Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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here are my ladies


It's all good. I'm just glad I got something going through this whole process of moving. I'll start 2 more when I get to my house I'm renting. My homies think I'm nuts for growing in the hotel lol. It just really sucks to have nothing growing. I should have a couple harvest by Xmas.
LOL... That is gag.. I feel ya tho... I am now days older and more controlled, but 20 years ago, was a motel chemist. I have made things in motels that are way far stinkier than some plants ever thought about being. But its still a gag! Free electricity! Or at least 400 watts worth :)


@Midwestjay you should keep 3 clones of those gsc' each and just stick them under a little shop light somewhere
I plan to take some cuts. They are going to veg over there for a few weeks before he flips. Hopefully there's a female in the 3.


I am taking some time get my grow space all straightened up then we are gonna be poppin some beans...probably in Jan of next year....
just bonna be gettin these hot peppers...selling them at the farmers market.....I have already harvested about 50 another batch of flowers blooming so...


I am taking some time get my grow space all straightened up then we are gonna be poppin some beans...probably in Jan of next year....
just bonna be gettin these hot peppers...selling them at the farmers market.....I have already harvested about 50 another batch of flowers blooming so...
How much you be getting for the peppers? I like that. I need to get me a garden going outside next year.

On a different note, when I got up this morning I noticed my light was not on. Upon further inspection, my hps bulb is blown. I had to put the MH back in. Less than 48 hrs on bulb. What a crock! I am not saying I condone violence, but I could fuck somebody up bout right now. I am initiating a replacement be sent to me but I am scared that they are gonna try to make me exchange everything out and that could take weeks, I am prob gonna have to break down and buy a new bulb myself. I prob go with that hortilux 600w hps. What bullshit. I guess this is all part of it.
Hindsight I should of just bought a 1000w dimmable light from a reputable dealer!


How much you be getting for the peppers? I like that. I need to get me a garden going outside next year.

On a different note, when I got up this morning I noticed my light was not on. Upon further inspection, my hps bulb is blown. I had to put the MH back in. Less than 48 hrs on bulb. What a crock! I am not saying I condone violence, but I could fuck somebody up bout right now. I am initiating a replacement be sent to me but I am scared that they are gonna try to make me exchange everything out and that could take weeks, I am prob gonna have to break down and buy a new bulb myself. I prob go with that hortilux 600w hps. What bullshit. I guess this is all part of it.
Hindsight I should of just bought a 1000w dimmable light from a reputable dealer!
Is there much difference in 600w hps bulbs? I see prices from $20 to $60 for them with this
EyeHortilux 600-Watt Super HPS Grow Bulb
being the nicest. Is this 60 bulb really better than the 20 bulb by that much?


I'd buy that eye or Digilux. Both have great results for me and cost the same. That sucks about the bulb. Never had one do that.


Yes the 60 dollar bulbs are worth it. They produce more lumen, and llumen stay higher longer. Plus they put off a good spectrum.


I'd buy that eye or Digilux. Both have great results for me and cost the same. That sucks about the bulb. Never had one do that.
Well just my luck. It was putting a stretch on my girls that I needed! I sent them a email. Hopefully I will hear back from them soon.

Yes the 60 dollar bulbs are worth it. They produce more lumen, and llumen stay higher longer. Plus they put off a good spectrum.
Ya I went and researched them a lil and see the spectrum difference, and the greater lumen output. Damn this sucks because my plans were to buy me a 1000w dimmable ballast, and 1000w eyehortilux hps bulb in the near future. Well maybe they will send me a replacement bulb just to finish this first grow out with. Jan 1st I plant to start my second grow, hopefully in my new room, with a new flood + drain system, and that 1000w dimmable w/ eyehort 1000w bulb, and co2 setup, and ro water installation. Hell there is 700 right there. And we haven't even calculated the seed bank fund. I am gonna grow 8 autos next time, and I am gonna veg, top, supercrop, scrog, and lollipop 4 photos the whole time, and then flip. I am going for 2 pounds in 18 weeks between the autos and photos.


Well just my luck. It was putting a stretch on my girls that I needed! I sent them a email. Hopefully I will hear back from them soon.

Ya I went and researched them a lil and see the spectrum difference, and the greater lumen output. Damn this sucks because my plans were to buy me a 1000w dimmable ballast, and 1000w eyehortilux hps bulb in the near future. Well maybe they will send me a replacement bulb just to finish this first grow out with. Jan 1st I plant to start my second grow, hopefully in my new room, with a new flood + drain system, and that 1000w dimmable w/ eyehort 1000w bulb, and co2 setup, and ro water installation. Hell there is 700 right there. And we haven't even calculated the seed bank fund. I am gonna grow 8 autos next time, and I am gonna veg, top, supercrop, scrog, and lollipop 4 photos the whole time, and then flip. I am going for 2 pounds in 18 weeks between the autos and photos.
You better be careful getting that rough with autos. If you stunt them you'll lose a lot of yield. If you're familiar with a strain you know what they can take. But even then you can still stunt them. With these autos it's a race, look at training like a pit stop, spend to much time in the pits you'll lose.


You better be careful getting that rough with autos. If you stunt them you'll lose a lot of yield. If you're familiar with a strain you know what they can take. But even then you can still stunt them. With these autos it's a race, look at training like a pit stop, spend to much time in the pits you'll lose.
Right. I am learning what I can get away with as we speak, I should have almost got 8 tops about the same height by tomorrow on just one plant. I got about 5 now. Once I got them all the same height then I will just let them grow and pull them slightly out of the reach of each other. As for the scrog, top and super crop, I was talking about the photos in the future. As for topping I think I am getting close to being ablr to top my delicious candy photo.


The first 2 pics are Skunk #1 which I have been doing slt training on. The 3rd pic is Skunk #2 about a day younger than Skunk #1. I have not really did much training on this one due to his main stem doesn't look as strong as Skunk #1, and I figured I would let him get a lil growth. I did however put a lil training on him today. Will see how that goes. Pic 4 is of my stunted skunk ( I have about killed him 3 times) who is making a comeback. Got a res change today and up the nutes a lil, esp the calmag. Can she catch up to her sisters who are far ahead of her? I got 2 soda bottles of ice water in the res, which has been keeping it at 63... Ph 5.8/375 ppm And last 2 pics are of my delicious photo who turned 2 weeks old.. Should I top her now or wait another node or 2? I want to top her out and scrog her out for 12 tops. What would you guys do timewise/12 tops, to accomplish what I want with her? Don't be scared to give me advanced techniques. I am not scared and don't be scared to tell me to try something that could fail because of the difficulty involved. Hell who here hasn't ever stunted a plant or worse once while learning their craft...

OH and lastly, I got lil roots popping out of my grow bag on the sides of Skunk #1. I have been waiting and checking for this everyday!Ecstatic!
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Sometimes they catch up sometimes they don't. If it's short just elevate it to the same height as the others.


the hortilux are great bulbs.....I perfer plantmax cuz they cost nothing.....
also....600 is better then 1k....put out much more lumen per watt......the best bang for the buck so to speak....also you will be fine with the MH.....for now......if there is somewhere local....I would just grab me a bulb and then wait for the exchange.....


the hortilux are great bulbs.....I perfer plantmax cuz they cost nothing.....
also....600 is better then 1k....put out much more lumen per watt......the best bang for the buck so to speak....also you will be fine with the MH.....for now......if there is somewhere local....I would just grab me a bulb and then wait for the exchange.....
Well I went and checked those plantmax bulbs, and I see couple different 600hps bulbs ranging from $35 to 65. The weird thing is the cheaper one says 140000 lumens and the more expensive one 96000 lumens.. Sometimes I think they try to confuse you on purpose.

Well on a good note for me,,, I took a week off on vacation today and I haven't did shit but sleep. Just picked up my script of norcos, so hell I might even get something done on this vacation. LOL, I wonder if the seed bank will trade me pills for seeds ..... Haha...


the hortilux are great bulbs.....I perfer plantmax cuz they cost nothing.....
also....600 is better then 1k....put out much more lumen per watt......the best bang for the buck so to speak....also you will be fine with the MH.....for now......if there is somewhere local....I would just grab me a bulb and then wait for the exchange.....
By the way Wisher619, I wanted to thank you again for your outstanding advice on watering my coco. It was and still is the single best advice I have got! I still sometimes will try to revert to bad thinking, and almost not water it. But then I repeat, your watering it to avoid nutrient lockup, replenish oxygen to the roots, and wash away all waste. Sometimes I have to reexplain that to myself. You do know that just as soon as I get this first auto grow out the way, then I really want to get serious. Not just poking and hoping.... Then it will be time to start looking at gram to watt ratios, understanding nutes and plant requirements specific to individual nutes, and the use of mycos and other techniques for faster, accelerated root growth... As you see, I bore easy, and just growing a plant isn't good enough for me. Pulling a pound with my 600hps from what I hear is a attainable goal....
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