Bulbs blackened on one side. (Pictures)

  • Thread starter SodaLicious
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I bought 3 new 600 hortilux hps bulbs last run. They were used for 12/12 for 12 weeks. Digital Lumatek 600 ballast's. Hung Vertical. The Blackening on the bulbs is directly behind the thin wire that runs the length of the arc tube. Are my ballast's doing this? Or are the bulbs defective. I have a philips 600 that I have had for almost 3 years that still looks brand new, and doesn't have this black mark on the outer glass.

Bulbs blackened on one side pictures
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id guess the inner tube cracked.
On all 3 bulbs? And by inner tube if you mean the arc tube in the center of the bulb, I have looked them over very carefully and haven't seen any signs of damage. It's almost like the wire inside the bulb running the length of the arc tube cast a permanent shadow on the inside of the outer glass. The bulbs still light up and function normally. Just concerned that one might shatter or something crazy while i am in there.


Bulbs not getting enough airflow on one side? overheating?

I see lots of fans, so its a long shot.


Bulbs not getting enough airflow on one side? overheating?

I see lots of fans, so its a long shot.

Lots of air movement over and around the bulbs. Also the 600 Philips doesn't show the black mark on it, and it's running right beside the other 3. It's strange.


okay, here's a guess. on large wattage (like 5,000w and 10,000w) pre- quartz/halogen lamps the carbon that burned off the filament would darken the inside of the globes . . . . so manufacturers would put some abrasive inside the globe, and when the glass was darkened, like yours seems to be, you could swirl the lamp around and the abrasive would clean the carbon off the inside of the glass.

i wonder of that wire in your lamps is carbon steel?

i'd send a pic to the engineers at the manufacturer. they may be interested in seeing this.


I received an email yesterday from hortilux saying these are charactoristics with a bulb that has 24,000 hours on it. I am going to send him pictures for sure.

He also blamed the poorly made digital ballasts i may have. (lumatek) I told him about the phillips bulb not being damaged. seeing that it was a 70 dollar bulb compared to the eye's which i have to pay 171.99 for a 600.
sky high

sky high

I went through this a few years ago.

What I was told was that the digitals run at a slightly different frequency than the Hortis were designed for...and that the innards (filament/tube/etc) are vibrating at a high velocity ever so slightly ....causing the discoloration....

All of my 600's are like this.....and none of them have any 24-fuckin-thousand hours on em. You need to tell the horti guy that we pot growers change our lamps more than that...LOL and that such an answer is unacceptable/does not apply. THEY simply need to get THEIR shit togather and come up to snuff with the "poorly made" digital ballasts that are EVERYWHERE these days.

fucktards. Goddamn most expensive lamp out there and all they can do is blame others?


You hit it right on the head SKY, i spent three hours on the phone with the VP of Sun Pulse bulbs and he broke it down for me ligit.... Digi Ballast with HPS is a mercury bomb . that black shit is the mercury that didnt get through your bulbs glass and on to all that medicine. Thats why i use sunpulse for digi ballast when im inside.... last i heard mercury is BAD news


Hortilux ESQUE fixed the problem(Blue bubble on box says safe for digi ballast or someshit), once again allegedly fixed the problem they even put out an article in Max Yield that its ok. BUT, i dont believe it, im on the sunpulse band wagon because i dont need no mercury in my life, ya dig. CALL SUNPULSE the guy loves to convert people because mercury is BAD lol. not a laughing matter


MH only for DIgi's please believe it or take a big toke of mercury with that 4 month invested medicine


I am not sure how mercury passes through the glass, can you point me in some direction with an article or something?


http://sunpulselamps.com/Tech_Info.html This is some thing quick but ill be back with more stuff...im not a physicist but the guy i talked to from sunpulse has answered or called me back everytime...i know its biased because its a rival bulb company but face hortilux still makes parking lot bulbs that cater to growers. Sunpulse is the only company that convinces me of putting the time money and effort towards catering to growers hence having a consideration in our health but i do understand some people need more proof ill help with what i can but you might have to go further if you need more info... the main thing i dislike about sunpulse is that there made in china... whole nother forum but they got german technology down and im sure if the germans caught on to this they could make a better bulb but i havent found it. Best bet is UShio, cuz they got some good shit tool... for magnetic ballasts though.... or if you dont mind giving money to Advanced Nutrients they got a low frequency digital ballast for HPS but i still dont trust this mercury bomb shit....


Hortilux ESQUE fixed the problem(Blue bubble on box says safe for digi ballast or someshit), once again allegedly fixed the problem they even put out an article in Max Yield that its ok. BUT, i dont believe it, im on the sunpulse band wagon because i dont need no mercury in my life, ya dig. CALL SUNPULSE the guy loves to convert people because mercury is BAD lol. not a laughing matter

I am not sure how mercury passes through the glass, can you point me in some direction with an article or something?


http://sunpulselamps.com/Tech_Info.html This is some thing quick but ill be back with more stuff...im not a physicist but the guy i talked to from sunpulse has answered or called me back everytime...i know its biased because its a rival bulb company but face hortilux still makes parking lot bulbs that cater to growers. Sunpulse is the only company that convinces me of putting the time money and effort towards catering to growers hence having a consideration in our health but i do understand some people need more proof ill help with what i can but you might have to go further if you need more info... the main thing i dislike about sunpulse is that there made in china... whole nother forum but they got german technology down and im sure if the germans caught on to this they could make a better bulb but i havent found it. Best bet is UShio, cuz they got some good shit tool... for magnetic ballasts though.... or if you dont mind giving money to Advanced Nutrients they got a low frequency digital ballast for HPS but i still dont trust this mercury bomb shit....

I didn't read anything on that site about mercury being expelled out the bulb onto plants.


Its been awhile since i researched this...i will keep researching. I took the guys word for it but i might aswell research it again ill get back to you but i wont stop until i find something ligit ill call that guy at sunpulse and ask him for some study's cuz i dont usually take it that far but since i opened my mouth its the least i could do....

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