Bgsixxx's 4x2 spider farmer kit grow 1

  • Thread starter bgsixxx
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Day 21 start of week 4 plants are looking good. No issues to speak of. Just been top dressing and watering. Next week ill topdress again.
Autos are getting bigger. Will topdress them too next week. Only one clone has made it so far, the other 2 look dead, but ill give them a few more days b4 i dig them up to check roots. But the one gsc clone is coming along nicely. Hope its mom is fire. Pics
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Plants are thriving. Did another defoli session last night. Removed a lot of budsites that weren't cutting it. They are spitting some long ass white hairs, which ive found means dense buds, lol!!! Took a few flix. Filled all buckets and watered clones. Bent good clone over, and will transplant next week. The other clones look pitiful, but they have roots, tried to gently pull them up and they are anchored in. Looks like soil is too hot, but other clone is in same soil. Thinking about popping another seed, maybe sensi skunk. In case the clones dont make it. Gonna mix up some epsom salt to give them. So far this run is going as planned. Just water and wait. Will top dress everything next week. Except clones. Heres a few pics, again, lol!!!
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Small auto tent and brothers grow update. Lets start with bad news first, bro called last night and his shit got pollinated, he had dried out some buds we trimmed off that wasnt gonna make it, and found seeds in them. All cali connection seeds gsc and sour d. Im growing a gsc from them with no problems yet. Not gonna blame genetics, bc he is a newbie and this is his first ever grow of any plant. So he could've made a mistake with light leakage, or some other stressor. Anyway i told him to finish it out, he'll still get some smokable bud, just with seeds. And im getting some of his harvest so im kinda sad too. Im still gonna smoke that!!! And keep the seeds too, bc if it was stress then seeds would be good to go, but if its in the genetics then they're trash!!! i told him thats growing. Its almost happened to everybody who grows enough.

Ok so the good news is that the other clones are coming back to life!!! These lil fuckers are spitting new growth. I kinda felt like they would pull through bc i knew they had roots after pull test. And the leaves were burnt, but surprisingly not crispy, on the contrary they were quite moist. So i thought they had a chance and by god they do. Got em back under humidity domes to try and get some more moisture in them.

The autos are growing ok imo, really thinking about getting rid of the small runt, i need room for clones!!! By tonight she might be gone. Shes so dam little, gonna let her dry out and then make a decision. It'll also free up another bucket for clones, when they get big enough. I hate killing plants, but i dont think a quarter bag worth of buds is to much to sacrifice for the health of next runs clones. A few pics of auto tent. She might get more than a quarter so she might make it.
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Flowering girls are stinking and swelling, update Saturday for them.

Also figured out what strain is what. The big one in the back and the smaller, greener one in double pot are banana purple punch, the other two are lsd-25.


Day 26 flowering
Babes are looking beautiful!!! Only one weird leaf on gsc its a red leaf at top. Turned lights down to about 800ppfds.
Also went ahead and topdressed gsc and og, ww will get hers next week. Also watered some plain water over top to water in. Will get kelp water next dry out, will pour over top too. Ordered some Fox farms big bloom for in between top dresses for autos, will give them a shot or two before they’re ready. Autos still have water, clones got bottom watered. Saw a gnat flying around, will hit them all with some mosquito bits next watering. Also saw a few on sticky trap. Some flower pics
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The gsc has a red leaf at day 28!!!! Its the only leaf like it. Will try to post pics. Ive got this journal going on 4 different forums, if these pics dont start posting on here I'll be down to 3 forums. Also snapped a few of the autos, they all are frosty, except lonely girl. The clones are coming around. Thinking about topping the big clone down to like 3 nodes so itll be around the same size as other clones, going to go with 2 best.
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A new page gotta get some pics up!!!

Ok so the big auto(day 46) got the late flower blues, idk wtf is wrong with this bitch. Gave her some cal mag watering before last, and then hit her with some Fox farm big bud bloom last watering, wasnt phd!!! Tap Water comes out at 7ph. So next watering I'll lower it to 6.5 or so. Dont wanna go too low, too quick. Her leaves are looking rough af, in my eyes. Ive seen this a long time ago when i tried a coco brick and didnt buffer or wash it. Also on my first indoor, with ph lockout. No more coco for me. I'm sticking with what works for me, good ole soil!!!
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Day 30 flowering
Gave flowering plants some kelp water. Everything is green, great, and good!!!! Man it stinks in there. The lil lady(ww)is frosty AF!!!! Gsc looks like she aint doin nothing, but shes growing on the inside i hope!!! Og is looking nice, the leaves are real sativa like long and thin!!! Im happy so far, gotta look out for hermies and nanners now.
Autos look the same, fucked up & little!!!
Gave them some nutes and phd the water to 6.0. when i put humic acid and foxfarm big bud bloom in the water ph shot up to 7.6. so lowered it to 6.

Just gonna stick with photos, soil, and buckets... Its the easiest way, for me!!! Wanna take a look at the real buckets, from real growers, the makers if recharge and grow dots. They look even easier and they have a 2 bucket system with a reservoir. Its like 100 bucks or so. No time soon though. Maybe this summer.
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Auto tent update
Big auto day 52
2 autos in pot day 38
Lil single auto day 31
They are all bulking up. Filled buckets today, will give them another feeding when they dry out. They smell good AF. Cant wait to try some new shit.

The clones are looking pretty good now, all green and shit. Will probably chop big one down some so they'll all be close to same size. Might just run two. Was hoping the autos would be done to save me a transplant, but will have to transplant big clone soon. Wanted to go straight in buckets but dont have the room so will go with 1 gal. Until autos get done. I'll let lil clones stay in those pots and then put in buckets when autos clear out. Then vegging starts.
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Day 35 flowering
Babes are looking great, frost is everywhere. The WW looks great in natural light, she's just small. Gave them some recharge and plain water last night. They are definitely fattening up, can see a difference in bud diameter and density. Everything is cruising along in this tent.
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Ok so checked trics on bigger auto banana purple punch, and she looks done to me. Snapped a few pics. I'm gonna give her a week and then chop her. She is coated with trics. Smells fruity af. Im guessing 1.5ozs.
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Snapped a few pics with lights out. Day 36 flowering. I Love the lights out flash pics. The frost is pretty thick on GSC and OGK, looks ok so far on WW. They should really start packing on the weight now. This is the part of the grow i hate, mid flower. Just seems to slow down and stop, but we all know they're packing on the weight on the insides. All we see is the outside of the buds, but the inside of buds needs love too!!! So far not really digging the buds structure of the GSC, but the frost factor is about a good 8.5 outta ten. Can't wait to see how she finishes up. The OGK is looking the best right now, frosty and nice stacking. Right now the plan is to let them all go 70 days, unless i see something different in trics, which ill start checking on day 56-63. Thats the plan anyway.

Also gonna give big clone away, and just run the two small clones instead. Was thinking about popping another seed and going with 3 again. But clones might be to far ahead. My bro gonna take big clone. And probably take clones off it. Since 2 small clones are close too same size might try a scrog seeing how they like to branch out pretty good.
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Pistil have started changing on flowering gals. That usually means the swelling has started. Need these bitches to eat. That top dress should be hitting them about now. Good timing.

Went ahead and chopped big auto she was done at 57 days. Was gonna let her go a few more but she just looks ready for me to smoke her ass. Also dimned lights for other 3 autos and clones. Starting to see some stress on them.

Also been looking into making my own fem seeds. Been doing a lil research, and learned it doesnt take a lot of room, its pretty easy, and its cheap. The only purchase is colliodal silver and thats pretty cheap. Sounds like fun too. I can do it!!!!


Snapped a few pics with lights out. Day 36 flowering. I Love the lights out flash pics. The frost is pretty thick on GSC and OGK, looks ok so far on WW. They should really start packing on the weight now. This is the part of the grow i hate, mid flower. Just seems to slow down and stop, but we all know they're packing on the weight on the insides. All we see is the outside of the buds, but the inside of buds needs love too!!! So far not really digging the buds structure of the GSC, but the frost factor is about a good 8.5 outta ten. Can't wait to see how she finishes up. The OGK is looking the best right now, frosty and nice stacking. Right now the plan is to let them all go 70 days, unless i see something different in trics, which ill start checking on day 56-63. Thats the plan anyway.

Also gonna give big clone away, and just run the two small clones instead. Was thinking about popping another seed and going with 3 again. But clones might be to far ahead. My bro gonna take big clone. And probably take clones off it. Since 2 small clones are close too same size might try a scrog seeing how they like to branch out pretty good.
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What a nice view! So many good ladies! Congrats!


Ok so the banana purple punch is down, dried, and laid to the side(curing)!!! She yielded 59 grams, a lil over 2ozs. Not too bad, i guessed 1.5 so im satisfied. And my preliminary thoughts after smoking 1 blunt yesterday before work and just sparked one up and smoked half. I like it alot, taste like fruit punch on inhale and spices on exhale, somehow that taste good? It leaves a coating of flavor on inside of mouth. Nice smoke.8/10 And the high is immediately straight to the back of the medulla oblongata!!! Nice high as i type this, i feel very relaxed. Took a couple pics.

Gonna do day 42 flowering tent update tonight when lights come on. Will slightly defoliate them, pull them out and snap a few pics. Might switch them around a lil.
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Day 42 flowering
Babes are getting sticky and swollen!!! Not much happening, just been watering with plain water. Next dry out they'll get recharge. Did a small defoliation, but they look alright to me so I'll just remove the leaves that block light. Still the gsc isnt really impressive to me, but the frost factor is a 10. And she is my tallest plant at 30 inches. And the buds are dense. In fact all 3 plants have dense nugs, so far.
The og is flopping all over the place already, couldn't even get it out of tent w/o damage. So just left it in, tried to stake up a lil. In hindsight probably should've taken a few more budsites at 1st defoliation. I think shes gonna be the biggest yielder outta the 3.
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Good looking grow!

Idk how much experience you had with fox farm Happy Frog and Ocean forest prior to this grow but this is what works well for me. I plant into 100% Happy Frog after seeds are germinated, I transplant in final pots by mixing 1 part Happy Frog to 2 part Ocean Forest. Ocean Forest is nutrient hot and mixing in this ratio with Happy Frog will prevent nutrient burn.

Your post at the beginning said you used Ocean forest with Happy Frog on top so I wasn't sure of the ratio you used, just thought I would share what works for me.

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