CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread for General BS and Good Will

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snow should be gone by the end of today
27D03506 122D 4D9C A11B 397A0067E067


Morning all...yes we got about 1 ft as well here in Nova Scotia with a bit more falling today...nice and bright white....Snow man making snow too.....I may just have to roll up a fatty and play in the snow for a while today....
My neighbor, with a snow blower, did my walk and driveway before I even looked out the window. He's not a toker, so I'll have to give him an IOU for tomato sauce, redeemable late in summer.


Oh yes, I'm already a latte deep... letting hubs sleep in then gonna go shovel... aka, hold shovels while we hide from our child to wake and bake. 🤣
Guess that's one good thing about the snow, makes for an easy alibi... but he's catching on lol.
The age old question, do we continue to be sneaky in perpetuity... or be honest eventually? He already knows I make edibles, aka grown up treats... might tell him this year that my plants are the medicine for the treats. I know some of y'all have kids, how do you handle it?
I just don't want him to think smoking is cool, I don't even like him to see people be looks up to smoking ciggys... like my bff always uses the smoking a ciggy excuse to burn and I feel like that's not any better, but actually worse lol... we don't smoke ciggys, just lefties.
Stupid mom guilt is harshing my mellow maaaan.
That’s a super hard question, and a very personal decision. As for me, I chose to wait until they were of adult consent and hid in the basement, out in the barn, on the deck at night after they went to bed. I had one by birth, but raised five of them, why I am probably eligible for a nut certification!
Things have changed considerably since then. It’s now accepted as a medical treatment, whereas then one uttered word at school could have sent me straight to jail.


G series SF lights use different diodes - LM281's vs LM301's
There are at least a couple of companies (in the US) that seem to offer slightly used, refirbished, whatever you want to call them. They might seem precarious, but those things are checked. run through the same quality standards......I have to get a light for my wife so she can do some indoor stuff, start things earlier in the spring, etc. I might get her a stronger one, but go for a refurbished one and try that out.


My neighbor, with a snow blower, did my walk and driveway before I even looked out the window. He's not a toker, so I'll have to give him an IOU for tomato sauce, redeemable late in summer.
We had a guy plow our driveway for 25 years...then he retired and for the past few years everyone I get is stupid....I tell them what I want and that I park my car in the garage and don't plow snow up to my garage door ...back in and plow out........

Guess what.... a 4 ft pile of snow in front of my door....How the Fk am I supposed to get out?

I called him and he starts bitching he has 2 trucks down and more important things to do than worry about a pile of snow in front of my garage right now......This was yesterday morning ....1 hr later he or someone came back and did a half assed job getting rid of the pile wtf this is 4 years in a row with different guys and ????


That’s a super hard question, and a very personal decision. As for me, I chose to wait until they were of adult consent and hid in the basement, out in the barn, on the deck at night after they went to bed. I had one by birth, but raised five of them, why I am probably eligible for a nut certification!
Things have changed considerably since then. It’s now accepted as a medical treatment, whereas then one uttered word at school could have sent me straight to jail.
Our son will ne 25 soon........good Lord I was just getting used to 25. He's a cool kid.....guy....but he's not into weed. There might be something about your kids not being like you, so he's not doing the whole hippie thing. We were pretty honest about it as he was growing up, but we weren't obvious. Also, as he got older we naturally had less and less. I talk about it far more than I use it. Having him watch me set up the grow room and planting and all is quite hilarious. He's cool with it, just not his thing.

We took him on Phish tour from day one. He's been to like 120 shows. He's not a fan per se......he knows they're good, he still comes to shows with us, goes on summer tour with us.....we had all the stages, hippie girls scooping him up, running arpund after glow sticks, on our shoulders mesmerized by he stands next to us, knows all the songs.......he got to see kids laid out in a field, stupid drunk, wooks tripping balls.......ok that one was me......he he he. But idiots on ketamine or nodding off, spun up on "molly" he knows all about it. Here's what's good.......Here's what's not.

We'd actually dig it if he would try weed, I think he'd like it. I've talked about the benefits (and fun) of LSD and mushrooms..... .eh, whenever he's ready.


We had a guy plow our driveway for 25 years...then he retired and for the past few years everyone I get is stupid....I tell them what I want and that I park my car in the garage and don't plow snow up to my garage door ...back in and plow out........

Guess what.... a 4 ft pile of snow in front of my door....How the Fk am I supposed to get out?

I called him and he starts bitching he has 2 trucks down and more important things to do than worry about a pile of snow in front of my garage right now......This was yesterday morning ....1 hr later he or someone came back and did a half assed job getting rid of the pile wtf this is 4 years in a row with different guys and ????
That seems to be the kind of “help” we get around here. No one wants to work, demand top pay for half assed jobs. It’s time to replace my roof and I’m scared!


Central Florida on the west coast - I went to Clearwater beach for work the other day and it’s back to normal mayb even more people! Lol
I’ve been from top to bottom of your state both East and West coast. I used to spend a lot of time in the Keys (my family basically settled Key West) and then I discovered the gorgeous water and white sands of Navarre Island. Been hooked ever since! The only thing that keeps me from living there part time is the quality of the water. Once you’ve been spoiled to a spring fed well, it’s hard to get passed that.


Really that’s sux! I thought all those people weee all here in Florida!
Only the smart ones....we're left with those with no gumption to get out of here......This is a great place to retire but Its at the end of the world for someone young........ I just had some Plumbing done....great in and out in one day....ooops they broke a T connection putting it together...water leaking in my Grow room.....called them back to fix it...$65 new T off the new expansion $125 service call......Guess what?...its leaking....air in my water line and a drip drip at the T....Service call??


Only the smart ones....we're left with those with no gumption to get out of here......This is a great place to retire but Its at the end of the world for someone young........ I just had some Plumbing done....great in and out in one day....ooops they broke a T connection putting it together...water leaking in my Grow room.....called them back to fix it...$65 new T off the new expansion $125 service call......Guess what?...its leaking....air in my water line and a drip drip at the T....Service call??
I end up having to hire people from Springfield. I live in one of the largest and most economically depressed counties in Mo. Well, I know why most of them are poor, too damn lazy to work! The person that I have worked for, managing her air bnbs asked me to help her find cleaners. Put in on my fakebook yesterday, twenty an hour etc etc etc. Not ONE reply.


That’s a super hard question, and a very personal decision. As for me, I chose to wait until they were of adult consent and hid in the basement, out in the barn, on the deck at night after they went to bed. I had one by birth, but raised five of them, why I am probably eligible for a nut certification!
Things have changed considerably since then. It’s now accepted as a medical treatment, whereas then one uttered word at school could have sent me straight to jail.
Yes, my mom and dad explained to me that dad's plants and habits were something that wasn't bad, bit could get him in trouble if school found out. It is legal now, but there's still a stigma... I don't care much what others think, but I don't want my kid excluded or something cause he has a stoner mom... but really, do I want my kid being friends with a kid with a stuck up Karen for a Mom? Probably not. 🤣 We'll probably remain sneaky for a few more years at least. 🤷‍♀️
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