down and my mind wandered all over..there was a moment of clarity where I reminded myself to deal with the stuff I had with..but to no avail..the next thing I know Blammo Im at the border and the guys asking me all sorts of questions and tells me to "pull over there" another guy comes over and takes me into the office and tells me to "sit and stay in that chair" I responded with "can I go to the washroom?" he says "no", so I sit and wait for a few minutes and suddenly it dawns on me about the ashtray and jar in my pocket! omg whata my gonna do! I said screw it and went to the can scared to death..put the jar under my nutsack and quickly went back and sat down before he comes back..45 mins later he comes back asks me a few more questions and said I was free to go! total relief spread over my whole I cant believe it..I got away back to my car and it was very obvious they had gone thru clubs,clothing,everything but the ashtray I guess..scared the shit outta me and never made the same mistake again.. sorry if that was long..been smoking some really good oil..he he

John Smith Esq.

so me an a mate are on a road trip down to devon, to go to the beach, happily driving along trying to cram as much weed into our heads as humanly possible and listening to tunes. times were good. a couple of hours in to the journey im stoned as a mother fucker, strugling to see where im going, partly because of the aforementioned stonedness and partly because we thought a 'rolling hotbox' would be funny. times were still good.
It was around this point that i saw blue lights in the rear view. gulp. not only did we have a couple of ounces between us for the vacation ahead but my credentials were more than flakey, my insurance ran out and had only renewed it that morning and feed the ins company a rake of bollocks juts to get covered that day.
so first i pull over and jump out to meet the officer in his cruiser - cops love that over here, they dont have to move that way and it keeps him away from my jeep for the time being while my mates hides our shit, he sits me in the passanger seat and for crying out load it had to be a 'Power Cop' - you know the sort, tight shortsleeved shirt, those stupid mirrored sunglasses...
anyway he starts giving me the ol' "do you know why i stopped you sunshine," im like, "no officer, i know it couldnt have been for speeding i was under the limit.." well actually i was about 5mph over but lets not get into semantics,
so far my eyes havent given me away..yet..he comes to tell me his computer thingy has flagged me for no insurance.. YES, i think to myself were in the clear, I gave him the details and he makes the call to the insurance company, sure enough the guy on the other end confirms to him i am indeed covered but then the jackass starts asking questions, he asked the cop - has the driver any points, which i had 9 i didnt tell them about..SHIIT.. the cop say no, the driver has no points..WHAT THE FUCK.. i quietly smile. if the cop had actually done his checks properly and saw that i had 9 point already i would have had another 6 points for no insurance, they would have impounded the car, took the weed and i would have been banned from driving for over a year. Close Call.

But this isnt the end of the story, oh no, this dick end of a cop then calls my mum while im sat there next to him and starts asking her questions about the insurance and what im doing. she doesnt like the police very much either so she lies and bails me out. nice one mum.
All the while this asshole is trying to find dirt on me im making the small talk trying to keep the mood light - im running out of things to say fast, lets not forget im stoned off my tits at this point. To make matters worse i notice periodically my mate is trying to vent my jeep of smoke thats parked right in front of the cop car, im thinking hes gotta have seen that its like tonto sending smoke signals or some shit.
Then he calls my mate over to the cop car and starts grilling him, this is getting stupid, hes gonna search the car for sure. im starting to resign myself to the fact that my weed will be lost to me.. but me and my mate like to think were pretty smooth and keep feeding him the small talk, he plays along and all of a sudden he looks at me and says
"right, on your way chaps, have a nice trip."
-"no worries officer, you have a nice day" i reply while smiling through my teeth at this piss stain of a person and off we went on our merry way, stoned the entire time. We got plenty of Power Kiting done and good times were had by all.

The End.

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