Cash-croppers & rapists

  • Thread starter Seamaiden
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I tell my daughter all the time, there are very bad men, and people in general. When she asks why, I tell her I have no clue, but to remember that it is true and to trust no one.

It is sick, this particular story is so sick I won't even tell her about it.


Living dead girl
I'm gonna have to look into that case. Sounds interesting.
Horrific is more like it. No one got out of there alive. The property is fairly close to where we live, and if you know this area at all, then you know just how easy it is to hide that type of criminal activity. Hell, when I fell and tore out my ACL not a single neighbor heard me yelling for help. A few weeks ago when I fell and twisted my ankle so badly I couldn't get up no one heard me. And I was outside in the open air near the road, not in a sound-proofed dungeon.


I do not think any of these cases should give growers a bad name at all, these sick fucks just happened to grow herb.

There are cases like these all too often, unfortunately, and the bulk of them never involve herb. The media can spin the ones involving herb for ratings, and they do.

The case has much more to do with the rape and abuse in general to me that the herb.

Lots of guys grow thousands of plants and are very kind and generous.


I do not think any of these cases should give growers a bad name at all, these sick fucks just happened to grow herb.

There are cases like these all too often, unfortunately, and the bulk of them never involve herb. The media can spin the ones involving herb for ratings, and they do.

The case has much more to do with the rape and abuse in general to me that the herb.

Lots of guys grow thousands of plants and are very kind and generous.

"Tarred with the same brush" Stupid, but it's human nature to conflate the unrelated. Worse, we have no shortage of politicians who are expert at using this tactic to shape public opinion.


Umm yeah this was not a conspiracy or a false flag operation. These guys were next door neighbors to good friend of mine. They couldn't get to their property for almost a week because the FBI, ATF and Homeland security had the whole area locked down. I actually went to high school with one of these psychopaths, a lot of people around here knew him and had no idea he was into this sort of shit.

For these guys cannabis was just another way to make money - they were into smuggling everything from people to weapons, they do not represent most growers. If it was up to me people like this would simply be take out back of the Sheriff's office and shot then ground up into dog food.


Fear Not!
Horrific is more like it. No one got out of there alive. The property is fairly close to where we live, and if you know this area at all, then you know just how easy it is to hide that type of criminal activity. Hell, when I fell and tore out my ACL not a single neighbor heard me yelling for help. A few weeks ago when I fell and twisted my ankle so badly I couldn't get up no one heard me. And I was outside in the open air near the road, not in a sound-proofed dungeon.

Sea; get one of these..


You know seamaiden you made a very good point, we as peaceful and compassionate citizens by large would be subjected to torture in Prison, isolation, rape, abuse by gards, all at the order by likes of Federal officials. They would enjoy that knowledge as well, telling.


I do not think any of these cases should give growers a bad name at all, these sick fucks just happened to grow herb.

There are cases like these all too often, unfortunately, and the bulk of them never involve herb. The media can spin the ones involving herb for ratings, and they do.

The case has much more to do with the rape and abuse in general to me that the herb.

Lots of guys grow thousands of plants and are very kind and generous.
It absolutely shouldn't give us a bad name, but they will run with it to do just that.
Oregon Panda

Oregon Panda

Yellow journalism. Just because something actually happened doesnt mean it cant be propaganda. Its clearly already being used as such in the statements made by Malinda Haag. "This is what we see when we look at marijuana"

If you grow pot, your in the sex slave trade.


Yellow journalism. Just because something actually happened doesnt mean it cant be propaganda. Its clearly already being used as such in the statements made by Malinda Haag. "This is what we see when we look at marijuana"

If you grow pot, your in the sex slave trade.

I think Ms. Haag would look great naked and wearing a leash and collar. She's the perfect anti-pot lobby lapdog!


Trichome Engineer
Umm yeah this was not a conspiracy or a false flag operation. These guys were next door neighbors to good friend of mine. They couldn't get to their property for almost a week because the FBI, ATF and Homeland security had the whole area locked down. I actually went to high school with one of these psychopaths, a lot of people around here knew him and had no idea he was into this sort of shit.

For these guys cannabis was just another way to make money - they were into smuggling everything from people to weapons, they do not represent most growers. If it was up to me people like this would simply be take out back of the Sheriff's office and shot then ground up into dog food.
wouldn't feed a dog that crap... one more perverted and disgusting thing in this world.


Living dead girl
Whoa... Blaze..! Whoa. Whoa. My head is trippin' hard right now. Whoa.

Ken, Dave had a security system installed that comes with FOB that I have attached to a... thingy, one of those things that you can clip onto you and it has a key ring--a thingy. It stays attached to me AND I keep my cel phone on me at all times, unless I'm with Dave. When I twisted my ankle Dave was home, but the house was closed up. I have forgotten the phone & FOB a couple of times, once I almost fell out of the greenhouse (it's on a bit of a steep slope), that scared me enough that I'm remembering it all the time now.

Falling down used to be funny. It's not so funny anymore.

Back to the topic at hand, I don't believe that the government set this up, I feel that it (read: we) have plenty of very bad people who do very bad things, enough to keep its (read: our) hands full. But to read that all these agencies were involved and that these guys were smuggling humans... <gulp> These are very bad men, and I already know that very bad people exist in this world, people who have nothing to do with the government.

As for Leonard Lake and Charles Ng? They were also horrid people. Leonard Lake killed himself with a cyanide pill when he was arrested, for shoplifting or something like that IIRC. Charles Ng is at San Quentin awaiting his execution. They did absolutely horrible, unspeakable things to the people they kidnapped, including at least one baby. As long as we have people like them in this world, people like me want government and police. Just sayin'.


This is one case where the Feds were actually doing their job properly. I for one am lad these guys are behind bars. Pretty sure these guys had been watched for a long time, much longer than the newspapers made it out to be. I remember a year or two ago they got in trouble with the county for building a 100' x 300' greenhouse without permits, and with the IRS for purchasing the nearly 700 acre property, and a plane, without filling any taxes. This was not their first run in with the law.

This whole ordeal sent a lot of shock-waves through the community. These guys were locals, born and raised, and had a lot of family and friends in the area. Lot of folks knew they were growing because they were so blatant about it, but the whole human sex slave thing was a real nasty surprise.


Living dead girl
If that's the case, I truly feel for their families. My deepest, sincerest condolences and prayers go with them.


They even kinda look like, the originators of, "put people in a box", in Lake County, Leonard Lake and Charles Ng.........

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