current season

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ain't alot of h2o, in the dehydro, so far. barn door's been open... been a few, though. um- i think seedtostoned, on YouTube, where i went with the "referral " (grain o salt: he's subsidized and I'd guess, in more ways, than one... but i think he had a 10% code, in his credits- i forgot... prolly cost me 17.64... for not remembering.
the indicator lights r green. don't forget to check, or duck tape, over non green, indicator, lights. ummm... b nice, if the res access, was opposite the exhaust... gonna have to turn it, every time... all adds up a step saved... what's ur life worth? u can never get that life back. remember, when ur sig other, tied u down n waterlrBORED you, with, "when hairy met"... some random, skank? same thing.

ever seen barfly? mr shyttyshorts? great acting; true story.


sigh. can't always have what we want. the repercussions, of a third light, made me literally, mental. back to light envy and another waster $/00. the dehydro will pay for itself, in energy savings: it stays.
those of u who like side by side comps- ur gonna get ur wish. fuggin red, stays.
ted foxx: fug n sug.. haha.

the damage it was doin... i didn't spend a car, to end up with problematic n lesser, product. there's more value in goosfraba...
20191213 112128
20191213 112109


where's that sponsor gal, who knew little, of her company's, own tech?


oh- only kept the red, above scrog side... even though- um... it's likely to have more tops, than a sog- so I'd go red, there... and the t1, atf is so heat damaged- it'd prolly do more, for t3&4, on the left, THIS PARTICULAR season, but in the long run- better on the rt. um... ain't moving em, twice. i have zero, overhead, dexterity.


"f my life!": from 8-900ish par, to mostly 400 & um... alot of 3s n even saw 180s, on t4. u have got to b f'n kiddin me! 1300ish, in lighting, for b.s. #'s!!! argh!!! N A P A L M !!!! HELLFIRES! BRIMSTONE! [panting: outta breath; reaches for cigs.] "ARGH ARGH!" [slams door! envisions current, 60%rh... sets fire, to carton. puts map gas back.]


this, will half, my per tank, avgs- i know... cause I've already done these experiments. soooo pst! i can't even look at my g, right now... if i didn't go with... sigh... we're talkin 2 days, "as a headless, horseman ", so to speak. and I'll eventually get the look. i could stay home, reattach like n continue freakin... judges?

F' I N G HALF!!! ARGH ARGH NAPALM! down, with the ship. how does one take a pole?


yup... yup.. honey, gold. pure, as the driven, yellow, snow.
see! 8 strains... bout 1.5-2mg.
dood just woke up, 48hrs, later... lil damp... like i said- we stopped counting, g's palsy, symptoms, at 30hrs, when she started freakin out the dog. we just figured, it might b permanent, at that point.
Screenshot 20191213 122306 Gallery
20191213 122250


mornin, mosh. walk of shame? maybe, later? headache? hydrate. cold, ain't it? c the moon, last night? i rode home n it, on quadback. yep, another quadquestrian. almost nailed a hair. poor bby... livin n fear. tiny tim, the abcest, leg, bunny... still comes around, as does chip, with the notched, ear. um... gonna take g, to handfeed deer n um... i- oh- pet horses, next wk. gonna trade middlefinger, pete, for a mucked out, stall. if it'll get-r, outta bed n um... smilin... and me, a lil low body n core, p.t.: fair trade.
Not much meat on those raggits here! And yep last full moon of the decade ya know! EST I got if the moon just the phone camera
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