Bgsixxx's 4x2 spider farmer kit grow 1

  • Thread starter bgsixxx
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A few more pics after i put other 150watt led in 2x4. Had to dim the sf 2000 to 75% and raise the Lil light all the way to the top. Also put curtain up to help keep light out. Might have to nix the other light it pushed temps to 86.
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Day 3 flowering
Plants are looking ok, got a lil yellow tinge to them. Dont know if its just new growth color, bc they have grown, or a ph problem. Next time they dry out, they'll get a compost tea.Checked ph of water it was kinda high 7.2-7.5.. Its 7.5 coming outta tap. So i phd 2 gal of water to 6.0-6.2 added some liquid kelp to 1 gal, and filled buckets. Both buckets take about 1.5gals to fill. So i put half of kelp water in each, and topped off with plain phd water. It takes 3 drops of ph down to bring a gal of water down to 6.0, and 2 drops to 6.5.. I hope the new meter is accurate.
A few pics no big changes yet.
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Felt like snapping a few pics, day 6 flower. Clones are on day 7-8. Buckets are empty, gonna have to go back and read journal to find out what the last two feeds were. Just wanted to post some pics to see if they look bigger. They do to me, and they seem to have greened up a lil, so i guess yellowing was from new growth. They are the best ive done by far, indoors. On day 21 ill do a lollipop and defoli. Wonder how big theyll be then. I supercropped one of the branches that was sticking up on the glookies g, and that mfer was back upright and even taller than b4, the next day.
Also included a pick of my first ever veggie plant cucumbers. Has some small fruit on it.
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Ok so just gave them plain water, this morning, phd to 6.4. They'll get fed terp tea next feeding. Will bubble it for 24 hrs. They're filling this tent up, almost touching both walls. Will keep taking a few leafs off each plants every two days until day 21 when i defoliate and lollipop. Mostly lollipop.


Day 7 week 1 flowering
Did a pretty good lollipoping on both plants and some leaf tucking and tying down. With all the middle stuff i cut out, i couldve had about 10-15 clones. I also have a compost tea brewing. Mix some ewc, dr earth veg(for calcium), terp tea bloom, mushroom compost, and recharge. Checked buckets today, and they are empty. They're drinking real good now. Decided im just gonna pouro compost tea over the sand. I hope the sand doesnt filter out all the good stuff. I believe root are in or down by resevoir, bc they are slurping that shit up. Next day after compost. Ill start back with water and give terp tea once or twice a week.
Its getting tight in the tent. Thinking about putting scrog net down.
Oh also sprayed the sand down on both plants, and just leaves on Tropicana banana, with some capt jacks neem oil.
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I think we're going to need to see just a few more pictures.........

Nice results with autos, I like the way you tie down too. One big mistake though.......sandals with socks?? Really?? ;)

I don't know if you check that VPD number at all, but looking at your temp/humidity guage, I don't know if maybe your humidity was a little low? Another thing I noticed, and you may not have left them there that long but be careful of leaving trim/leaves on top of y9ur soil to decompose, it could attract gnats and other things that like that.

I don't know if you got into the details of your soil?.

Very nive results, autos or not. Good job.


I think we're going to need to see just a few more pictures.........

Nice results with autos, I like the way you tie down too. One big mistake though.......sandals with socks?? Really?? ;)

I don't know if you check that VPD number at all, but looking at your temp/humidity guage, I don't know if maybe your humidity was a little low? Another thing I noticed, and you may not have left them there that long but be careful of leaving trim/leaves on top of y9ur soil to decompose, it could attract gnats and other things that like that.

I don't know if you got into the details of your soil?.

Very nive results, autos or not. Good job.
Thanks 88. They're not autos. Hey man thats the old man style!!! Lol yeah ive been trying to stay close to vpd but its hard being in a closet and it being summer time and in the high 90's.
The soil is promix moisture with extra perilite and amended with down to earth veg and bloom. Wont use that soil again, it was from walmart and stored outside, i think it had fungus gnats in it. And i did get the leaves up. Thanks for the hints bro and maybe you could answer this, if i pour the compost tea over the sand will they still get all the benefits from it, or should i just pour in resevoir or bucket.


Ok so the auto seed never came up. Tried to dig it up but couldnt find it. The other 2 seeds i popped had long tails so they both went into pots today. Clones are on day 10, not seeing any new growth yet, but its coming. And yall know i got pics!!! I love pics of my grows. Maybe as i get to growing more ill slack up on the pics, but for now im snapping away, its free right!!!
The other gals are looking great to me, i dont see anything wrong with them, do yall? Decided against net for now. The glookies looks perky and happy after lollipoping, but Tropicana banana looks a lil weathered. Gave them the compost tea, i poured half over top and filled res's up with rest, both plants got a gallon. So they get plain water next two times, then ill start with the terp tea bloom. Everything is groovy over here!!! Im bring groovy back!!!
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Day 11 flower
They're looking great! Im impressed with these genetics. They are stretching now, dam im hoping they dont grow into the lights, theyre 18 in away from lowest, so i have a lil more space to go, luckily i put the inline fan outside the tent. Probably water tomorrow night, but ill check res. Just snapped a few pics.
The clones are still green and perky, and i think theyre growing, not to sure though. And the seedlings are stretching a lil so i upped ppfd's to 200 or so. This grow is very easy, think ill stick with these gro bucket things for now, will modify buckets to include an airstone too keep res oxygenated when i put organic nutes in. Plus itll add more air to the root zone. Cant hurt. Heres some pics:
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Day 14 flowering
Everything is good. Was gonna wait till Thursday to lollipop the gals but went ahead and did it tonight. Cut all the small stuff off. Buckets are empty, will wait til tomorrow to fill, might just give them a feeding. Probably topfeed some down to earth rose and flower, and water in with terp tea bloom. Took a couple pics:
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Day 18 flowering
Gals are looking good. Smell is skunky as hell. They need another good cleaning up, trying to wait until they stop stretching, but i see some stuff i missed on bottom and in the middle also some budsites that wont make it to the top. So ill clean all that up either tomorrow or Wednesday. Just gave filled up their tanks, probably be empty by tomorrow. They each got a gallon of ph 6.5 dechlorinated tap water. Still seeing a few gnats. Gotta do some soil drenches with something. I heard that mammouth canna-something, is pretty good. I'll see. Raised spider farmer light up as far as it goes, and adjusted for a DLI of 40-50. Also took measurements both plants are 21in, they grew 5" in 4 days.
Day 20 for clones, not doing too good this time, something is going on with them but ill let them keep going. Been giving them kelp water the past couple waterings. Day 7 week 1 for seedlings they look good stretching has slowed down. Heres a few pics of course!!!!
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Day 22 flowering
Did a defoli at 3 week mark. I think theyve stopped stretching. And tricomes are in on both gals but more on glookies so far. Sprayed topsoil with capt jacks neem oil. Took a couple of flix after defoli. Which i did in two parts two days ago and today. The glookies looks bare, but hopefully i didnt remove too much.
Clones are definitely looking better. They are on day 24, now i need them to start growing.
And seedlings are growing, i think they are on day 14 or so. The gnats have gotten worse. Gonna drench the soil tomorrow, when mosquito bits get here. Dam theyre irritating!!!
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Day 26 flowering
Gals are chugging along. Buds are swelling, and the frost is frosting!!! Gave them a dose of mosquito bits yesterday, and got some more sticky traps. They are looking great so ill just give water until i see any signs of hunger. The smell is strong and funky, when i open tent it smacks me in the face! My whole attic is probably funky.
Day 28 for clones and they have stalled out, but look perky. Im wondering if f-gnat larvae have started munching down on the roots. I'll let em keep going, for now.
Day 16 for Seedlings, they are growing good.. they are both green and perky.
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Ok its day 30 flowering
Babes r looking good. Took some close up of the buds.
Glookies is frosty af, hell both are frosty af!!! The TB smells good. Squeezed her ass a lil, and smelled my fingers, dam... Just like banana and oj!!!! Good genetics rock!!! No more bagseed for me. They're each drinking a gallon a day. Was thinking about waiting a day in between before filling, but they're sucking that shit up. Heres a few pics
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Day 20 for seedlings
Gonna start lite lst on the critical +2.0 auto tonight. Kongs krush is growing good wont do a lst on it until after transplant. Got my other gro bucket from outside, cleaned it up good and now its ready for the kongs krush. Thinking about ordering another set of gro buckets, they come with enough to make 3 buckets. That way i can put clones in when they ready. Was gonna diy them but its not to much more to just spend 50 bucks and buy 3 buckets so a total of 65 bucks for 3 buckets. Im gonna do it fuck it yolo!
Ill throw some 20 day veg pics up tonight.


Just noticed glookies might be getting to much nitrogen, ill keep an eye on her. But i might be seeing shit. They get plain water a couple more times, then ill start hitting them with the roots organic terp tea.


This fuckin critical plus 2.0 auto is a waste of five gallons of soil and nutes!!!
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Already flowering with like 4-5nodes, what kinda shit is that!!! Ill let her grow, i hope the other seedsman seeds are better than this, i got blueberry and white widow from them.
Im gonna let her go its probably the same pheno as the frosty lil gal from first run.
The clones are growing, along with kk seedling, gonna start thinking about when and what, to transplant them in, kk is going in a gro bucket. Probably put clones in gro buckets too. But was thinking about using these 7gallons fabric pots.
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