Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Soo were mixing 1gal at a time 18ml to the gallon and were gonna do this 5xs to get the 5gal ?
Sorry i had some gardening to get done..
No put all 5 gals in the bucket.. Well. 4.75 and mix in 18x5=90 ml..
So dump 90 ml in it while stiring...
I got 3 dif size glass measuring. I got the middle one that goes up to a 150..
That is the one i use.. What do you have? 3 ml plastic lol...?


Soo i actually beoke it down in hald and did 2.5gal w 45ml g and i only had to add 2ml silicia cuz the ph was already 5.7. But now im at 690ppm and 5.8. With my 2.5 gal lol
I know you was prob scared thinking are they sure on ml and gal and such...
We got it down to a science too..
Wish said that its about 50 ppm per 1 ml of grow... And silica blast is like 6 ppm per gal.... That will help you understand the math..


Soo i tried feeding them one cup for now but thry didnt quite soak it up. Ive had the water in the bucket for around 20/30min or soo now.
just dump it then
So wisher, do you think this 1 gal is gonna wick up right?
Wood it wont need much water right at first..
Them roots got a lot of new real estate to roam around in and it will hold moisture a lot longer than that solo cup.. Tomm give it about what you thought it drank today..
Dont worry, in a couple weeks you will be pouring a lot more in there and it will soak it up like a sponge..
U prob never get over 10 gals a week tho.. with just them 2 plants...

Pain Releaf

Sorry guys if someone answered the specifics on this and I missed it. Went all the way back to 745...but am in awful pain tonight, so operating on half a brain.

As stooping over mixing and watering lately is really becoming a serious issue, I plan to automate feeding, watering, etc. much sooner than planned, say about 2 months. With that in mind, and needing a new PH, EC, temp and PPM asap, is there a specific model of Blue Labs or Hanna that will work ok for now but that I won't regret purchasing when I automate Soon? Really need to avoid re-buying at that point!

Thanks all.
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