Cannabis Plant Drooping & Can't Figure Out What is Wrong

  • Thread starter ShadowKhan
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Hey guys me again :) this is sort of a follow up post to my previous post a couple of days ago. Around the same time I made the post her leaves began to droop. I felt the soil and she seemed like she needed some water. I also noticed some of her leaves were yellowing so I gave her nutrients so I gave her both yesterday. The picture below was taken yesterday.

Cannabis plant drooping  cant figure out what is wrong 2

I know it's kind of hard to see in this picture but she definitely needed nutrients. I gave her .6 mL of micro, .3 mL of bloom, and .9 mL of gro from General Hydroponics Flora series. Then I brought the water to pH 6.5. Here are the pics I took this morning.
Cannabis plant drooping  cant figure out what is wrong

She is still drooping and I'm not really sure what to do. Any help would be much appreciated, ty :)
Cannabis plant drooping  cant figure out what is wrong 3
Cannabis plant drooping  cant figure out what is wrong 4


I see the fogger in there... What's the temperature and humidity day and night?


I see the fogger in there... What's the temperature and humidity day and night?
We try and keep the humidity around 60% at all times, and the temperature during the day cycle hovers around 82-85 degrees. At night it drops to around 72 degrees.


Daytime VPD is perfect, assuming leaf temps are 4° less than ambient:

Screenshot 20230616 080748

Interactive VPD chart

Do you water to runoff?

What's your light intensity, if you have a way to measure ppfd?

What about pH and EC of your water/feed?


Daytime VPD is perfect, assuming leaf temps are 4° less than ambient:

View attachment 1994519

Interactive VPD chart

Do you water to runoff?

What's your light intensity, if you have a way to measure ppfd?

What about pH and EC of your water/feed?
I'm sorry I'm unfamiliar with most of the terms you've thrown out. However I pH'ed the water to 6.5 yesterday when I fed her. Unfortunately I don't know how to measure light intensity but we keep the light at a medium setting.


I'm sorry I'm unfamiliar with most of the terms you've thrown out. However I pH'ed the water to 6.5 yesterday when I fed her. Unfortunately I don't know how to measure light intensity but we keep the light at a medium setting.
There is an app on the app store called photone, it allows you to use your phone selfie camera to read the ppfd. That's the light intensity, they also have guides for recommended ppfd for cannabis on the app. This has helped me dramatically on knowing where my light should be, this is a free app on Android and a paid app on iphone, Android is still in beta testing so can use it for free. It will help a lot for you to figure out where the light should be.


Not knowing anything about your media or lights, my first guess, based on the thickness and texture in your leaves, is that you're over-watered. In soil, I water slowly to 10% runoff, only when the pots are very light. Especially when you have small plants relative to the pot size, watering based on how the top of the media feels is likely to cause you to water too often.

Your leaves are pretty dark, and there's some clawing evident, which makes me wonder about over-feeding. I'd take a TDS reading on your runoff next time you water to get an idea of how much salt you have in the pots.

Hope that's helpful.


Not knowing anything about your media or lights, my first guess, based on the thickness and texture in your leaves, is that you're over-watered. In soil, I water slowly to 10% runoff, only when the pots are very light. Especially when you have small plants relative to the pot size, watering based on how the top of the media feels is likely to cause you to water too often.

Your leaves are pretty dark, and there's some clawing evident, which makes me wonder about over-feeding. I'd take a TDS reading on your runoff next time you water to get an idea of how much salt you have in the pots.

Hope that's helpful.
Thank you all so much for the speedy replies, I appreciate it so much. How do I take a TDS reading? Also I feel like it's not over feeding because as I had said in the OP and in the picture, the leaves are starting to yellow, which I thought was a sign of nutrient deficiency?


Thank you all so much for the speedy replies, I appreciate it so much. How do I take a TDS reading? Also I feel like it's not over feeding because as I had said in the OP and in the picture, the leaves are starting to yellow, which I thought was a sign of nutrient deficiency?
yellowing can be from numerous things.. including watering to frequently, lights to close, etc etc..


I'm sorry I'm unfamiliar with most of the terms you've thrown out. However I pH'ed the water to 6.5 yesterday when I fed her. Unfortunately I don't know how to measure light intensity but we keep the light at a medium setting.
There is an app on the app store called photone, it allows you to use your phone selfie camera to read the ppfd. That's the light intensity, they also have guides for recommended ppfd for cannabis on the app. This has helped me dramatically on knowing where my light should be, this is a
Thank you all so much for the speedy replies, I appreciate it so much. How do I take a TDS reading? Also I feel like it's not over feeding because as I had said in the OP and in the picture, the leaves are starting to yellow, which I thought was a sign of nutrient deficiency?
My guess is your pH is too high, you PH'ed the water to 6.5, recommended levels I have read about are 5.9-6.2. the yellowing leaves are from a lack of nutrients but not from a lack of you feeding them to her, rather a lack of nutes because the pH is too high and she can't uptake them. Please remember this is just a guess on my end and I could totally be wrong.


Also she looks a little lengthy top head looks a little small, I am assuming it's not getting enough light, but again that's just a random guess with the little information I have.

Good luck. She looking very decent, very minimal issues. So far good job. 👍


Thank you all so much for the speedy replies, I appreciate it so much. How do I take a TDS reading? Also I feel like it's not over feeding because as I had said in the OP and in the picture, the leaves are starting to yellow, which I thought was a sign of nutrient deficiency?
You could be right, but if you're over-watered, it makes diagnosis tricky. If the root hairs drown, the plant can take up water, but it will struggle taking up nutes, and there's no predicting how that will show up on the leaves. You can get into an ugly spiral of phantom deficiencies, where you're adding salt to the pot, but it's just accumulating because the plant isn't using it efficiently. I don't know that that's what's going on with your plant, but it's something that can happen.

You'll need a TDS meter (aka a "ppm pen" or "EC meter") to check your runoff.) In soil, I don't feed if my runoff ppms are much over 1,000 on the 500 scale (2.0 EC).


There is an app on the app store called photone, it allows you to use your phone selfie camera to read the ppfd. That's the light intensity, they also have guides for recommended ppfd for cannabis on the app. This has helped me dramatically on knowing where my light should be, this is a free app on Android and a paid app on iphone, Android is still in beta testing so can use it for free. It will help a lot for you to figure out where the light should be.

Find a PAR map for your lights' manufacturer and use that to calibrate the app. It's not perfectly accurate, but damn good for the price, free.


We try and keep the humidity around 60% at all times, and the temperature during the day cycle hovers around 82-85 degrees. At night it drops to around 72 degrees.
82 to 85, I would try to get that down to 70-80, right now higher temps not horrible because she is in veg, but 85+ in a tent is a no go in flower.

So I think lower your pH a little, get your light right, lower temps and make sure she dries out between watering will. Seems like it could just be multiple little issues that need fine tuning.


What made you think it needed to be fed? That looks like a healthy plant to me. What's your soil? Have you tested the Ph of your soil after watering? Yes, I would also get the temp down. You said you were letting the soil dry between waterings?


Hi all! Thank you so much for replying so fast. I'm sorry I haven't replied as I started my new job today. I wanted to get back to you all of you guys in this one post. The growing medium is Root Organics 707 Growing Formula. We started her on it when we transplanted her into the pot she's in now as seen in the OP. From what I understand it's very light on nutrients.

Replying to @Harpua88 as stated in the OP and seen in the picture, I gave her nutrients because her bottom leaves were beginning to yellow. Yes, we generally try to wait 2-3 days before watering however, keep reading and Ill explain what's been happening.

Replying to @TinFoilHat a couple of weeks ago, we were watering her every 2-3 days, however over the last week or so we've been noticing that her soil is drying up very quickly. For example, 4 days ago we watered her, until her soil was damp. We have been using a 450 mL bottle for this. Then, 3 days ago her soil was a little damp, but almost dry. So we watered her again. Again, with a 450 mL bottle (using the full thing.)

Replying to @Pilted ever since we added our grow light (the Phantom Pheno 440) temps jumped from about 74-75 degrees, all the way to 82-83. We have 2 fans going (technically 3 but the third is just a small intake fan) and are still struggling to keep it down. We open up some flaps during the "day" cycle of the lights but it still hovers around 82 degrees. I'll take your suggestion of lowering the pH of the water from 6.5 to 6.2 and she if she will take to the nutes better. Also worth mentioning we have the light on the max setting and it's about 3 or 4 feet away from the plant (I'll get some precise measurements later tonight when the lights kick on.)

Thank you all for the suggestion on the free app we will definitely give it a try. Thank you all so much for the advice, any more with the newly added information will always be nice, ty :)


2-3 days might be too soon. Are you checking to see if the soil is dry? Are you checking only the top 2 inches, or are you doing the weight test and/or using a soil moisture meter? From the looks and sounds of it, you're watering too frequently.

You don't need to PH balance your water in soil. I think once you do, you might need to continue doing it.

Turn your lights down. They're in veg and don't need the full blast of your light yet.


Your color is great. Try to water once to where you get runout and cover the whole area of soil when watering. How much was used? Back it off and feed with 60% of that and you won’t have run off. This method should keep you guessing 2 or 3 days for watering times, then you can use the droop as a hungry sign from the plant. Less is better. If you are having runout every feed, it may be overwatering. In any event your leaf color looks great. Better to under water than over water.
With that being said, it looks as if the only variable that has changed is your temps. For no reason other than to help them eat at those higher temps, I would introduce CO2.


I concur with elisiveshame that light intensity may be your issue. If your watering is consistent and unchanged since the problem started. Focus on the last thing changed before the symptom.
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