Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Well I got a bulb out on the solistek..
E-04 open circuit code..
Blown bulb im surmising?
Well Today is thursday night..
Its cold as fuck here and my basement is like 55...
I freaking love it..
My furnace has been kicking on cause i had it set to 66..
So time to turn the hillbilly heat up, to 2000w hps and see if we can save on the heat bill...


I happened to be in there the minute my light shut off so I finally took a normal pic lol
20171207 205442
20171207 205433
20171207 203624
bicky studs

bicky studs

Sounds crazy indeed but would crazier and rad if it bleached the plant pure white!!

Do you remember or know of the anarchist cookbook? it describe how weed grows in the sewers of New York City and its pure white because there's no light down there:/

I'm actually down there harvesting some right now! Ha
wtf. sending my lights back n buying 6m ø1.8m sewerpipe


Sounds crazy indeed but would crazier and rad if it bleached the plant pure white!!

Do you remember or know of the anarchist cookbook? it describe how weed grows in the sewers of New York City and its pure white because there's no light down there:/

I'm actually down there harvesting some right now! Ha
my method is actually per Agg Dept. Cal Poly San Louis Obispo

this is how Agg is taught to disinfect incomming clones of plant material before taking them in
bicky studs

bicky studs

never heard of it

For clones.....this is gonna sound crazy
I get household bleach
with it @ a ratio of 9:1 water to bleach

then I dunk my clones in it
then I flood the crap out of whatever media it is in and let it dry
then transplant and put aside in the "pergatory" room until I know it has nothing of any kind
then I will take clones and flower the clones out and make 1 a mom and throw the original away
in the last cpl days some1 was saying to hell with seeds n phenos. buy decent clones. n be done with it.
hmmm sorta not sure i want to go get clones now :cry:
brand new room, dont want no fkn plague in there


I've purchased them from 1 gal to 5 gal.
I like the 5 gal the best because it is easier to keep the water cool. From the pump running continously
if im builing a cloner, with spray nozzels, it doesnt need an air stone aye?
got a pump, 360° misters just need the right container...say 24-36 2" holes, how many gal should it hold...? it would only be 1/3 full i guess...
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