Calcium mag deficient ? Maybe someone can help me figure this out

  • Thread starter Nutts
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Some amazing growers here and I'm having a problem. This plant I created I called the strain jway. It's a male nl x la confidential pollenated a skywalker og female and this plant is the outcome. It seems to me the longer I veg them the more problems I see with them. The short veg plants never have these issues.
I vegd this jway for forty five days she showed sex on day forty two crazy long to show.
Anywa she's now on day 23 flower and I'm see at the lowest leafs spots that look to me like cal mag def
Any help is very appreciated here's some photos of her. Thanks guys
Calcium mag deficient  maybe someone can help me figure this out
Calcium mag deficient  maybe someone can help me figure this out 2
Calcium mag deficient  maybe someone can help me figure this out 3
Calcium mag deficient  maybe someone can help me figure this out 4
Calcium mag deficient  maybe someone can help me figure this out 5


what r you using for nutes n soil on those?i get that now on some of my longer vegged girls and im using jacks classics,and it doesnt have cal.i hit a few with the calmag plus alone @ 8ml per gal and they greened right up.i pulled all the bad looking leaves and so far i see no new problems.hard to go wrong with a calmag flush once in a while as long as they are not ready to chop.but too much mag will do that to the leaves also,gl
green punk

green punk

Check for root pests. That looks very similar to symptoms of the beginnings of a Root Aphid out break. Any other plants showing similar symptoms.


what r you using for nutes n soil on those?i get that now on some of my longer vegged girls and im using jacks classics,and it doesnt have cal.i hit a few with the calmag plus alone @ 8ml per gal and they greened right up.i pulled all the bad looking leaves and so far i see no new problems.hard to go wrong with a calmag flush once in a while as long as they are not ready to chop.but too much mag will do that to the leaves also,gl
This will probably answer both you guys questions. I have no pests at the moment. The only thin I find in the room is brown lady bugs which I assumed are male maybe? But nothing as far as bad bugs so far.
The plants are in give gals of promix bx I add earthworm castings and a pinch of guano that's a mix and only .5-.5-1. Safe for seedlings. This is the only plant having this issue. I did decide to give her a dose if cal mag plus general organics. Probably five mls to the gallon of water
I'm feeding pura vida organics bloom and grow and in veg I give the five gals three t spoons of bat guano that's 10-2-1. It's the only plant doing it. And it's the only plant that vegged for over forty days. I figured maybe because it went that long it used whatever there was in the promix?


Check for root pests. That looks very similar to symptoms of the beginnings of a Root Aphid out break. Any other plants showing similar symptoms.
No bigs luckily. I though one of my smaller plants got spider mites by my dog so I wrapped the bucket in plastic took it into the shower and washed every inch of foliage. I haven't found one big in over a week. I've been pretty careful with the dog and now she never is allowed downstairs I am starting to think there was never a mite in the first place and if there was I caught the very first five or so. After I showered the plant nothing and that was over a week ago now and I check every day. I only find brown lady bigs white and brown spots on em and they've been ere the whole seven or so years ive had this room.


yeah theres not much in the promix out of the bag,i think its 300-350 ppm and considered soiless.i bet she's just a bit hungry for some cal or mag,maybe do another dose a week after the first one.but im not familiar with your nutes,maybe it has calmag in it?what kind of water do ya use?


Living dead girl
This will probably answer both you guys questions. I have no pests at the moment. The only thin I find in the room is brown lady bugs which I assumed are male maybe? But nothing as far as bad bugs so far.
The plants are in give gals of promix bx I add earthworm castings and a pinch of guano that's a mix and only .5-.5-1. Safe for seedlings. This is the only plant having this issue. I did decide to give her a dose if cal mag plus general organics. Probably five mls to the gallon of water
I'm feeding pura vida organics bloom and grow and in veg I give the five gals three t spoons of bat guano that's 10-2-1. It's the only plant doing it. And it's the only plant that vegged for over forty days. I figured maybe because it went that long it used whatever there was in the promix?
The male ladybugs look just like the females, it's another type of beetle. That looks like EITHER what fungus gnats do, or P- to me. Nothing about it says Ca- or Mg- to me.

Let me upload a graphic and a flow chart for you here, I always find these helpful in making a Dx.
Best cannabis deficiency visual chart
Leaf trouble chart


At what point did you switch from veg fert to bloom?
I see some leaves pointing down and curled a little, to me this means over fert. But you are getting slight yellowing so maybe it didn't get enough nitrogen. I use to get problems like this until I switched to feeding veg fert the first 2-3 weeks of flower. Id hit her with veg fert one time at a low rate and go back to bloom after that.


I would remove as much as the affected leaves, mostly looks like the lower ones are bad, and prolly shouldn't add any nutes at this point, after you remove sickly leaves do a flush with plain water, if you can check the ph and ttds of water in and after water runs out bottom. that can give you an idea of your mediums condition.
Its hard to tell what you should add (if anything). its possibly low on nutes, add a little fish fert (veg) mildly.
When you veg for longer periods you can run into root bound problems in middle of flower, and did you flush before time change?
I can see that you only using about 3/4 of the 5 gal bucket. and vegging for 45 days then another 23 in flower, not sure how long its been in the 5 gal bucket, but that's quite a bit of time.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

If that's peat a 45 day veg shouldn't be a biggie, Chances are you might have overwatered once or twice and caused a good deal of compaction to the's the drainage on those buckets? Overwatering will cause the leaves to roll like that and pale out, and the necrosis looks like phosphorus deficiency which can also happen if overwatered. In peat it's extremely easy to overwater, it holds moisture REALLY well especially at over 75% ratio in the media.


yeah theres not much in the promix out of the bag,i think its 300-350 ppm and considered soiless.i bet she's just a bit hungry for some cal or mag,maybe do another dose a week after the first one.but im not familiar with your nutes,maybe it has calmag in it?what kind of water do ya use?
Well I use just plain tap water that's been a solid seven for eight years now. When I addy nutes it drops to about 6 to 6.5 somewhere in there. My nutes are pura vida. Made of sea kelp seaweed mollassis a bunch of good shit.


At what point did you switch from veg fert to bloom?
I see some leaves pointing down and curled a little, to me this means over fert. But you are getting slight yellowing so maybe it didn't get enough nitrogen. I use to get problems like this until I switched to feeding veg fert the first 2-3 weeks of flower. Id hit her with veg fert one time at a low rate and go back to bloom after that.
I have completely switched yet because I worry about pee maturing yellowing and leaf drop so I feed half strength grow up usually to week four. Should I adjust this With the smaller plants. I've always been able to upkeep em green right till the end. With the older plants they seem a lot harder to maintain.


If that's peat a 45 day veg shouldn't be a biggie, Chances are you might have overwatered once or twice and caused a good deal of compaction to the's the drainage on those buckets? Overwatering will cause the leaves to roll like that and pale out, and the necrosis looks like phosphorus deficiency which can also happen if overwatered. In peat it's extremely easy to overwater, it holds moisture REALLY well especially at over 75% ratio in the media.
As fat as over water I water every three to five days. Maybe justi maybe I need more holes in the bucket? What if the water is t able to pass through the holes ill have mid down there


It's been in this same five gals of promix for sixty some odd days now And I only added cal mag once that was two days ago to see if it helped.


I'm about to pull her up rt now and see if there's bigs in the root zone. Se of its possible aphids


Well I gave the girl some al mag plus two days ago and I just removed those jacked up leafs. It doesn't seem to be spreading like it was. I know no fucked up leaves will heal themselves so I removed them and well watch the next ones to see if it spreads anymore. Lets hope it was a cal mag def. it is not working its way up so far


even if it wasnt calmag def the cal can help with so much other things in soil like salt build up and nute uptake its just a good easy fix sometimes for not so bad problems.looking at the chart it could be zinc maybe as well as p,but it kinda just looks hungry to not familiar with those nutes.ever have your water tested recently?could just be a tad high in lime or something and this strain is being picky.with hardwater like some well water,the longer you veg the more time the plant has to build up extra minerals that it does not need,and eventually they will start to block uptake of the good stuff.


Living dead girl
Not Ca-, not Mg-, not root aphids. Fungus gnats (or possible overwatering? seems like you know how to avoid that), or very slight P-, IMO.

Honestly, overall the plant looks pretty damn good, it may not be worth trying to figure out what these few blemishes are caused by.


They look pretty good over all I c a few things but all minors flush with flora clean then flush with water then feed u b all good didn't look like root aphids or any bug I have seen looks to me like under feeding just a touch lock out flush u heavy get rid of the salts u b fine looking good thou keep up good work
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

As fat as over water I water every three to five days. Maybe justi maybe I need more holes in the bucket? What if the water is t able to pass through the holes ill have mid down there

yep - i don't know what the drainage looks like under the bucket, but you want enough to where water can run out if it's just sitting. In 5 gal buckets I drill 3/8 holes around the bottom. Without these, you could be waterlogging the bottom of the pot. The biggest problems in peat is either putting down too much water, which gives you soggy bottoms, or not putting down enough water, which gives you a stratification layer in the middle of the pot. I'd drill some more holes in your buckets and give her a nice flush for your next watering, and wait to water until the top 2 inches of peat are pretty dry. If the top 2 inches of peat are dried out and the pots still feel like there's still a good amount of water in them, you're putting down too much and don't have adequate drainage. If the pot feels light before the top is dried out, you need to put down more water.

one thing I've noticed with peat is that it's extremely forgiving when it comes to nutrients. I try out different nutrients in peat all the time and have yet to see a deficiency in peat, but there's definitely a learning curve in figuring out how to water it.

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