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g&i r treated like royalty, by mr and mrs, cmdr... mrs... the carni, biker, extraordinaire... and mr... otherwise known as santa claus.


and a roll of charmin ultra strong
didn't want her swapmeat kwrappin, with a lil spare square...
though i had offered my car on ummm... wh oh- navigation to home shytter, whilst i... watched her shit, so to speak


apparently, momz dog... small fyres and bill keeps falling, while im gone n needs help, picked up. she keeps calling. 911, is the #!!! i can't b that person!!! i cannot watch my people die!!! and if she cannot lift him n falling, hertz... it's beyond... time... she needs to dial the right #... it's not fair to bill. it's not fair to penny...

g called... i didn't decline. i told the truth... call 911, i am shytting my brainz out i cannot watch my friend die... y is he not in a wheelchair... i am not hospice... fuck.


best place for a friend, fighting the gravity of the situation... if erect, he will fall and hurt himself
let us remember that IF he has blocked himself in
i did offer to remove all doorz
i will
let it b so
my friend should b professionally cared for
it is well beyond a wife's, duty
and saying goodbye til visiting hours, is... also... a sig other's, duty
harder than i am capable
of imagining

i did pray for bill
i prayed for him to live and die
the way he wanted
was not
the outcome i prayed for
we dunno what we want
what to pray for
wish for
hope for

so long as there


without bragbookin
anyone ever just text n say
i had the best meeting
as opposed

-weEk momenzzz


i have to leave
the locale

my sole question
to anyone in neighbor penny's position
what is ur dealbreaker
what is your one thing
what is it neighbor
bill must do
that says to y'all
it's time
to dial
what one thing
one symptom
must they Express
broken anything
trapping themselves
peeing about the house

my sole question


perhaps ur heart must b the first n last
to answer any questions;

-tWo brAkes


so the transgender gal
showed up with hostile xxx
last night
i was gonna sweep the sidewalk, post closing... but they had recently, turned up. i figure they needed a lil bartender, psych 101 & it's funny because the cmdr and his lovely, were closing. would've been a cool, after convo... I've yet to storm the castle, with the cmdr, after hrs... but... it wasn't my turn...
and y'all know, it didn't go so well, with me n the author gal/guy... and y'all know how i like my experiments...
so... as i harbor zero ill will: i sent the one who didn't ask me
I'd prefer if u never spoke to me, again.

and y'all know, i put no value to green, holistics... so i had given my biggest, most bleached, bud and four capz... and y'all know how that went n yes, shez licensed, as well. that weird, disease, but as y'all could tell... little that came of her vocal cords, was genuine... so n my mind, I'm out 3 days, r.o., a cell charger, a fireball and bout 6.53, in fuel. no biggie... and u have to figure- remember how the Exxon Valdez, leaked its toxicity... spread n destroyed, much beauty; much life... same, i figure.
and at the ends of the bar... one, or two may giggle... at a lone, sucker... eventually, bud runs out... pains, return n actions, no longer, so comical; so funny... and y'all know i was entirely prepared to saddle her, with 33yrs cause i take risks n don't like the peeps i care for, beholden to me.
no... it's not funny... it's sad. we r our own worst enemies n those who feel $211.53 & priceless, is genius... are pounds, foolish. it's effects the entire, community: weakens. it meant nothing more, to me, than another proven, experiment and someone else, it "worked differently", four.

if y'all recall, the author, had just won a grip of cake in Laughlin, sold whatever, at a swapmeat, "for fun, not money"... and had a drink, purchased for her... no... not so much as a bottle of water, offered to we. i was just makin sure, I'd made the right decision. oft... just the offer, means everything. i wasn't willing to have another, as I'd already told mrs cmdr.
Chicken strips.......................anyone??!!
3B4EBE67 6765 49DC 9E73 F837DCA69A7A


to freaked to deal with brAkage. just dropped n, did my thang. they, understand how it works...
ready to help someone else

-tyred peeps
what do i need to do

nuttin... need med histories n docs all aboard

I'm too freaked

just b ready
have someone on deck
I'll b around

tell blablabla- it's good to c him

secretly, i wish for payment:
-secret compensation
a member who was on his back
longer than u
rides with us, again, off all meds, dr approved... betchur ass they approve!

I'd like to here that


Chicken strips.......................anyone??!!
View attachment 946676
not mine
hb hilton
first time i ever tried em
everywhere else has jacked em up, since... cept the yard house
afternoon, d.
I'm out.
got a free meal, on offer and trust me... we want me banned, for the day so it works out... imma go story, huntin n gathering, with my vets... while i drool and g, cmdr and carni angel, eat shitty, pizza; pza hut... might take a gander at the honey bbq... now that u mention it... and drool. too much to ask cmdr to pony up, four.


when g was younger
there was a street man
who couldn't find anyone
to trim his hair
because he could not afford to tip

my g
before i knew her
cut the man's hair
cleaned him up

nobody else

one day
he stopped by

and this... broken thing...
a lapel pin/broach/whatever

might b gold to sum
might not
35yrs later-ish

here, is the pin

the true gold
was in the huMAN

-the story

marks the man


-my lovely g

-a man
-a stranger

curling sugars... prolly heat. goin to bible. the rest- no problems. just my seedling- one of a kind... hates heat, i suspect. I'll look into it.

saw a pretty thing
there ya go
special pieces... for a flag of such magnitude

pza wuz awesome
stories n friends
me, g, cmdr and lovely, carnie
nada mas
nada menos

i met someone
iii can help
means y'all, tWo
couldn't do nun of it
without u four
need the courage
freaks me out

club bound
i have a blind
3 war hero
sell me hiztory
n trade for a lift
trust me
u do not want this man


than he does, on his peace of heaven
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Chicken strips.......................anyone??!!
View attachment 946676
SHOW ME THE ... CAULK! STRIP! O YES... LUVS ME SOME CHICKEN STRIPZ. G picked up gas station chicken, yesterday... all imma say is... u fargin southernerz... and ur rockin, service station, food. in cali, they teach us to crawl into an am/pm, on our last stomach... begging for stale, cow pies... and we learn to b ungrateful for everything, anyway... but we're so desperate... a few ty's, ... "MMMM MIGHTA GOT BY".

cali, hates truckers so... ya park where ya can n eat whatever tree bark n snake oil, they're willin to part with.
in places where there's not a drop of anything, but roadkill blood n kittycatgut... even the service stations, get creative n go the extra mile, on the grill...
the south- never been... but we all saw the blind side and i can't wait to get fuel station bbq (besides luv's, deep fried corn... omg!! omg!!!) and taco bell, leftovers... o... just gimme 2 seconds with that taco meat vat and I'll show ya how much damage, 4 gangbangers, can do, in that expanse (all by my lonesome).

c the inbox notice, mosh. not yet, on the med, or mail... if it were a switch to b flipped... I'd have used a screwdriver n sledgehammer, already (the hammer will fix, whatever i couldn't accomplish, solely, with a driver, alternating current and a handful, of screws. typically... i wouldn't require, either... but y'all know I'm thorough about destroying, everything i touch.)... n never have powered it up, n the first place. it's scary... not fun. but i do c the notification... ty. mornin, sunshine. i can't sleep.
hush... i tried that, twice, already. the pool pump was cavitating, again (thank u, red October, for the vocab.)... fargin skim/surface filter door, jammed, again and you'll never know which of us c. u. N.ext Tuesday's, called it (i wouldn't give her the satisfaction... there'll b no living with her, if she gets confirmation, she's been smarter, the ENTIRE time. BYTCH!!!)... i figured, dead body, finally bloated n the pool n round peg, round hold so... y'all know I have a weak, tummy so i grabbed the nearest, 10ish foot, pole... moved mosh's body outta the doorjamb and kicked in the skimmer door, like sam Elliott, smashin in a roadhouse, knee... worked... I'm thinkin i better upgrade the insurance n wink at poolman jr so he thinks i have $ to b filched n perhaps he'll get more creative and industrious, than retarded; it's hiz way. (kiddin. i c potential, behind those bloodshot, browns.)

-jack n


so I'm talkin to tailgunner, bill and I'm hearing myelf, ask similar, questions... wondering, via mental tangents n inclement mental, whirlweather... and i started wondering... am i askin about the food in hong kong, Casablanca, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Johannesburg and Italy- so i can 5 sense, the story..., or am i tryin to make the storyteller, more comfortable, by leading em through, til they take the reins? couldn't tell ya... but i can tell ya, water buffalo n ostrich eggs, r bomb... gator n turtle... along the lines of phish... but BETTER! yellowtail n marlin, fresh... line, fresh n harpooned, how... Italy... pizza??? yup... no pza... fukerz! fix ur tower! Germany, has the best, 16% beer... and best food!!!... and gumbo... in msipee... will make ur eyes water...
the man... has been... around! his sonz= both 10's... n the looks department. prolly, in their 60s and one... learned how to chef... IN THE SOUTH!!!
basically... besides trouble n rodeo, ridin... he was a militant, lifer, as a 3 war, vet= nam, Korean and ... ya know... I'm not for sure... I'll have to ask about the 3rd... no way, he's 20s, born...
i asked how he thought of himself. i forgot his witty, smartass, response, already... i think of myself as a filthy, lowly, trucker. suits me, fine. i love it!!! most people, i suspect... feel the same, I'd imagine. not perverted, truckers... just a pro at whatever they loved, best.
not this-a-one. i think of tailgunner bill... he is shipyard outside machinist, rodeo cowboy, SOUTHERNER!!!, veteran, farmer, pilot... and that's just what he's told me, so far.

remind me to get the specs on ltr's weedeater, for him... y'all know that part... yeah... pieces of shit, since i watched my step dad, fuck up the spring n reload n autofuk, as a kid. hey... I've owned toro toro, myself and know for a fact, even their top rated mower... broke, after i touched it and that money grubbing whore, "stole it"... i mean if a mower, doesn't count as mans' four feet of moving truck... wtf does?

-ohhhh... that
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