Curmudgeonland...home Of The Old Farts Club

  • Thread starter yooper420
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made another day. off to town again today. don't usually get there 2 days in the same week.see ya later

Me too, went to town yesterday, got home, message on answering machine from drug store, "Dr. called in scrip, it`s ready". Wife on my ass, go to town, go to town, means another day shoot in the ass. Here we go.


Walked out the door to feed the chickens. BAM! Like walking into a blast furnace. Air was so thick you could almost grab it. If it wasn't beer day, I'd spend the whole damn day inside.
Calling for thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Way the sky looks, I can believe it. Need the rain, though.


Was cleaning up some debris by the steps and kicked sand around the tree and seen something moving, went down to get a closer look and theres a medium sized toad chillin, so i picked him up and moved him to my tomato garden where i hope he can eat some bugs for me.
G gnome

G gnome

Walked out the door to feed the chickens. BAM! Like walking into a blast furnace. Air was so thick you could almost grab it. If it wasn't beer day, I'd spend the whole damn day inside.
Calling for thunderstorms today and tomorrow. Way the sky looks, I can believe it. Need the rain, though.

We`re supposed to get some rain this afternoon too and we need it. Might delay the cutting of the weeds.

Same here.....air is thick


ROFL i promise its not, Just a regular ol brown toad, Maybe a female since its size is realitively bigger then most..

Buried a plant pot upside down and made it a little entrance if it wants to call that home, Plus i put another big ol dish buried in the ground full of water so it can go swimming or lay some kick ass babys .. or maybe it will figure out how to slip thru/under the fence and never be seen again.. :(


The toads we've got around here are the "right" ones. Had a male borzoi that liked to catch 'em. You'd see him grab them, spit 'em out, grab 'em again, and then lay out in the yard with his eyeballs rolling around in his head and slobber dripping out of his mouth. He stayed buzzed for an hour or better. If I hadn't seen him playing with the toad, it would have scared the shit outta me. Stoner dog!
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

Threw my disc off into a brush pile yesterday and while trying to get my disc i got stung by bees 4x all in my left ankle haha..
Damn bro, glad you're not allergic. lol
Seriously though.

U shudda seen how baked i was when i threw -1 in disc golf!!!! Haha
There's no doubt it increases your concentration, you should've seen some of the beads of weld I laid down back in the day nice and baked, pretty stuff. :smug:

I just got home from tooth getting pulled also. had 1500 for a root canal and 1100 for a crown in it. Should of got it pulled back then. only cost 250 to pull and insurance paid half. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled they gave me 28 vicoden. Today he offered me ibuprofen. lol times have changed.
They sure have, now we have the state mandating what the doctors can give us. Anyone who is on long term pain meds for chronic pain conditions is getting cut back by the first of the year, my doctor has already cut me. Got a friend being cut by half, crazy shit. :nailbiting:

Last one I had pulled, they gave me Percocets. They work. Vics don't do anything for me, and Oxys don't do much.
I always liked the Percs and I've never cared much for Vics, haven't really had any Oxys to speak of.
Papa Indica

Papa Indica

So my eldest son, not knowing what the hell he was doing, bought an e-juice vaporizer thinking he was buying a vape for his weed and I ended up getting it from him to try out. I'm gonna try some juices with no nicotine in them because I'm trying to beat that addiction but, I thought it might be helpful in occupying my time, hands, and mind just to have something to draw on.
Anyway, looking for a little input. I've got a Lite 40, I watched a couple youtube vids and it looks like it works pretty well but, I'm wondering about better tanks or maybe just using better coils or ???
I really don't know a damn thing about them other than just looking at some stuff for sale online and reading a handful of reviews.


As far as I know Percocet, Vicadin and the like are all Oxycodone of some sort. Been on Percocet for years, about 14. They help, don`t get enough to kill the pain though. They better not cut `em, have not heard any thing from my Dr.


The toads we've got around here are the "right" ones. Had a male borzoi that liked to catch 'em. You'd see him grab them, spit 'em out, grab 'em again, and then lay out in the yard with his eyeballs rolling around in his head and slobber dripping out of his mouth. He stayed buzzed for an hour or better. If I hadn't seen him playing with the toad, it would have scared the shit outta me. Stoner dog!

HEHEHEEH Thats the colorado river toad aka sonoran desert toad,

Creates 5-MEO-DMT 5-HO-DMT

I've played with a few including pure DMT, And i'll NEVER lick a toad, The effects of 5-HO-DMT are too unpredictable and not so much fun.


As far as I know Percocet, Vicadin and the like are all Oxycodone of some sort. Been on Percocet for years, about 14. They help, don`t get enough to kill the pain though. They better not cut `em, have not heard any thing from my Dr.

Going to try to explaine this to you old non druggies :P

Percocet is a BRAND of Oxycodone and APAP @ 5mg/325mg
Vicoden is a BRAND of Hydrocodone and APAP @ 5mg/325mg
OxyCotin IS A BRAND of EXTENDED RELEASE Oxycodone without APAP.

Oxy is short for oxycodone

When you got Percocet you got Oxys aka oxycodone.

When you got Vicoden you got Hydrocodone

Oxy is stronger then Vicoden.


Reminds me of the first time we moved to Florida. Was renting a small house from the wife`s aunt and uncle. Jump the back fence into a cow pasture and pick the purplish little mushrooms off the piles of cow shit. Ate `em, made tea with `em, still tasted nasty as hell. Don`t remember the name of `em, this was in `73.
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