Co2 tank system in a tent ? Is it worth it

  • Thread starter HomegrowNZ
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Adding co2 is only usefull if all other aspects of your grow are perfect. Also it is expensive because you suck the co2 away all the time. The best way I found is to connect my grow tent with my flower tent and when the flower tents lights are on the air gets blown into the grow tent and vice versa. Plants consume co2 converting it to oxygen when exposed to light but consume oxygen when it is dark and expell co2.

When you don't have a closed environment co2 adding is not cost effective.


If your not running a closed system I have yet need to find a a way to use co2 in a tent that socks the air out that has a positive roi.

If you are running 2 rooms or tents 1 veg and 1 flower recurculate the air between them when one tent is lights on and the other lights off. Not only will this stabilize the temp in both your growrooms but at night plants produce co2 and during light on they produce oxygen. This way you can give what the one room produces to the other room that needs it.
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