Calling Out The Organic Growing Machines

  • Thread starter oldskol4evr
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by determining the inputs, you might second guess the basis of the microbes you are breeding here. This is compoost, so essentially this is Actinobacteria that you see visibly here. This is a Nitrgoen fixing microbe, a Nitrogen mineralisaing

what you are missing is there is no count reduction per say, merely a change of line up. think about American football, you wouldnt leave you defense on the pitch if you where rushing to touchdown. higher levels of salts change the biome, not destroy the biome. it is true that we might overdo salts and so reduce the numbers of plant beneficial microbes, and yes its true that decaying microbes would struggle in areas of high salt, hence the preservative properties, but count the halophiles and see whats up. Plants have also been around a while, they have also more than one trick to help them grow. indeed the very microbes which support them might also be responsible for the type of metagenomic activity necessary in a dynamic environment, it might just be this microbe line up change allows resonant plants to grow in otherwise less favorable locations but that this is some innovation of evolution.
Low K levels can lead plants to switch to Na to continue to function. is there a greater overhead for the plant, yes, but then life isnt always perfect right.
What is the cost for a plant and mycorrhiza in a low P environment? Do plants grown only with Mycos suffer yield losses compared to those grown in abundant P?
What about in acidic soils, what is the cost, We surely must appreciate that NH4+ is more abundant where acidic soil conditions prevail and so it would be NO3- we would struggle to achieve in the soil, but the plant has a strategy of Nitrogen reduction right, the overhead is higher but the plant would live.
if you put salt on ham and then treated the land with the same abandon, yes you would get issues, but a little salt never hurt anyone, including many of our microbes friends who because of the metagenomic ability to generate never before seen brand new enzymes and nucleotides, are far better at diet changes than we give them credit for.
So technically I contradicting myself. You're right compost. What else can I say? It makes sense and the fact that nature always has a way of balancing itself. But my next question is are these bacteria that thrive in a sodic environment as beneficial to a plant such as cannabis?


So technically I contradicting myself. You're right compost. What else can I say? It makes sense and the fact that nature always has a way of balancing itself. But my next question is are these bacteria that thrive in a sodic environment as beneficial to a plant such as cannabis?
It is not really understood at this stage buddy, people are only just getting there heads around why some plants can override transport systems to greater effect when faced with Saline conditions.
there is near zero data written on the interactions between plants and halophiles, but in light of the mass of plant microbe up regulation taking place in healthy soils, and the constant adaptation over minute timescales, I rather suspect some fortunate plants have developed a mechanism and arrangement not dissimilar to the sharing model of Bac Sub or indeed a Mycorrhiza, with said Halophiles which is the missing link between LCT1 and HKT2 transporters.


the expansion of para professionals is strangling innovation and new life. Those in power dont want you to reach the level with them, so they install loops and bridges which you must cross, this before you might even be allowed to work and claim a salary which is fair. I doubt re-qualifying every other year is needed in 99.9% of professions and yet this is what we are doing, unpaid work before we can demand a wage, this expansion is requiring we all invest more free work before we get gravy if there is any left by the time we get there
aint that the truth


this is worthless nature of insurance, where some rich fucker, decides we all must have something called insurance, when we use it they penalize us, to the extent that people have it, then dont use it for fear of premium increases, so pay for nothing but a badge, ergo insurance is a para option which should be abolished and we as a society should admit that sometimes things go wrong and when they do society should and could fund to fix them and make good without penalizing individuals where there is no actual intent to harm proven.
that is a fact you mention bro,they even have balls to come on the tv and mention they have 1 cliam accident forgivness,lmOA


that is a fact you mention bro,they even have balls to come on the tv and mention they have 1 cliam accident forgivness,lmOA
here people pay for no claims protection, you build it up and they offer you fuck all by way of the fact you havent claimed and so gifted them several thousand dollars FOC...wankers, you should pay once and not pay again unless you crash


I like soup
here people pay for no claims protection, you build it up and they offer you fuck all by way of the fact you havent claimed and so gifted them several thousand dollars FOC...wankers, you should pay once and not pay again unless you crash
My insurance went up and i didnt get 1 ticket last year... such a scam... like dmv fees


One day were gonna have a lot of shotguns pointed in the air.... its coming... people hate them drones... reports of them flying close to kids windows... fuck that
yo Youtube got done by investigation here in the news papers, they have videos of kids as teaser ads which then take you to websites with full on abuse, its a fucking dark world, but the thing is, now we know just how dark


by determining the inputs, you might second guess the basis of the microbes you are breeding here. This is compoost, so essentially this is Actinobacteria that you see visibly here. This is a Nitrgoen fixing microbe, a Nitrogen mineralisaing

what you are missing is there is no count reduction per say, merely a change of line up. think about American football, you wouldnt leave you defense on the pitch if you where rushing to touchdown. higher levels of salts change the biome, not destroy the biome. it is true that we might overdo salts and so reduce the numbers of plant beneficial microbes, and yes its true that decaying microbes would struggle in areas of high salt, hence the preservative properties, but count the halophiles and see whats up. Plants have also been around a while, they have also more than one trick to help them grow. indeed the very microbes which support them might also be responsible for the type of metagenomic activity necessary in a dynamic environment, it might just be this microbe line up change allows resonant plants to grow in otherwise less favorable locations but that this is some innovation of evolution.
Low K levels can lead plants to switch to Na to continue to function. is there a greater overhead for the plant, yes, but then life isnt always perfect right.
What is the cost for a plant and mycorrhiza in a low P environment? Do plants grown only with Mycos suffer yield losses compared to those grown in abundant P?
What about in acidic soils, what is the cost, We surely must appreciate that NH4+ is more abundant where acidic soil conditions prevail and so it would be NO3- we would struggle to achieve in the soil, but the plant has a strategy of Nitrogen reduction right, the overhead is higher but the plant would live.
if you put salt on ham and then treated the land with the same abandon, yes you would get issues, but a little salt never hurt anyone, including many of our microbes friends who because of the metagenomic ability to generate never before seen brand new enzymes and nucleotides, are far better at diet changes than we give them credit for.
cant remember which one i used by it was the ingrediant that you only use beginning of season eco,,media pro i think,cant remeber,anyway ,had some extra oats and stuff laying around ,put it on top of all the totes and watered it in with my new water can hahahah,just gave um a little shot and let um go,,wonder if this will grow hair as well as that mycelium,lmao


It is not really understood at this stage buddy, people are only just getting there heads around why some plants can override transport systems to greater effect when faced with Saline conditions.
there is near zero data written on the interactions between plants and halophiles, but in light of the mass of plant microbe up regulation taking place in healthy soils, and the constant adaptation over minute timescales, I rather suspect some fortunate plants have developed a mechanism and arrangement not dissimilar to the sharing model of Bac Sub or indeed a Mycorrhiza, with said Halophiles which is the missing link between LCT1 and HKT2 transporters.
for sure would be great if it was figured out,seen a you tube video were they grew rice paddy that had been devastated by a tsumi and had some the best looking rice and veggies around


yes sir, i rue the fucking day we invented some things........drones are for fucking spies and cocks, unless i am the pilot :)
ive seen that thing hovering around here ,for about a mont when i first moved here,thought along the lines of @jipp flying saucer,hahah sure enough i was right,about 1 1/2 month ago texas rangers ,local sherrif and atf made a raid and scored a huge meth haul and ring had about 40 folk got busted,linked to human trafficing also


Its scary ....the pervert world and technology
got to say that aint gonna fly here,not the city were neighbor can stick there ear on your house and listen to you talk ,not here,and i dont have a shedule for sleep,im out side all hours of day and night,all i can say there better pick there lunch wisely,cause the weed is the only thing that keeps me chilled if you dig
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