Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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I got a question. How bad is wind burn and is that what I am seeing with my photo? It seems to nevere be praying. Now I am not one to question someones religious practices, but A little prayer here and there would be nice! All my other plants can be seen praying but the photo leaves look like its been over watered, overfed, or underwatered. I am only feeding it about 250 ppm, twice a day so I just don't think its that. I did however mix peralite in with the coco for this one. Do you think I need to feed it 3 times a day since it retains less water. 1/2 gallon sq pot. Or do you just think its a young plant and somewhat wind damaged?
20160805 125055
20160805 125102


I got a question. How bad is wind burn and is that what I am seeing with my photo? It seems to nevere be praying. Now I am not one to question someones religious practices, but A little prayer here and there would be nice! All my other plants can be seen praying but the photo leaves look like its been over watered, overfed, or underwatered. I am only feeding it about 250 ppm, twice a day so I just don't think its that. I did however mix peralite in with the coco for this one. Do you think I need to feed it 3 times a day since it retains less water. 1/2 gallon sq pot. Or do you just think its a young plant and somewhat wind damaged?
It's just a guess but looks over watered and high in N but wish can tell you better than me.


It's just a guess but looks over watered and high in N but wish can tell you better than me.
I have been feeding it aggressive veg nutes. Maybe I should go back to reg veg nutes. It does give them a lot of nitrogen in that mix. I will wait and see what Wisher thinks. I don't never get to concerned. If nothing else I will just back off the nutes a lil bit. I can't wait to have enough plants to do a few experiments. Just a few clones off to the side. I am gonna grow 3 side by side sisters. 1 with very little nutes other than calmag, another exactly as I understand the directions to be, and the 3rd one I am going all Barry Bonds on,,, to see just how much they can take, and what it looks like when you went to far over the edge.


how far away it the plant from the light? @ that size I am usually feeding at least 500ppm sitting under T-8's but @ tha size I only water once a day......
it does look like the beginnings of N toxicity....super dark and curling down....I bet the leaves are soft as well...
sometimes really light ppm's will screw you up as well....
I would run 500ppm through it a heavy soak and let it dry a let it go for 2 days...I know it goes against what I have told you...but just try it


those 1/2 gal squares are what I actually flower mom is in one as well
you can grow huge plants in super small pots with coco
I have witnessed 6'er's in solo cup...I believe it was on RIU or one of those other boards...maybe here...cant remember
everyone always says the bigger the roots the bogger the fruit....but with coco you just keep upoing the watering when they max out the pot...and in flowering they arent really converting energy to growing roots
most energy is in producing flowers and sucking up as mich water and light as possible


I am about 18" from the light. I went with gh aggressive nute formula which ups the nitrogen at a 3-2-1 npk... I have been watering it twice a day and the last time was a good soak since I changed the npk from 1-1-1 to 3-2-1 formula... Now I understand them numbers are just a reflection of what the true npk numbers are. I am thinking that I have upped the N with the new formula, and she is just good and soaked. I am gonna let her dry out for the night and check her tomm. Check the pot to see how heavy she is. I know when you gave me that advice, you didn't know I had run about a gallon of completely new feed thru her last night. I just checked her and she is still heavy and she don't look to bad. I think she just needs a couple days to adjust. I did have her directly under the light where now I have moved her to the outside a little bit.


View attachment 622616 those 1/2 gal squares are what I actually flower mom is in one as well
you can grow huge plants in super small pots with coco
I have witnessed 6'er's in solo cup...I believe it was on RIU or one of those other boards...maybe here...cant remember
everyone always says the bigger the roots the bogger the fruit....but with coco you just keep upoing the watering when they max out the pot...and in flowering they arent really converting energy to growing roots
most energy is in producing flowers and sucking up as mich water and light as possible
Ya I have seen a few places where they don't use nothing bigger than 1 gallon sq pots with coco... I am sold on it.

As I see! Awesome.


yeah man.....I would just keep the the standard formula that you had going but I would however up the dose a little...and yeah let it dry out for a day or maybe even 2
when it dries it will start to perk up and maybe even start to pray....lift it and see where it's weight is at.
as it dries...the roots will go searching as well....pretty soon the roots will explode and you wont be able to keep up...
when I was hand seemed like they would hot a stride where I would water and 2 hours later they will be bone dry


yeah man.....I would just keep the the standard formula that you had going but I would however up the dose a little...and yeah let it dry out for a day or maybe even 2
when it dries it will start to perk up and maybe even start to pray....lift it and see where it's weight is at.
as it dries...the roots will go searching as well....pretty soon the roots will explode and you wont be able to keep up...
when I was hand seemed like they would hot a stride where I would water and 2 hours later they will be bone dry
Ya I think that I am just gonna let them dry up a little and the revert back to standard formula with next feeding tomm night or Sun morning depending on how light they feel. I do need to admit I got a little lazy and made up a gallon of nutes at around 1200 ppm, and then used some of it, watered down to what ever ppm I wanted, in this case last time was about 325ppm, skunks at about 425ppm, but mixed and derived from the same source((1200 ppm) container mixed aggressive formula. I used these nutes over 48 hrs( 4 feedings) I know you said use nutes immediately, but I differed a little bit. I made sure to use them up with in that 48 hrs tho.

Wish is the shit and never steers you wrong. He knows so much more than I do and explains it so well.
Oh I trust his advice. I know it is hard to diagnose something and give advice from such a distance, so I am appreciative 100%... I also know that I have to use common sense and pay attention to things myself, and learn. Wisher isn't teaching me how to grow mj plants, he is merely teaching me how to think for myself, and avoid mishaps, and lastly enjoy it :) Plus he answers the questions when I get to lazy to go look myself. Matter of fact I am gonna smoke it reconition of his contributions for helping bring decent, low cbd pot to my area :)... If I am ready to go to sleep, then fine.... But most times I smoke, I am not trying to go to sleep, I am trying to get something done.
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hey man IMO....for the nutes....I would stick to whatever you want them @....say 500.....then just make a gallon of 500 and drop a air hose down in the gallon.....let it bubble till you use it....but just keep it the same ppm across the board.....
I would always teach my the kitchen....always do it the right you repeat it....within 21 days it will become habbit and will become routine...cutting lazy out of the equation..


yeah it is a cheapy scope but you dont really need anything crazy like a professional scope
I purchased a $9.00 macro lens for my pretty killer
but I used that scope for a long time and it always worked perfectly fine


hey man IMO....for the nutes....I would stick to whatever you want them @....say 500.....then just make a gallon of 500 and drop a air hose down in the gallon.....let it bubble till you use it....but just keep it the same ppm across the board.....
I would always teach my the kitchen....always do it the right you repeat it....within 21 days it will become habbit and will become routine...cutting lazy out of the equation..
Your right, I agree.. I had been running a stone in it, then I had to steal back the pump for the bucket. I need to get another air pump. 4 output so I am covered.

View attachment 622662 yeah it is a cheapy scope but you dont really need anything crazy like a professional scope
I purchased a $9.00 macro lens for my pretty killer
but I used that scope for a long time and it always worked perfectly fine
That is a great pic there. You can see pretty good! I saw where I could get one for my phone or usb for my computer. Lots of choices and I am sure one day I will check out some of the other choices.


hey man IMO....for the nutes....I would stick to whatever you want them @....say 500.....then just make a gallon of 500 and drop a air hose down in the gallon.....let it bubble till you use it....but just keep it the same ppm across the board.....
I would always teach my the kitchen....always do it the right you repeat it....within 21 days it will become habbit and will become routine...cutting lazy out of the equation..
Sergeant chef, will woop that ass into shape.
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