Chemistry's persoanl grow.

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Now we're talkin Chem 😃
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i like the yellow light,if i cant have natural light ,or MH
i got these pepper plants under a light,so they werent getting enough and still to little to take the 100 degree days we already are getting,
so last night i hung the LED light,man when i sparked that thing it almost floored me , it really does mess with my sight almost fell down,weird shit how lights can effect the body
when i use my HID lights ,if im in the room or tent to long when i come out ,it like choppers over head
just cant beat the sun in my opinion ,but i dont have that choice ,although somone did drop a seed in my squash bed hahahah


Last year when my LED arrived through the post, I opened the box, took out the power cord and plugged it in to see if it worked before I took all the packaging off, no lag like HID, boom, and I was blinded, ten minutes with two tennis ball sized black dots in front of my eyes, I must have looked like a drunk zombie walking round with my arms out, think I prefer the gentle wake up of HID. 😁


They got some poke hey.i cant see shit when i come out of the a little like pin the tail on the donkey hahaha.ive got the shades but dont wear them when i water always got the head down with my hoody on. I know i should b wearing them at all times..i hate that these ones are green and a little dark and cant quite see propper..


glasses dont really help much ,when you got brain damage , but it still all good,my regular glasses are photo lense , they go cool brezze in just seconds , they are a pain in ass when walking into building though and living in this new world ,you always keep your guard up hahaha
i think my sun glasses are how my deer recognize me,they wont just woinder beside the wife , but i have to keep um out the bucket i carry hahaah


Cool i will ask for them when i go in soon ..i need to wear glasses when i trim now.just chepo one.i reckon ive broke 3-4 pr lol sitting on them on the lounge 🤣
mine are just reg photo lense,they are quite irratating at time though , im same way with glasses,i just recently cracked mine feeding the deer threw the fence ,i had to put a 4ft wide by 2 ft tall section above my gate ,i had a dang doe jump over my little gate,only her ,2 years in a row,
now this doe is special you see,first i have a cattle panel section for the gate,you know bottom is 3 x4 squares i believe, any way i have it on hooks were i can use it but not have a swing gate,so i feed them when they come up to the fence ,a few by hand ,but when they come up to the gate and ask i pour them about half a cup of corn,they eat it ,then look with sad eyes for more ,i say nope,the just walk about ,so this one doe says yep,she sticks her head threw the 4x4 squares and reachs in to grab the spilt corn on the sidewalk,,ok but when she made a noise trying to get further in ,the gate rattles and what happens ,she goes ballistic and starts to run off with the gate attached to her dang head hahahahha, so now i have the smallest openings at the bottom so they cant reach in,all good right,nope, so after she has her baby she decides she is starving and want to come into my container garden and the back yard which is off limits and the reason for fencing in first place,so she stands up on a rock ledge beside the wall and leaps over the fence,ok so i go in the back yard were she is happy as a jack ass and shoo her off,over the 5 ft fence in the back yard she goes .
all good right, nope,the following year she jumps threw the opening of fence ,which was a 4 ft gate,then a 3 ft opening to feed them and then a section above that to keep her out, she jumped threw that small opening,no joke a 3 ft hole and again i run her off and over the 5 ft fence, so this year knock on wood she hasnt attempt to come threw because on the open section i left some loose rope just hanging and weaved loose which tells her NOPE hahahh.
thats how i cracked my glasses and at 400 bucks well i be a true crack head old school hahahaha
i have found the way to keep the deer from jumping my fence though,i built a raised bed and got it closer to the fence were they see the box and dont attempt the landing part ,so they avoid it, the back yard was fenced in just for my dogs ,well i only have one left and he will be my last one,im done bury my babies,but there is nothing ,just shade trees ,no forage ,its just the idea of you cant keep me out syndrom i guess hahah


Good morning all you tokers and growers, are you all geared up for the weekend. 🙂 All is going well here, plants are looking green and mean, we're just starting week five of flower when the lights came on this morning, so this week will see peak flower muff. 😁 I was looking at the flower heads and noticed the Chocolate Skunk is a more pointy headed flower than the other two plants, can't remember if it was last time I ran it, might flick back through my grow diary pics to have a look later, if I get a minute. 🙂 Been hot here this week, so the plants have been drinking a lot more, as an indoor grower I'm not the biggest fan of changeable weather, as you just get your plants drinking and feeding just perfect, then along comes a heat wave and your plants start to drink more, eat more, and this can some times lead you to think some thing is wrong with your plants due to the due to the upsurge feeding, when in actual fact, its just that they are gulping down the feed, when they only want extra water to perspire. Raining here now, all change. 😁 So the outdoor weather situation is my only danger area at the minute, could do with this weather front moving into another county for three weeks. 🙂 Anyway, orange pics anyone? 🙂

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F4a

Chocolate Skunk F4b

Chocolate Skunk F4c

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F4a

Amnesia Lemon F4b

Amnesia Lemon F4c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F4a

Francos Lemon Cheese F4b

Francos Lemon Cheese F4c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F4 1

Group Shot F4 3

Humidity is fine. 👍
DSC01164 2

All in, we're in a good place at the moment, and it would be nice to remain there, but as we all know, swings are roundabouts abound. So if you would like to find out what week five holds for the muffters club, pop back for next Saturday's update and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍


yep weather all over the place up here in the northeast, warnings for severe thunderstorms and possible hail today been 77 all night. Glad my basement always seems to stay as somewhat stable conditions temp and humidity wise

Your girls are looking awesome, the kind of grow I strive to achieve 😁


yep weather all over the place up here in the northeast, warnings for severe thunderstorms and possible hail today been 77 all night. Glad my basement always seems to stay as somewhat stable conditions temp and humidity wise

Your girls are looking awesome, the kind of grow I strive to achieve 😁

They're not perfect, but its the best I can do with the time I have available, thanks. Once you get a couple of grows under your belt, you'll be as good as any other grower, its when you up your game it gets more difficult, Keep it simple, and you cant go wrong Mike. 👍


This is where leds your friend right now chem 😉 kill for that low rh though and the muff stacking you got going.i always get symetrical bud formation..ive only ever had one plant grow like asymetrical but was a clone,but they all do that..

What canna line are you running


They're not perfect, but its the best I can do with the time I have available, thanks. Once you get a couple of grows under your belt, you'll be as good as any other grower, its when you up your game it gets more difficult, Keep it simple, and you cant go wrong Mike. 👍
I still have a ton of auto seeds left, was thinking about getting some photo seeds and running 2 photos instead of 6 autos, I think I’ll do one more auto run after these, just passed week 4 so mabye around week 7 depending on how the current look mabye I’ll start the next round I haven’t started any of the Master OG’s yet but I have 3 seeds so I’ll probably run all 3 of those and then one of each other strain to see my results and if they are consistent then try my hand at some photos, I have some ideas of what I want to run strain wise but not positive yet


This is where leds your friend right now chem 😉 kill for that low rh though and the muff stacking you got going.i always get symetrical bud formation..ive only ever had one plant grow like asymetrical but was a clone,but they all do that..

What canna line are you running

Its not a problem Max, just a trait, I'm sure it did it last time, basic Canna Aqua line, and Cannazyme. 👍
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Good morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, its sunny for a change, and its update time. 🙂 Nothing bad to report, yellow shaded bottom leaves have all fallen off, the remainder of the leaves are green and grabbing the light. 👍 No feeding or water problems, or bugs, although I did brush off a cobweb from the top of the Chocolate Skunk, only the one, hopefully a feeding spider, although I normally get Spider Mites around week five of flower if they turn up at all, rare I see them in veg, think the veg is to damp for them, but the dry Summer of HPS is heaven to them, hawkeye time. 😉 Plants have just finished week 5 of flower, and started six when the lights came on this morning, two more weeks and we should know roughly what we will produce. The scrog filled in well to say one of the four seedlings failed, this is the good thing about scrogging, you have time to fill in the vacant space. I used to grow five seedlings at a time just in case one failed, but when all five pop and go for it, I then have five plants, when I only built my grow space to fit three full sized plants, and how many times do you throw away the spares? If your like me, then the answer is none. 😁 Cram them in as best you can, and then struggle with an over grown space, making more work for your self, who needs the extra grief, so I grow four at a time and just let the plants fill in the space, and if one dies its fine. I think if only one popped I could still fill the space with a scrog. I once grew one plant, a big Sativa, it filled the scrog in a a six by six tent, took an eternity to veg and flower, sixteen weeks to flower out, good smoke, nice if you have the space to grow one plant that took five months to grow from seed, a very worth while project if you want to learn about plants and extreme scrogging, you just have to make sure your stash can cover the grow time if you grow for your own consumption. I'll have a look for pics of the Sativa scrog and post them next week if I can find them. Right, orange pic time.

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F5a

Chocolate Skunk F5b

Chocolate Skunk F5c

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F5a

Amnesia Lemon F5b

Amnesia Lemon F5c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F5a

Francos Lemon Cheese F5b

Francos Lemon Cheese F5c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F5b

Group Shot F5c

And here we are at the bottom of the page, another update updated, time for the muff to start to die off and fatten up those buds, bring on those cinnamon fronds that we all love. 😎 Want to know what happens in week six, drop in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. 👍
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