Crohn's Disease, what to avoid and how to relieve?

  • Thread starter Aerojoe
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Unfortunately I can related. I've been poked, prodded, and scanned in so many ways it ain't even funny. I even got injected with radioactive dye. The syringe was in a fucking lead sheath! I thought I was going to get super powers. No such luck. Hope you are hanging in there.

Yea outwest i tripped on the door going into the MRI room it looked like a submarine door made of copper about 2-3 inches thick,WTF are they worried about?
When i came out i told my wife that one of the side effects of the MRI was a stiffie that you could sharpen knives on but with this cast on its hard to follow through,maybe the kneepads i left on her dresser will give her a hint!


Premium Gardener
Yea outwest i tripped on the door going into the MRI room it looked like a submarine door made of copper about 2-3 inches thick,WTF are they worried about?
When i came out i told my wife that one of the side effects of the MRI was a stiffie that you could sharpen knives on but with this cast on its hard to follow through,maybe the kneepads i left on her dresser will give her a hint!

That's some funny shit right there, although I'm not sure your wife would think so. One thing I do know is that keeping a sense of humor is critical in the healing process.

El Cerebro

El Cerebro

Thanks El C,MRI went off without a hitch except for the fact i was in that casket for 2 hours with only 1 break for a couple minutes,never experienced anything like that before,it felt like i was in a microwave getting cooked with really bad music playing.I medicated prior and try to just meditate through it but what a freaky deal and im not what you would call claustrophobic but im thinking i may be now!
Spend some time in those myself, sure it's a lot less comfortable when you're splinted-up. The techs always laugh because I request no music then usually fall right asleep, motionless for the whole ride. Last time I had full spine it was kind of long so they stopped for a bathroom break and I went to use my pocket vaporizer (toilet and dressing room were conveniently one). Pretty sure they knew what was up and weren't even phased by it, guess I wasnt the first, and it was a hospital that had mmj studies in their pain clinic some time ago.


My wife has severe Crohn's... she's been through the wringer.. pre-approval trial, white label Cimzia with the private nurses, immunosuppressants, Humira, interventional CT radiology while *awake* to cath out 3 colon perforations when she was too weak and too thin for general anesthesia and the opiates weren't knocking her out ..that sucked for her.. they had to hold her down while they performed microsurgery on her intestines, total colectomy. So far the oils work and these Gold Caps were like night and day for her: We still have a lot of friends in L.A. and we had 4 bottles sent to us. Right now we're juicing whole plant parts... just juiced the last Cannatonic and have CBD Nordle starting next week. The extracted oils are great and the carboxylated cannabinoid acids (unheated, undried fresh) from juicing seem to keep her very stable as well. Her diet is very much improved and her energy is returning. She does enjoy her 'puffs' too lol. I'm still learning a lot about current 2012 cannabis cultivation and the biochemistry but there's solid science behind these compounds. I wish we would have known about the medical research a few years ago. I genuinely wish you all the best of luck and health... this disease can be f(&kin insidious and brutal. Al my best..


Premium Gardener
Thanks for the detailed info. I hope your wife continues to heal.



Thanks for the detailed info. I hope your wife continues to heal.

Thanks man. Now that I read my post it might be a bit harsh... that's our life though. I didn't mean to be overly graphic. Its frustrating some times. Take good care.


Premium Gardener
Harsh? Overly graphic? It's an unfortunate reality, and better treated like it's no big deal. I speak from first hand experience. I'm not in the same boat as your wife, but I'm not far behind. Hell, nothing makes me giggle like potty humor!



Lol.. right on. You do need to keep a sense of humor...and just keep on, keepin on. I joke about promising not to try to poke any new holes and stuff like that lol. Keeping an upbeat headspace is a lot of this I believe... I can't prove it but when she's in a good mood and looking forward to something or has low stress, the flares are much less worse and less frequent. I'm trying new things as I learn them from different sources here on this forum and throughout the web... I'll share anything new and we'll do our best to make sure you never go down those roads my wife did. Take it easy.


Ate a can of refried beans last night(rosarita's, vegetarian) and had a cold cup of coffee before bed, and I feel much improved today. Intestines barely hurt, inflammation has subsided a bit.
Who knew. Refried beans.
Last time I had beans they made me hurt so bad that I was afraid I would have to be hospitalized.
But that was my ex's mom's cooking, and everything she makes that I have eaten made me feel like I was going to die.
I find myself smiling way more today. And can think more clearly without as much stuff leaking into my blood.
It also rained last night, and my allergen load plays a part in this too.
But not as much as the refried beans.


hey dank!
i suffer from crohns as well.ive had close to 30 surgeries in my 9 years since,and prior to being diagnosed.
i wont get into exactly what type of procedures here,but i may pm you to get some advice on my diet.
i have wasting syndrome due to the crohns and went from 230 on steroids(made my beard hair fall out)to 135 off of all time low for me.even before I got sick I stayed around 150.

my big issue is i hate eating,it caused too much pain shortly after my first bite down that I hardly ever finish a meal unless its small and im highly talking red lobster,steak houses whatever and i only really can eat about 30% of any given meal.I use to be able to crush pizza and im lucky to eat a burger,or a slice.

ive tried to eat nothing but fruit and probiotic yogurt and yogurt drinks and surprisingly i do the best on that diet.but with anything it gets old and eventually you dont want it anymore....

it would make sense to eliminate wheat.i had one of my worst flares recently after eating a few slices of wheat toast with butter and cinnamon/sugar.

my family dr is cool,and helps with pain meds and whatnot but my gi guy is a quack.theyre always calling saying im over due on blood work,or they wont give me my humaria if I dont come in for an office visit for the dr to say the same old things over and over again.


hey dank!
i suffer from crohns as well.ive had close to 30 surgeries in my 9 years since,and prior to being diagnosed.
i wont get into exactly what type of procedures here,but i may pm you to get some advice on my diet.
i have wasting syndrome due to the crohns and went from 230 on steroids(made my beard hair fall out)to 135 off of all time low for me.even before I got sick I stayed around 150.

my big issue is i hate eating,it caused too much pain shortly after my first bite down that I hardly ever finish a meal unless its small and im highly talking red lobster,steak houses whatever and i only really can eat about 30% of any given meal.I use to be able to crush pizza and im lucky to eat a burger,or a slice.

ive tried to eat nothing but fruit and probiotic yogurt and yogurt drinks and surprisingly i do the best on that diet.but with anything it gets old and eventually you dont want it anymore....

it would make sense to eliminate wheat.i had one of my worst flares recently after eating a few slices of wheat toast with butter and cinnamon/sugar.

my family dr is cool,and helps with pain meds and whatnot but my gi guy is a quack.theyre always calling saying im over due on blood work,or they wont give me my humaria if I dont come in for an office visit for the dr to say the same old things over and over again.
I have found being on the right diet for a while (meat, fruit,vegetables, nuts, rice and potatoes) and keeping up on meds fixes me. Still stuck at 155, too much to do and not enough time and energy. You know how it is.
I had a very strong feeling that the docs, if I went to them, would simply want to cut me open and give me an immunosuppressant with cancer as a potential side effect.
Glad to know I was right about that, sorry you have been through so much yourself.
Can't farm and go through some fucked up surgery myself. Docs don't want to talk about what made you sick, just how to treat symptoms.


a diet of only organic fruits and vegetables would cure just about anything. let me know if you some help
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