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  • Thread starter SPARECHANGE
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how's the ball n chain, d?
back n action, or gonna b a while?
our ♡, to ur smokin hot, lady. it'll b like cheatin secks, if it was what i imagine and u 2, will have the pleasure, of fallin n lust,
i couldn't b more envious
and he's got a fucking four door wrangler, with A/T's!!! how much luck can one man, have!! rhetorical!
Mo, better she is and back to work:)
6B35BEA2 AC8F 4DC5 B605 3B7BF6A480E2


i can just picture d in a bar tellin lies about jeepin, to impress the rock and the mighty misses c... talking lambo devil, 5 point contact, seatbelts... when we who know better... see a costco, child seat... more likely, than not... facing ohhh... the places, mrs d... has gone... out the rear window, if... he could c... over the back seat, headrests. sorry fur u genetic luck, d. ;P
"asked for it!!!" ;P (fart sounding air, commin outta that emoji)...


Mo, better she is and back to work:)
View attachment 949068
means we can sneak off to THE LIBRARY (peeler joint, in irvine), or run to fill the gas tank... later, after she goes to make sugga! (crazy fred's dollhouse, in az, off the 40... is a strip joint, behind and part of- a truck stop arinonans r gun totin, sister f'n, inbred, idiots.. i couldn't possibly, love more n wish to b, when i grow up... i mean ... some fellas, have some real attractive, lil sis's! anyone got a #?


i can just picture d in a bar tellin lies about jeepin, to impress the rock and the mighty misses c... talking lambo devil, 5 point contact, seatbelts... when we who know better... see a costco, child seat... more likely, than not... facing ohhh... the places, mrs d... has gone... out the rear window, if... he could c... over the back seat, headrests. sorry fur u genetic luck, d. ;P
"asked for it!!!" ;P (fart sounding air, commin outta that emoji)...
Wheeler, me off road device:)
4:88 gears, lock rite front, Detroit locker back, Dana 44 rear, old man emu springs, stainless break lines, western bead locks, warn 10,000# winch, full roll cage, 4 point seat belts, 37 inch wrangler tires, Moab aftermarket heater, stock 4 banger Jeep motor runnin on 3 cyl.
Bitch climes trees!! And you ain’t drivin:)
31B7CAA0 3B65 4B61 A132 BC955C4696B7


- ethics

- for my lovely, mrs diesel

my absolute fav and hero
the strongest, lady, i know

deathbed to door to door
-it's avon calling
in less than

we love our lovely, mrs. diesel
a lady
a hero
a positive,
to humanity

isn't the luckiest asshole i know


Wheeler, me off road device:)
4:88 gears, lock rite front, Detroit locker back, Dana 44 rear, old man emu springs, stainless break lines, western bead locks, warn 10,000# winch, full roll cage, 4 point seat belts, 37 inch wrangler tires, Moab aftermarket heater, stock 4 banger Jeep motor runnin on 3 cyl.
Bitch climes trees!! And you ain’t drivin:)View attachment 949073
fuck you diesel



imagine, getting to have a drink and conversation, with this treasure
she IS sharing her dreams, with us...
even from the grave... we here ewe, mme rossetti... we sea ur dreams...
come to fruition... say hello, to ur spectral, mother, for we... it's the reel slim shady... this, is me... this is we.

A Chilly Night
I rose at the dead of night
And went to the lattice alone
To look for my Mother’s ghost
Where the ghostly moonlight shone.
My friends had failed one by one,
Middle aged, young, and old,
Till the ghosts were warmer to me
Than my friends that had grown cold.
I looked and I saw the ghosts
Dotting plain and mound:
They stood in the blank moonlight
But no shadow lay on the ground;
They spoke without a voice
And they leapt without a sound.
I called: ‘ O my Mother dear, ‘ —
I sobbed: ‘ O my Mother kind,
Make a lonely bed for me
And shelter it from the wind:
‘ Tell the others not to come
To see me night or day;
But I need not tell my friends
To be sure to keep away.’
My Mother raised her eyes,
They were blank and could not see;
Yet they held me with their stare
While they seemed to look at me.
She opened her mouth and spoke,
I could not hear a word
While my flesh crept on my bones
And every hair was stirred.
She knew that I could not hear
The message that she told
Whether I had long to wait
Or soon should sleep in the mould:
I saw her toss her shadowless hair
And wring her hands in the cold.
I strained to catch her words
And she strained to make me hear,
But never a sound of words
Fell on my straining ear.
From midnight to the cockcrow
I kept my watch in pain
While the subtle ghosts grew subtler
In the sad night on the wane.
From midnight to the cockcrow
I watched till all were gone,
Some to sleep in the shifting sea
And some under turf and stone:
Living had failed and dead had failed
And I was indeed alone.

dr Seuss, anyone
simply, local colour


Ok, you can drive!
he knows i have to envy that he even has the option, to make such an offer... so i have taken great umbrage, to the fact he just poured it... toss some, ower ur shoulder, d... hate to c ur luck change, over a paper cut. ;P


ever open a stiff, hardbound, bible... new, dead cow, smell... omg... i bet my heaven, has hidden, first editions... f... i am asking the wong, questions!!!
anyway- ever notice, the books, of 12 diff doods (head)... all read the same... yet, u couldn't find more 200yr old, originality... in every, classic, author, even though u can c poe and Seuss, in Mme rossetti's, originals n yet, all 12 apostates, read like one feller...
isn't that something


Old man down , way down down
Down by the docks of the city
Blind and dirty , asked me for a dime
A dime for a cup of coffee...
I got no dime but i got some time to hear his story

My name is august west and i love my pearly baker best more than my wine
More than my wine , more than my maker ,though hes no friend of mine...
Everyone said , id come to no good , i knew i would , pearly believe them
Half of my life , i spent doing time For some other fuckers crime
The other half found me stumbling round drunk on burgundy wine.....

...................Grateful dead .....
u know, i never could get into garcia, etc, though i did have a couple of his silk, ties... never again, will i put on a suit, for a payday... hate bein betrothed, to a dry cleaners. i gave all that kwrap, to big bro, when he started managing, clubs; big phish, schmall pond, kinda thang, after he stopped producing, for premiere.

he who holds the key to the liquor cabinet, will always find success...

yeah... wolfman and sis f'er... or was it his aunt... ;P... what a great poem/lyrics... never seen it... not, like that. super cool! great taste... i liked my share of acid, back n the day... 8 hits, was my record; never... ever... again. heart prolly couldn't take it, anyway... not like the mind, is goin well, but that's life.
yeah, if i had to pick one... besides yours: truckin, shoulda lifted my divided, skirts... but no... couldn't get into it and i felt
god, one would have to be on drugs, to like this... ;D


Pearlys been true , true to me , true to my dying day he said
I said to him , i said to him , "im sure shes been ""
I said to him ," im sure shes been true to you "

Got up and wondered , wandered downtown , nowhere to go but just to hang around......

I got a girl , named bonnie lee, i know that girls been true to me
I know shes been , im sure shes been true to me....

Wharf rat , jerry garcia grateful dead.....

Hey sparechange , that song made me think of you , hope you liked it ...
the iambic pentameter, is there, even without the music. such talent, how awesome! i tried a jerry album... it didn't fit, but when u write it, like that... i certainly,
enjoy his shyt ;D


So many of Jerry’s lyrics are so real life! Every song is just story great quote!
and even though, wolfman's quoting... it's direwolf's, story... as it relates to him. what strikes the cords n those "poems", u know inside out?
gotta finish the story... a song, as seen through your eyes. u have us on the edges of our short n curly's, sir...
your turn...
your chapter...
mr artist...
tell us a story?
i thought for sure, diesel would laugh, at the manilow, ambiance...


Hey sparechange , hope u r ok
eh... it is what it is, but yes, thank you: i am just fine. i lose my poop and when n if the day comes, sanity, eludes me, forever... mosh has the nuclear, arming codes. y'all get me.
um... i just don't want my research n torments, going for naught and n "their" mods... aren't any bit of the... hmmm... i don't wanna say aholes because it's just one side of a story, told through prejudicial iii's... but thcf'r, has been extremely... mmm... gracious and hospitable... and u know how i get, when i crash individual, threads n such so as diesel says best- i just try n stay n my lane. anyone want to go from rso to umm... straight up, cannabis oil (i still can't spell cannabis, correctly, without the auto correct, if u can imagine...) and from a pound per quarter, to 33-66yrs via decigrams v grams... well, the research n experiments r all, present... as r patient histories (minimally) & observations of pharmacological, physiological, responses to various, multi and individual strain, cocktails... temps, quantities: all of it. i couldn't tell u how many folks iii n y'all help... i don't even know most of their names, tbh... I'm bad with em, to begin with and isn't it just...: better... safer... for all, concerned.

i don't count em and c em... when i c em... as y'all know- the beholden thingy- don't fly with me...
used to b a cheap tool, for secks, back n the day. a friend with giftweed, is a friend, indeed...


Mo, better she is and back to work:)
View attachment 949068
he and cat, get sooo much frost.
hadn't thought about aquaman n a bit. hope, pop n law, is a-ok.

btw... ltr accused me of tryin to b him... i was me, before i met he... just similarly, built, models, plus 18 inches... here n there ;P. no... ty... i don't not enjoy, starving through commercial xmases n wet, construction free, winters. plus... this body, ain't gonna last, unfortunately... just ask Jeffrey dahmer.
nope... dood is on vacation, allegedly... who else, was gonna do it... and what'd i do? maybe levelled some dirt n drank more n overtipped, in his absence. could y'all survive, on $30 days? not that hard, to drink a beer... nope... the party/adventures ended, when he went on vacation.
i did tell him i need to earn, $50, for fuel, this month... freaked me, gettin down to my last $1, of vfw budget, on the 29th... and it was as short a month, as any.


i gotta road trip, tomorrow so... y'all hold down the teepee! don't b good ;P ... b good at it.
i hope all our loved ones we do this for, have a "good", tomorrow... i gotta do my chores. I'll lose it, likely, if i stay on through em.
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