It's very hard to be totally self sufficient. For the most part, you can't do everything yourself. So far though, it's tough finding people to share the load too :(
A lot of people talk the talk. But when it comes right down to it, they're an albatross.
I don't really trust the food supply anymore, the stability of it is the most troublesome to me. Then the pesticides/GMO's.
I mean, look how Kali is screwing themselves.
1. They make pot legal.
2. They can't kill a nematode to build a house. But we can spray everything in sight with poison.
3. Pass a law that there can't be pesticides on pot
4. Now they're running out of pot!
5. DUH DUH DUH!!! lol
If it's bad to be on your pot, how is it OK for your food?
Anyway, I'll grow as much as I can. I got a proper farmer to get my beef and bacon from. I order wheat from a place out west to make my own flour for bread.
There's a generally accepted rule for things you eat. If a 5th grader can't pronounce an ingredient, you shouldn't eat it ;)
Also, a little health tip. When you go to the grocery store. Only buy food from the outer walls of the store. This is generally where the real food is. Meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. All the other spots are processed foods. i.e. things that can not be pronounced ;)
I've had bees for 3 yrs, starting the forth season this year. This is the first year I have survivor colonies so I'm stoked. I had 6 out of 13 make it so far this year. I'll be expanding that number back up to at least that many again this year. I need to find another location or two.
I also keep quail for eggs ;)
I can't wait to move to my cabin full time. Then I can do all of this at one location.