Black mold on new growth

  • Thread starter Spotsy
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Yeaaaaaa but like I said it's easy to get... Lolo. I know someone at Ace hardware
Also. I've used 2 different seed banks.. Greenpoint and weed seeds express.. first year grow was 2019. No issues. Last few years , every year had this prob.. both in pots and in ground


I had this 2 years ago. I cannot remember where I found the answer but it's comparable to blossom end rot. I treated it with Phosphorus.
And the problem went away in short order.


Does the discoloration extend down into the stem of the plant? Do you see variation in the stem veins’ color? Or is it only between stem and leaf tip?
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Weve had it for the last 10 years. Theres several threads on it, on different forums, and from what I can deduce, its a Phytoplasma. Its not Virus, and possibly Bacteria.

Its carried mainly by leafhoppers, but other infected insects can also carry the disease.. There is no cure for it, and some plants do grow out of it, but most dont. Its been observed from Hawaii, to South Africa.


Does the discoloration extend down into the stem of the plant? Do you see variation in the stem veins’ color? Or is it only between stem and leaf tip?
Only between new growth leaves have not seen it on stems.. I think James mabely nailed it.. and unfortunately I can't find any definite cure for it.... I can't grow indoors. As that seems to be a answer for it... So I'll keep this thread updated as I learn new things about this... Thanks to all for the help!
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

Ive seen it take over the whole plant. Starts in the leaves of the growing tips, and advances into the stems, and main stalk of the plant. Not always, but Ive seen it happen. Also makes the leaves twisted, and stunted.
There is no known cure for Phytoplasma. The only thing you can really do is try to kill every bug in a 100 foot area outside, and thats mostly not possible, and will also kill beneficial bugs/insects like Bees.


Growing outdoor in VA is hard.... Humidity and bugs are off the charts..
Amen to that! My one outdoor grow (in Virginia) ended in a succession of pest attacks.

@Spotsy, if the current theory (phytoplasma) is accurate, prevention is key and it involves shielding them from bugs.

If the grow is small, maybe getting your plants off the ground and building an outdoor frame to wrap in fine mesh might increase the odds of prevention—for the next grow….

Or maybe growing a nearby food crop dedicated to leafhoppers will keep them busy and away from your plants? Or a combination of the two?

Bummer dude.


I use pure crop one and Arber.... Both are OMRI rated,,, pretty effective in as much as u can hope for,... I'm growing in a former goat and chicken pen.. it's only 3 plants. But Great quality when I can get it to the finish line
Jmaes Mabley

Jmaes Mabley

It aint no Phosphorus Deficiency.
We have perfect PH, and our soil is amended with 20-20-20 like farmers use, and also 0-0-52. We also use Azomite, and Kelp.
And we amend 20-20-20 in the soil every 6 weeks. 0-0-52 every 2 months, and Kelp every month.
And the medium is either native soil, or Promix BX in 20 gallon containers. And some plots are 20 miles apart.
And there are humongous numbers of leafhoppers in the area.


Is there an easy way to check for phos deff? Like James said.. I doubt it is. But , if I can check it easily. It won't hurt...can anyone explain what a phytoplasma is ??


I’m not your guy on phosphorus but here’s a quick sampling so you can learn more about your opponent.
Phytoplasma in cannabis
Hey. Thank you for that... I went and read up on it... Now all I gotta do is kill all the thrips / leafhoppers... Man this is serious shit ... So witches broom is prob what it is.. ok


Hey.. I was reading up on the HLV thing. But it does not seem to twist the leaves or damage the plant too much.. not up in the mtns... Perfect weather.. a little cool at nite maybe. But my other plants seem ok so far.. not strain specific either.. can't say what end result is. ,because I pulled all but one last year.... And that one I kept plucking the bad top out of till it sorta outgrew it. Soil is ffof planted in ground.. I'm on well water that comes out at 5.5 ph. so I ph up to 6.3 or so. Actually the pics here are from last year.. but the same crap is occuring on my crop this year too... Growing outdoor in VA is hard.... Humidity and bugs are off the charts.. but I grew some champion Acapulco gold 2 years ago.. so it can be done. Appreciate the feedback!!
Sometimes even brief freezing temps, frost (and frost doesn't always require it to be below 32 degrees) can cause little abnormalities, nutrients issues.........have you tried just leaving it alone, not plucking the tops, and seen what happens?

It wasn't me that sent the link, but I do agree the issue looks very similar to the virus link. Also, while it's not something we want, the name "Dark Purple Disease" sounds really cool. There's also "Deep Purple Disease", where you can't get enough hard driving early metal rock...... ;)
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Purple leaning plant in beginning flower would be my guess. Doesn't seem to be an issue but post in a week and let us know
Flowering in mid-May? But yeah I'm interested in what happens if he just left one of these plants alone and didn't pluck.


No. I buy ffof new every year... Not really a fan of FF but it's easy to get.... I plant in ground. But it's showed up in both 25 gallon pots and direct bury in soil. Side note: I really appreciate all the growers chiming in... Anyone wants to D. M. Me, or talk on phone if u have experience with this.... It's cool... It's hard to keep texting and following all diff people on this site... I'm new to this app,, and tech in general.... Lolo not sure if that's even allowed or wise. But this crap is stressing me out!!
Don't be stressed out. If you can find some sort of cannabis botanist, someone maybe with commercial grow experience that's seen these kinds of things before, I'm sure someone will speak to you about this. If you're really thrown off by this thing (I'm still curious if you've tried just leaving it alone), maybe try a different patch/area next year? Use different soil, and try other strains.....then see if it happens again.
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