Cheese Breeding Project part VII

  • Thread starter Kaliman
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Nice one winta mate, I'll look forward to your journal if ya do one?

And to anyone reading this, Kaliman Seeds are now in the ThcBay and there is a promo offer on so buy any Kaliman strain and you get my flagship baby Cheese#1 thrown in for free.
Cheese 3a 3


Here's a few pics of a a guy called Squirrel's Cheese#1 grow under 2 x 600w fan cooled hps fed Vitalink nutes in coco and are at 7 weeks plus flowering. :)
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Glad to hear your girls are doing well northone.

Here's a few pics of some Cheese#1 at 32 days flowering.
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xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
looking good man. im here watching, along for the ride


I am going to have to get some of that. That looks so fun. I am curious to know if you have any insights into what may have contributed to the spontaneous gender reversal of your clone. I think if others could achieve the same thing somehow intentionally it could benefit the state of elite genetics everywhere. My limited understanding is that S1s carry greater potential for genetic frailty, but I'm guessing the cheese #1 may have more inherent potential for health and vigor due to it's non-S1 origin.
Do you think it was simply rolling the dice enough times and getting lucky? Was there an aspect of the environment that encouraged this, or a change in the environment? Was there something different about this clone from the beginning? Lighting, medium, temps, humidity, ph, ppm change, something that changed it in the cloner? Who knows. I understand if this knowledge is proprietary.
What a cool path in life. Congratulations.


Hi Dankworth,

I've done a fair bit of reading up online trying to find the actual genetic mechanism that caused this to occur and I've found one bit of info in a book called Hemp Husbandry:

4.9 ~ Sexual Expression

The sexual expression of cannabis is determined by its genetic makeup, and by its metabolic temper, which is regulated by the male enzyme andrase and the female enzyme gynase. Environmental conditions (light, nutrients, soil and water) may suppress the formation of the dominant enzyme, and allow the opposite sex to express itself partially (hermaphroditism) or completely (sex reversal). (71, 72)

Here's a link:

So it would appear that stress of some kind causes the hormones andrase and gynase to to influence the sexual expression of the plant and they are talking about plants and not the potential sex of seeds so that is a bit of a clue right there methinks but I'm not a geneticist or cell biologist and want to write to a few big names in cannabis genetics to see if I can get some definitive answers as it's still a bit of a mystery and had someone told me of such an occurrence I would have been highly sceptical but as I'm now finding cannabis gender most certainly is not mainly down the the xx and xy chromosomes and looking in my copy of Advances Hemp Research by Paulo Ranalli a total of 12 intersexual forms of cannabis have been categorised and how they express sex has a lot to do with environment. (page 168 of Genetic improvement:conventional approaches)

But it's a fun mystery that has made me go out of my way to learn more about cannabis so it's all good and in response to your question, the clones were grown in a well dialled in environment and not seemingly stressed but then we are talking about a clone only strain that has been knocking about for 23 years and seeing as cannabis is only meant to live for a few months well then there is a huge source of stress right there.
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Hi all,

here's a pic of a smoke report for Rocksters Cheese bubblehash grown by skunk-mad that came out in Treating Yourself mag a while back.
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And I've just made the cover of Treating Yourself I'm rather chuffed to say and also have a Cheese#1 smoke report again done by skunk-Mad.

In the next issue there is a 7 page article with many pics and telling of how the strain Cheese#1 came to be and with a mention on the front cover.

I've met Marco Renda the publisher who I've given a sample of my Cheese to and going by how much coverage he's giving me I'm guessing he must have liked it!
jim jones

jim jones

Hi kaliman just wana say congrats for everything, being from uk myself i love the cheese strain and have been smoking it for the last 5 years. I had the exodus cut but never mothered any then lost my link for the cuttings so to see that you've managed to make it seed form is fantastic! Im deffinately gona order a pack but have a question, im planing on making a batch of seeds by sexing a male and female from some reg seeds, would the seeds they produce still be f2 or f3? Sorry if its a simple question but ive never tried my hand at breeding yet.

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