Colorado, Probation puts MMJ license into fault.

  • Thread starter SweetIslandFunk
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Well ladies and gentlemen, here we are AGAIN on the front of controversy as each MMJ patient has to fight for their rights daily. It is 9:00 pm on Monday Jan, 11th, 2010. At this second dozens and possibly hundreds are down in Denver protesting as the City Council debates over the new Medical Marijuana Caregiver Ordinance, that will put 80% of all caregivers out of business. But this is another story...

I am on probation. I go in today to se my Probation Officer at the Westminster City Court House and she informs me that because I am on probation in Adams county that even though I have my license I still can not fail UAs with THC in my system. and the result for this is possible jail time or extended probation. She even told me to spend all my money on cannabinol instead but forgot that i would still fail the UAs. so basically where I stand is I may cultivate, sell to dispensaries, even be a full on caregiver, for now, but I just cant consume it. Immediately following the meeting I call my lawyer and he said basically what I told her. He said that it is my RIGHT as a Coloradan and as a patient to use, cultivate for my self and others if i choose. After all of this I called everyone I know of that is effected by this and lets just say I have NO plans to give up my rights and I will continue my remedy as I always have, eager and willing to fight.

express your feelings on this matter PLEASE.



This is only effective in Adams county and Jefferson County, so far...


Get your Md. to give you a script for marinol get your PO to give her approval for you to use the marinol and it will cover the herb nobody will know the difference. Treat your freedom like the greatest right you have and protect it and don't lose it for anything.


If you are perscribed marinol, a federally approved drug...

I dunno.. Sounds like a case to me...


Marinol/Dronabinol is a Schedule III drug for which a doctor can write you a prescription if medically necessary. Since it's synthetic THC, it will give you a "false positive" since only Schedule I THC from actual pot plants can be a "real" positive...even though it's the exact same chemical lol. They'll assign you a Medical Review Officer (MRO), you'll show him/her the prescription for Marinol, and they should give you a pass, unless they do something weird like check GC/MS results for some kind of cannabinoid that can't be present with only the use of Marinol (highly unlikely).

It will be a hassle, but that's the regular process...

You need to confirm with your PO that a medical review officer will be involved in the evaluation/dispute of a drug test performed at the facility...if so, Marinol should cover you.

If I were you, I'd remove the POs name from the original post in case she Googles her name - no need to accidentally piss off a representative of the state with your freedom in their hands!!


If your prescribed narcotics for pain you'll test positive for those narcotics but you have a prescription and your off the hook. Cannabis should be no different if your doctor reccommends it. However you might not want to be the test case for Colorado, have your probation pulled and sit in jail waiting to get it sorted out. Get your marinol or dronabinol prescription and make your PO approve it before you test positive.


Well, i guess if i stop now until april when i am off probation, I will have a whole lot of Blue cheese to celebrate with..

but it still makes me very sad to see that my rights can be revoked just like that.


You're dealing with a group of police officers who are trying to punish you for something. They'll tell you all sorts of things because it's their job to make you feel punished and keep you in line. The job even tends to attract people that want to punish others.

Every police chief has an agenda, and he will make this agenda known to the all the officers working for him. Pot law is a perfect stage for some police chief to make a name for himself. There are all sorts of those types of people that would love to get on the local news preaching about a single verdict that *obviously* shows that the community has a problem with the state's legislation (because there's no way that a handful of jurors could ever get hoodwinked by a D.A. with a good stage presence, right?).

Get your prescription and it becomes a non-issue - they definitely can't punish you for a true prescription from a legit doc for a non-schedule I drug. They're not stupid...they'll know what you're doing. But, it's a teeny, tiny little psychological victory for us because it has to make them feel like trying to police someone smoking pot is absolutely a waste of time. Baby steps, baby steps...


I guess my question is should I find out what happens if i continue my remedy or seek other temporary solutions?


Under what law or authority do they have to shut you down?

and vwhy are these two counties different


Sorry to hear that bro, In California I know for a fact you can be on probation and still have all your medical marijuana rights. I would have your lawyer consult a really good cali pot lawyer like Omar Figueroa or Bill Panzer and see if there is a legal precedent here that might help you.


Thanks a lot for all the feedback everyone. Initially she told me that since I was on probation I couldn't get my license at all but she didn't know what my reasons were, after I got my recommendation I showed it all to her along with my medical records and x-rays. At that point she couldn't really say anything until now. This just makes me believe that she's trying to win me over without any actual authority, she usually deals with minors but somehow I was thrown in with her, I think it was a influx of people on probation, so I could see how it would be easier to push around her other clients because they assume that SHE is the law, and it seems be a mutual attitude that the people there share. Simply put I will bring my lawyer to my next meeting to refresh her on my rights as a Patient, a Coloradan, and a American. I've seen no legislature at all that addresses this, simply a new guideline that the PO's of adams and jefffco are operating under.


Premium Member
Well ladies and gentlemen, here we are AGAIN on the front of controversy as each MMJ patient has to fight for their rights daily. It is 9:00 pm on Monday Jan, 11th, 2010. At this second dozens and possibly hundreds are down in Denver protesting as the City Council debates over the new Medical Marijuana Caregiver Ordinance, that will put 80% of all caregivers out of business. But this is another story...

I am on probation. I go in today to se my Probation Officer at the Westminster City Court House and she informs me that because I am on probation in Adams county that even though I have my license I still can not fail UAs with THC in my system. and the result for this is possible jail time or extended probation. She even told me to spend all my money on cannabinol instead but forgot that i would still fail the UAs. so basically where I stand is I may cultivate, sell to dispensaries, even be a full on caregiver, for now, but I just cant consume it. Immediately following the meeting I call my lawyer and he said basically what I told her. He said that it is my RIGHT as a Coloradan and as a patient to use, cultivate for my self and others if i choose. After all of this I called everyone I know of that is effected by this and lets just say I have NO plans to give up my rights and I will continue my remedy as I always have, eager and willing to fight.

express your feelings on this matter PLEASE.


Tell the bitch fuck probation, get as high as you want, and then take the jail time. I would rather serve a few months in jail then have someone breathing down my ass for several years. Not the greatest advice, I know, but that's what I would do. I have a real problem with authority, especially when the only thing I've ever done "wrong" is smoke herb and grow it. Which is the dumbest fucking law ever!! So, by all means I encourage people to break stupid fucking laws and remember WE have the power! Good luck and I hope everything works out for you!


Premium Member
It sucks but really bro>>>You got yourself on probation for something you did at the end of the day.. To get upset that you cant smoke is silly.. When you are on probation you don't have the same rights as a normal law abiding citizen does..mj patient or not. All them luxury's stop when you get yourself in trouble:)
When your caught up in the system fun stops.. I would never accept probation..Probation is made to fail at least for me>>>>I would rather just do the time..

Good luck on your situation. I've been there many many times back in the day>>>Stay safe




SweetIsland said:
I guess my question is should I find out what happens if i continue my remedy

You will be held in violation of your probation and you will lengthen your probation, increase the frequency of your UA's, and probably to jail.

SweetIsland, pass your UA's, or you will be in legal violation of your probation. Any advice to the contrary is very poorly informed pothead nonsense.

You are conflating two related, but very seperate "rights" - you might have the "right" to posses and use marijuana without criminal reprisal for that act - but you do not have "right" to fail a UA under the terms of your probabation - a seperate illegal act - which is determined by the county - and yes, largely the probation officer - under Colorado law.

Just because the end result is the same to you - doesn't mean it is before the court or the law - which you broke to get on probation.

You may not fail your UA's, and your pot card isn't going to fix this for you.

GreenThumbDanny said:
It sucks but really bro>>>You got yourself on probation for something you did at the end of the day.. To get upset that you cant smoke is silly.. When you are on probation you don't have the same rights as a normal law abiding citizen does..mj patient or not


SweetIsland, you adbridged this "right" when you broke whatever law you broke to get on probation. Presumably, you'd rather be on probation than be in jail - which is what probation is in-lieu of.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you need to put down the bong.


Sedate and Greenthumb put this into perspective for me, you sound just like my PO. Whether this is a violation of my rights or not, continuing to fight it is just my first reaction to this problem and first reactions are never thought out. Will i give up my remedy? yes, my medical license will still be there in April,it will save me money, I can still grow and I will have a whole lot to celebrate with come then. I wont have my probation extended nor will I sit in jail. So the ONLY down side is not being able to smoke, but I can deal with that. My PO said she does not expect me to start passing my UAs right away, this will be my day for the next few months. Wish me luck.


Even though i will stop using marijuana...

Sedate, the other option for my condition is pain killers, which cause vomiting, drowsiness, and even altered perception of my environment. But if i had a prescription for the pain killers and they showed up on my UAs then it would not be a problem. The situation for MMJ I no different and no one she operates under, judges, county police chiefs, etc.., has the authority to take away my constitutional rights like this, probation or not.

thats just a thought but couldn't I base a case on that?
sky high

sky high

Something I think you need to remember is that you have never been PRESCRIBED medical marijuana by any doctor in is merely a RECOMMENDATION given by a doctor that the use of marijuana may help your condition.

HUGE difference.

If you have an attorney who wants to be on the front page and who will do it all for free..go for it. If not....clean up....and take a handful of opiates before you go into your next probie hearing and puke on her fucking desk to show her how sick they make you.

good luck

s h

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