Crohn's Disease, what to avoid and how to relieve?

  • Thread starter Aerojoe
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Dankworth and I were discussing Crohn's and what he was doing to keep it under control, here are a few things from our discussion that may help others. Feel free to add to this list.
Increased intake of protein(specifically red meat) is supposed to be good for it.
Dankworth's list of things to avoid:
artificial colors
artificial flavors
flavor enhancers
agave syrup
shitty coffee
crushed red peppers
can't eat fries that shared a fryer with any of those.
can't eat anything prepared in a cast iron skillet contaminated with any of those.
have to go easy on salt
have to take probiotics
have to take lots of B
have to take iron sometimes(best consumed with orange juice)
have to eat meat
have to take DHEA(holy shit so awesome)
have to take fish oil
have to take glucosamine and chondroitin
helps lots to get sunshine and fresh air
had to eat like 8 small meals a day when I was all fucked up
have to drink enough coffee
have to drink enough water
have to keep sugar intake reasonable

We also discussed strains that would help w/ Crohn's, he recommended Chemo x OG. I thought it was a high cbd strain but turns out that is not the case. Any other strains out there that people have tried that may have helped?


Premium Gardener
For me, booze, caffeine, and NSAIDS are major no nos.



For me:

Soy products (soy sauce, teriyaki, even if home-made)
Anything spicy or peppery
Artificial sweeteners

Dietician thinks gluten and and refined sugars may be affecting me as well. We're working through that theory (not a whole lot of fun for me, the Dietician isn't the one with the runs...).



No nsaids for me. Coffee is great if I am all balanced and stuff. Some coffee does not agree at all. Trader Joe's Columbian is narsty, but others work out well.
I try to avoid refined sugar too.
No nsaids like Outwest either. Not after what happened last time.

While I am not a fan of pharms, adderall has been a very useful tool. It straightens out my intestines so well, which makes my whole body and brain straighten out. Which makes life normal. I ingest the least amount that I can get away with, that seems to be the best way to manage symptom relief.

Thanks Aerojoe for posting this up.
I will say that my chemo x og, under digilux MH, produces terpenes that straighten me out so much when I am around the plants even in veg. So so much better when I don't feel good.
Oregon Panda

Oregon Panda

My good friend has chron's and other stomach issues. I give her hash oil in caps to make sure the medicine gets in direct contact with the problem areas. Many of my strains have a pretty decent ammount of thc and cbd in them, I think its the eating it that helps most though.


Oh man this is the thread I have been waiting for!!!! So my niece has one of the worst cases of Chrons that her doctors know of, she is 21 and have been dealing with this for over 10 years, everything from humira to remicaid to now a colostomy bag. Things have gone from bad to worse, which really sucks. She started living with me a few years ago and we immediately knew that herb was doing something good for her. So we started a pseudo scientific process of gathering evidence to find out what works for her. We found that all the purple varieties, that is to say Urkle, Purple Kush, and G.D.P. all did phenomenal for her, as well as the few crosses that we had. Now, I originally thought that she was getting fooled by the color, but after giving plenty of other stuff that was potent and either turned purple on its own or because of environmental factors but she still preferred the actual purps. I ended up with six other chrons patients and they were all in agreement about the purps, have any of you with it came up with the same conclusion? After speaking to three different labs, including a person from steephill, we all conclude that there may be something in purps that has not been discovered in lab testing as it tests rather low on all accounts, regardless of the grow method. Good work on the thread!


Premium Gardener
Oh man this is the thread I have been waiting for!!!! So my niece has one of the worst cases of Chrons that her doctors know of, she is 21 and have been dealing with this for over 10 years, everything from humira to remicaid to now a colostomy bag. Things have gone from bad to worse, which really sucks. She started living with me a few years ago and we immediately knew that herb was doing something good for her. So we started a pseudo scientific process of gathering evidence to find out what works for her. We found that all the purple varieties, that is to say Urkle, Purple Kush, and G.D.P. all did phenomenal for her, as well as the few crosses that we had. Now, I originally thought that she was getting fooled by the color, but after giving plenty of other stuff that was potent and either turned purple on its own or because of environmental factors but she still preferred the actual purps. I ended up with six other chrons patients and they were all in agreement about the purps, have any of you with it came up with the same conclusion? After speaking to three different labs, including a person from steephill, we all conclude that there may be something in purps that has not been discovered in lab testing as it tests rather low on all accounts, regardless of the grow method. Good work on the thread!

I'm in. How did you use these. What level of relief did they experience? Did put anyone into remission? Thanks, brother.



My strain I am fond of does turn purple somewhat at the end. Interesting point.
I am pretty sure there is something about the 500-525 nm green spectrum that is directly responsible for stimulating something in my cultivar that makes the terpene development really shine.

You guys, if you have a strain that is good for Crohn's, try flowering it/finishing it under a horti blue MH 1k. I did, it was the most amazing thing since sliced bread. Serious. It is absolutely worth it, even at $170 a pop.
BTW the Natural White line from Venture duplicates that spectrum exactly, including the huge peak in green @ 500-525 nm. But they only go up to 775 watts. They also have a 575 watt, both vert and horizontal. The vert produces 10% more light than the horizontal. These lamps also have like a 15 or 20k hour lifespan, which is so much better than Horti's 6k hour lifespan.
I fully intend to add vert 6s in my canopy, and to at the very least finish with those 575 watters from Venture. And finish with 1/2 digilux MHs overhead, and 1/2 Horti blue MHs overhead.

Seriously, that peak in green is so important. My plants bothered to tell me about it. Any time they make the effort to communicate something so directly to me, it ends up being so important to their health, which is important to my health.

We made a deal. Fucked up things happened to me, and to put it bluntly, I am still stuck partially in the spirit world. I felt the end coming with my dying body, I felt the coma coming, and shit changed for me. It is like being enshrouded partially in a fog that obscures this world and connects me to that one. It is not good or cool, it is having to feel the next place I will go to when it is that time, a constant shitty reminder. We are not supposed to feel that place day in and day out.
I made a deal with the plant, we have an agreement. It helped keep me alive with the understanding that I would learn how to dial it and share it, get it out there. So I could help somehow. So I could make it the same level of quality that I accidentally achieved on the first test run of the 6 chemo x og clones I ran during the selection process. Cut #1 ended up straight up grail quality. As in far better and stronger than anything else I have smoked in 23 years. I am trying to dial in the environment and food to figure out exactly how to make it like that again. And then hopefully you all will end up being able to have your patients smoke that, and see if it could heal them like it did me.
I do not care about much else in life but reproducing that and sharing it.

People close to me don't get it. They have never almost died. I sound kooky as fuck, but it is what happened to me. I no longer care about looking like the weirdest person in the thread lol.
So when I talk about the green spectrum being so important, it is not me saying it, it is me repeating what the plants told me.
Thanks for listening you guys.


I'm in. How did you use these. What level of relief did they experience? Did put anyone into remission? Thanks, brother.

Primarily we went with the old school smoke method. I would give every new patient with chrons a minimum of five strains, with one being a diesel or og that I love to smoke and one being a purps variety as aforementioned, every time they came back with personal results the purps was on top, and I did no tainting whatsoever other than offering purps to begin with. The relief is mostly felt with the stomach pains, and bathroom visits. Everyone said they had less of those two. My niece would get sickest right before a new remecaid treatment, and the purps would make that much easier. Did they get 100 percent relief? No, not by any means as that disease is really tough.......but, they were able to enjoy most normal activities and most said they were functioning at a 50 percent higher level than before, but again this experiment was elementary at best, so lots to learn here. I do believe that in times of a flare up a nice joint of purps would help, and if I suffered from the disease I would not leave home without my purps. If you have Chrons please try some purps and get back to me........any info is good info! Thanks!
El Cerebro

El Cerebro

If you're new to the gf thing, get really vigilant right away, no half assing, read all the websites, do elimination diet, etc. It takes at least 6-8wks before gi cues health to rest of the body. I ate so much wrong stuff when I thought I was getting clean, made it really hard to clear symptoms enough to figure anything out. "Wheat-free" is a joke, but nice that gf labels are getting better these days. No spelt, oats, barelymalt, some caramel colors, most soy-sauce, most alcohol if not all, no licking envelopes, about a million more things memorize them all. Fresh foods without labels are best, vegs and protein. All raw can be tough on an already traumatized system, juicing can help a lot there. Ingesting cannabis:


Nice post Dankworth. Until people are faced with death they have no idea what it is like. I will say that facing death (up close) gave me an entirely different outlook on life, people and myself. It made me better and I now appreciate things I took for granted. Especially the little things (a flower, a smile, good food, caring people, etc) It also made me take a good hard look at myself and see my faults and problems (bad decisions, cruelness, selfishness, etc) But man, was it a hard lesson, lol.


You guys, if you have a strain that is good for Crohn's, try flowering it/finishing it under a horti blue MH 1k. I did, it was the most amazing thing since sliced bread.

I have one of these bulbs, I will put it to the test immediately. I really feel for all of you suffering out there from this horrible disease, most have no clue what it is, I know I didn't until I saw the first hand effects on my niece, shit this is a very pretty young woman who hasn't left the house that much in three years, its really sad.


Nice post Dankworth. Until people are faced with death they have no idea what it is like. I will say that facing death (up close) gave me an entirely different outlook on life, people and myself. It made me better and I now appreciate things I took for granted. Especially the little things (a flower, a smile, good food, caring people, etc) It also made me take a good hard look at myself and see my faults and problems (bad decisions, cruelness, selfishness, etc) But man, was it a hard lesson, lol.

As dank knows I also recently learned this is true,im getting an MRI today with a cat scan coming up next week,the whole right side of my body was crushed by a car and the left side and my head took the hits from the asphalt when i landed,when i began to remember two days later i realized id been given another chance and i shouldnt blow it,now i just gotta recover and get these casts off so i can be productive again,i dont care for having to sit around but it really gives you time to reflect and think

Primarily we went with the old school smoke method. I would give every new patient with chrons a minimum of five strains, with one being a diesel or og that I love to smoke and one being a purps variety as aforementioned, every time they came back with personal results the purps was on top, and I did no tainting whatsoever other than offering purps to begin with. The relief is mostly felt with the stomach pains, and bathroom visits. Everyone said they had less of those two. My niece would get sickest right before a new remecaid treatment, and the purps would make that much easier. Did they get 100 percent relief? No, not by any means as that disease is really tough.......but, they were able to enjoy most normal activities and most said they were functioning at a 50 percent higher level than before, but again this experiment was elementary at best, so lots to learn here. I do believe that in times of a flare up a nice joint of purps would help, and if I suffered from the disease I would not leave home without my purps. If you have Chrons please try some purps and get back to me........any info is good info! Thanks!

savana,just out of curiousity have you tried making something like simpson oil out of the purp strains your using?Good on you for helping your niece and others bro.


I haven't tried the oil yet, I really want to and probably need to take a class on how to do that.
Oregon Panda

Oregon Panda

I haven't tried the oil yet, I really want to and probably need to take a class on how to do that.
Look it up on youtube. There are plenty of great instructional videos. Just do it outside is all I have to add.


Thanks El C,MRI went off without a hitch except for the fact i was in that casket for 2 hours with only 1 break for a couple minutes,never experienced anything like that before,it felt like i was in a microwave getting cooked with really bad music playing.I medicated prior and try to just meditate through it but what a freaky deal and im not what you would call claustrophobic but im thinking i may be now!


Premium Gardener
Thanks El C,MRI went off without a hitch except for the fact i was in that casket for 2 hours with only 1 break for a couple minutes,never experienced anything like that before,it felt like i was in a microwave getting cooked with really bad music playing.I medicated prior and try to just meditate through it but what a freaky deal and im not what you would call claustrophobic but im thinking i may be now!

Unfortunately I can related. I've been poked, prodded, and scanned in so many ways it ain't even funny. I even got injected with radioactive dye. The syringe was in a fucking lead sheath! I thought I was going to get super powers. No such luck. Hope you are hanging in there.



Hey you guys we need some t-shirts all like the 'got milk' ones, black with white lettering, that say
'Got Crohn's ?'

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