D.C. Picks Six Companies To Grow Medical Marijuana

  • Thread starter KennyPowers
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The District has selected six companies to grow marijuana and supply medical cannabis to users — clearing the way for growers to start producing hundreds of plants in as little as a month.

The Health Department is expected to announce Friday that it has selected the winning bidders for cultivating plants that will feed the dispensaries city officials hope to approve by the summer. All the growers will be in Northeast, including a company partly owned by celebrity talk show host Montel Williams.

Combined, they will be tasked with producing thousands of plants annually, in possible violation of federal law.

Two years ago, the D.C. Council voted to establish as many as 10 cultivation centers, where up to 95 marijuana plants could be grown at a time at each location. Once harvested, the marijuana will be sent to five distribution centers for patients to buy.

Mohammad N. Akhter, director of the Health Department, said he and a task force evaluated dozens of bidders before selecting the six applicants. Akhter said they were chosen based on their ability to grow “quality” marijuana “in a safe environment” that includes heavy security.

Akhter said he also tried to ensure that the cultivation centers were not too tightly clustered in the same blocks.

“I have taken every single step that I could to make sure this is done in a safe environment in which we can have a quality product that can meet the needs of the patient in a way that the community is also satisfied,” he said in an interview. “These are the best people who can do the best job.”

Williams’s cultivation center, Abatin Wellness Center, has been approved for the 2100 block of Queens Chapel Road in Langdon, according to a city list obtained by The Washington Post.

The department also selected Montana Apothecary dba Alternative Solutions in the 2100 block of 24th Place NE in Langdon; District Growers in the 2400 block of Evarts Street NE in Langdon; Holistic Remedies in 1800 block of Fenwick Street NE in Ivy City; Phyto Management in the 3700 block of Benning Road NE in Benning; and Venture Forth dba Center City in the 2200 block of Channing Street NE in Langdon.

Before the applicants can open, however, Akhter said they must apply for their business license and building permits from the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. He added that the permitting process may take less than two weeks, meaning the marijuana growers may be able to start production in less than a month.

But Helder Gil, a spokesman for DCRA, said it could take some providers longer to open if they plan to make major renovations, including additional electric or water supplies.

“If they are just doing minor stuff . . . they can get a building permit quickly and then come in and get the sign-off,” Gil said.

The Health Department does not expect to complete the approval process for dispensaries until June.

“It takes about 90 days to grow the plants and have them ready,” Akhter said. “By the time growers are ready with the plants, the dispensaries should be in operation.”

But the District could still face big challenges in the implementation of its medical marijuana program.

In recent weeks, some residents and community activists fought attempts to open the cultivation centers in their neighborhood.

In January, D.C. Council member Vincent B. Orange (D-At large) successfully pushed to limit the number of cultivation centers that could operate in Northeast. Last week, council member Yvette M. Alexander (D-Ward 7) won approval of a bill barring cultivation centers from high-profile retail corridors — including the location Phyto Management wants to open on Benning Road.

It was not clear Thursday night how the bill would affect the company’s plans, but Alexander pledged to work with the group to find a new location.

The fight over the cultivation centers could pale in comparison with the community opposition that could surface as the Department of Health reviews the applicants to run the distribution centers. But under the law, they are not allowed 300 feet from a school, recreation center or a city park.

Another challenge could come from law enforcement officials because, under federal law, the sale or possession of medical marijuana is illegal. Federal authorities have declined to publicly sanction the program, which restricts patients to no more than 2 ounces of marijuana per month.

But Akhter said he remains optimistic that the city’s program will withstand legal scrutiny, citing his view on the medical benefits of marijuana.

Under the city regulations, patients suffering from cancer, HIV-AIDS, multiple sclerosis and glaucoma qualify for the program.

“I know one thing for sure, there are a lot more dangerous drugs that we prescribe,” said Akhter, a former senior associate dean for public and international health at Howard University College of Medicine. “We made this program exactly like for other drugs we prescribe for other purposes.”

Although medical marijuana patients will not be able to grow their own marijuana, the District’s first purveyor of medical pot supplies plans to open on Rhode Island Avenue NE on Friday.

WeGrow, a company billing itself as the “Wal-Mart of Weed,” will sell materials needed to cultivate and care for the plants, but not the plants or seeds themselves.

Staff writers Mike DeBonis and Katie Rodgers contributed to this report.

baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
"Although medical marijuana patients will not be able to grow their own marijuana, the District’s first purveyor of medical pot supplies plans to open on Rhode Island Avenue NE on Friday.

WeGrow, a company billing itself as the “Wal-Mart of Weed,” will sell materials needed to cultivate and care for the plants, but not the plants or seeds themselves."

Well if you aren't one of the few sanctioned growers like ole Montel, you bets the feds or somebody is gonna scrutinize and record who shops here...Unfortunately I see this model being the future, when the guy mentions treating marijuana the same way as other pharmaceuticals, he means, regulated so we can't grow it but can BUY it. And of course you need a grow store for all the people that aren't allowed to grow...
Give this program a year or so and then watch them perform Operation Bust ASs, when they round up a couple dozen growers, as many will try to grow to provide for people that can't afford to Buy weed from Montel and the like...
So if Freedom, is being able to buy something, FUCK that shit, I will grow my cannabis the way I likes to the days I die!
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
That 300 foot deal is goin to ultimately be the expensive screw around for despensary owners/locations....the feds use the 1000 foot rule...and even in med states that they/feds are currently tolerating big production and distribution they are still going to enforce the 1000 foot rule and that is from schools, daycares, public parks, church schools, places and business where children are frequently present, public housing, and greenbelts.

If you follow the state guidlines your gettin set up to fail or at the bare minimum waste alot of unneeded time and money..oh yea, and the feds will let ya get set up and goin real good before enforcing it, forcing you to move

Sweet deal for the 10 selected companies..I wonder how they decided on margins, wholesale and retail pricing structure..basically state regulated privately run facilities..Hmmm kinda like Texas prisons...lol everybody gets fat....Im not sure being a vocal user and advocate of mmj makes you a qualified leader for growers but good for Montel...lol


wow i kno exactly were these places are lls am from Dc an i live there an i've be wondering wwat they were doing in them buildings now i kno but as a big weed head am keep my mouth shut i just need a job am pretty good at growing weed i have a small hydroponic system out of a cup an my 3 plants are growing lovely well there small but its a start (first time wit da hydro its really easy if ur a fast learner but if u guys wuld kno of any jobs they are offering i wuld be a great farmer


likes to smell trees.
Wait, you can buy it from a dispensary that buys their equipment from the wal mart of weed but you can't grow your own? Nice one. So much for our rights...

Next we wont be able to have our own orange tree, we will have to buy oranges from a store designated by the fucking Man.

I'm pissed.


yep and Montel monopolized that shit. I know guys on his team! In Az if you live within 25 miles of a dispensary you cant grow either.
Fuking Government Cartels are burning the people of this country on a daily bases! Im pissed to Cap!


So let me guess who the other companies allowed to grow in DC are gonna be...

Besides Montel (Monsanto Williams! Nice, Cap!), we'll have Halliburton, Glaxo Smith-Kline, General Electric... plus Bank of Amerika and Goldman-Sachs?

The Feds terrorize operators in all 16 MMJ states for any infraction they can make up, like the 1000 foot rule, but in DC it's only 300 feet?

And the Feds wonder why they don't get no respect!

FUCKING MONOPOLISTS. If this is 'free enterprise', then beam me up, Scotty- there's no intelligent government down here.


Wait, you can buy it from a dispensary that buys their equipment from the wal mart of weed but you can't grow your own? Nice one. So much for our rights...

Next we wont be able to have our own orange tree, we will have to buy oranges from a store designated by the fucking Man.

I'm pissed.

This, The last thing we need is the closest thing to the federal government that "allows" MMJ, Regulating it ~.~

It also allows for the DEA to make one simple sweep and knock out safe access to all of those patients, at least in California they would be busy for a month trying to clear out Oakland alone..

On the other hand, I need to go mail a resume in :D



I remember when richard lee was trying to pass this bs in cali, under the guise of legalization. It's really just commercialization and oligopolization(almost like monopoly but only the few w/ licenses can dominate) of the industry. I'm glad a lot of you guys are seeing it for what it is. People were giving me flack for being against that bullshit bill.


Yeah, I wouldNt work for that fuk for nothing, using his pull to monopolize the industry, people listen to that fool! And he don't know shit about weed other smoking it, and cashing in on it!
He's the same guy taxing the poorest of the poor with his ck cashing loan program! He capitalizes on poor sik folks and then uses his pull to get His bussiness open.
He operates like a Villian and the karma he's facing is astronomical! And BTW he ain't taking resumes! He's got a 5 pak of dudes he's promised the world to! This industry is tight knit and word travels fast!
That dudes slapping us in the face with a smile on his face and DC in his back pocket!
I would'nt help him do shit!


likes to smell trees.
I remember when richard lee was trying to pass this bs in cali, under the guise of legalization. It's really just commercialization and oligopolization(almost like monopoly but only the few w/ licenses can dominate) of the industry. I'm glad a lot of you guys are seeing it for what it is. People were giving me flack for being against that bullshit bill.

I voted against prop 18. You are not alone.




Fuck montel they want to wall mart the world good luck but in 15 years when the last drop of wealth has been strangled out of the us. what then it dose not mater if it cost a dollar if no one has a dollar. I would rather buy from the cartel then a shit bag like montel at lest you can buy a gun and hold court in the street with the cartel ..this montel will back door you with wealth then run a cartel hiding behind state law while he gets rich selling something I can do in my yard.. this is not right I hate all the mmj rich kids trying to shut the door on so many people then act like it's all good they don't want to lower the price they just want all the money...
Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
3rd Fuck Montel! You guys really think these companies got a free ride? Shit!! They gonna get raided too! In D.C.? Please.... Montels getting kuffed and stuffed just like the rest. This war on Pot is far from over.

P.S. I wish no ill will on anybody even Montel but Im not blind!


That 300 foot deal is goin to ultimately be the expensive screw around for despensary owners/locations....the feds use the 1000 foot rule...and even in med states that they/feds are currently tolerating big production and distribution they are still going to enforce the 1000 foot rule and that is from schools, daycares, public parks, church schools, places and business where children are frequently present, public housing, and greenbelts.

If you follow the state guidlines your gettin set up to fail or at the bare minimum waste alot of unneeded time and money..oh yea, and the feds will let ya get set up and goin real good before enforcing it, forcing you to move

Sweet deal for the 10 selected companies..I wonder how they decided on margins, wholesale and retail pricing structure..basically state regulated privately run facilities..Hmmm kinda like Texas prisons...lol everybody gets fat....Im not sure being a vocal user and advocate of mmj makes you a qualified leader for growers but good for Montel...lol
Yeah, and after that douchebag that ran the TX prisons left, he came to SC and started all that controlled movement bullshit on the yard, and then down to FL where he was locked up for embezzlement. Prisons big $$$. Its sickening. If youve ever been, you know. American Drug War: The Last White Hope has some really interesting facts on the big $$$ in prisons. If Im not mistaken, the state received 30,000 per year to house me. Trust me it doesnt cost that much. All the food and dairy came from inmate farmed prisons. I guess it went to keeping it 50F year round and keeping lights on 24/7 while I tried to sleep off my time.


Fear Not!
"Although medical marijuana patients will not be able to grow their own marijuana, ....:eek::eek::eek:

So if Freedom, is being able to buy something, FUCK that shit, I will grow my cannabis the way I likes to the days I die!

Amen to that Brother!......WTF? They can buy it..but they can't grow it in there own closet in there own home? WTF??? :mad:

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard!...the founding farthers are rolling over in their graves...:mad:

It's a Sign of the Times Folks ..

Next you won't be able to grow your own food...oh..wait....:confused:

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