Colorado 2012 Vegetable Garden Thread

  • Thread starter chickenman
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sky high

sky high

And here on the Western side of the State it's drier than I've seen it in my 30 years here...
50% of normal runoff from that measely snowfall....and no rain for months....

scary muthafuckin' dry... tinderbox dry. The native grasses that should be green look toasty brown like it's late August...

I'm planting the flowers I had on order that are arriving today..... but the tomatoes and peppers and most everything else is gonna take a pass this year because we are well on our way to a ban/restriction on any/all outside irrigation here if something doesn't break in this weather pattern soon.

good thing the weed garden


Love the rain, need it bad. What a difference a year makes. Got 1/2 inch of moisture last night and looks like more today. If the sun can peek through often enough to get into the mid 80's LOOK OUT!! Enough hail though.


Damn, very high daytime temps and 40's at night are really stunting my veggie growth. And rain? whats that?... as we have had nothing. Not to mention the scorching temps in the MMJ Greenhouse where my plants are shutting down in the day and getting shocked at night. I recently installed a large roof vent in the GH ceiling and put in some more ground vents to try and keep temps down. I have no electric so fans are not an option. It's be nice to have a small solar panel and battery to run a few fans but that would cost me about 500 scoots (solar panel, battery, controller and breakers and wire).


It's always something! Remember going to visit my grandfather as a boy and he was always bitchen about the weather. It was to hot, to dry, to wet, the locust were bad or something. Wasn't 2 weeks ago that I was protecting against frost now it's hail. Need rain bad but storms that would give a good drenching always bring hail for about 3 weeks starting in June. A huge cell just went south of me yesterday and it would have finished everything as it hailed like crazy. I'm going to have to erect some kind of temporary protection against the elements. So far this year I have been lucky have had only moderate hail damage. The birds have done more damage than anything else. They keep picking the leaves off my starts. Destroyed my thai pepper crop yesterday.

Like sky said, good thing the other garden is save and sound in the basement.


I hear farmers in the east are getting hammered with bugs due to the excessive dry n windy season so far. We just drenched our bushes in Monterrey Spray cuz we saw caterpillars n mites already. I've never had spidermite problems outside in Denver. I thought the cold nights n rain kept them in check.


I hear farmers in the east are getting hammered with bugs due to the excessive dry n windy season so far. We just drenched our bushes in Monterrey Spray cuz we saw caterpillars n mites already. I've never had spidermite problems outside in Denver. I thought the cold nights n rain kept them in check.
Really??? They are in my tomatoes right now. That's why I am very careful to always take a shower and change clothes before going to my mmj garden. Last year the little fuckers got in my mmj garden, won't happen again and if they do get in they are going to DIE FAST!
Another reason I shut down for the summer, only a couple more weeks to go and I won't have to be so fricken careful.


Premium Member
Garden off to good start sespite heat and wind
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