Dbl Sour D, Blue Dream, & Lemon Skunk... Oh My!

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Girl Scout Cookies.
I forgot to mark the tag. I believe I put her into flower sometime around 2/5ish.
60371940 CA43 4CD2 8F7E 787D8406B887
C4F26AD4 7A4E 4436 AF99 CFBCF323C8DB

My LAW cross which I did remember to mark the tag. Flowering since 2/3.

The bud at roughly 12 o’clock in the back is a different plant.
AD35F4BA 1B5B 457B 960F 000FC9552227
3B678926 AF98 4B16 8074 055D01E27E13


Mind if I pull up a chair?
I like what you got going on. I've been thinking about starting my own seeds just for fun. Plus I would really like to see how your GSC turns out. I'm running the forum cut atm.

Looking at that nug made me get up and take a dab.

LOL, why pull up a chair? Bring the whole sofa ;)

Making beans is not hard at all. What's hard is not spunking your whole grow.
I should have kept a male cutting. It's almost time for the honey bees to do their thing ;)

I've grown GSC before. It definitely is good smoke.

Here's a pic of my last Big Blue Cheese.
575F9E6B 02E0 4A95 B303 7D4D2952A4F2

Finally starting to see some pistils turning @ 60 daze.
Axel Rose

Axel Rose

Nice man! I'm working on my gg4 and gsc forum cut to get some gg4xgsc seeds. I'm jealous! You got killer selection.


Nice man! I'm working on my gg4 and gsc forum cut to get some gg4xgsc seeds. I'm jealous! You got killer selection.

Sadly I won't be ordering from those clowns anymore. They sent it signature required and the mailman is apparently to much of a pussy to knock loud enough for me to hear. Had to hobble my ass down to the post office myself :(

I bitched out the shipper who then informed :
"Hi there
We send all the packages with signature.
We do this for in case that the package get lost we can claim and see where is located.
In the case that you whant it without signature you have to inform us by email."

It does not say that on their website. I did not choose stealth or insurance. I paid in cash for a damn reason! Why would I want to sign for it... seriously!?!

I'll have to swing by your grow sometime to check out the parents for my beans. I haven't really heard good feedback for GG. But then, different strokes ;)

I have soooo much going on ATM I barely have time to post my own grow.
And now beekeeping chores are just about to kick in on top of everything else...

Lets do a litmus test on age..... Calgon take me away ;)

Here’s a little peak at something else I’m try to gain skills for...
BFA5AC31 D40B 4765 B9E3 6A295E3E2FD8

This is Lions Mane. I’m doing them in BRF cake fashion except wood instead of rice.

Once I see they are advancing enough to suit me I’ll make some 5lb blocks and use the cakes for spawn ;)

I also want to do reishi, turkey tail, cordyceps, and eventually chicken of the woods. Maybe some chestnuts and shiitake mixed in too. Temperature dependent of course.

Some of these can be foraged, but not during winter. So I’m going to grow them myself.

Aside from having my own medicinal stash, hopefully I can sell a little bit of my excess.

It’s all part of my master plan to become what I’m calling the 85% dropout.

Or in other words, I only want to deal with other people 15% of the rest of my life ;) LOL

Anyway, enough babbling for now ✌
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Axel Rose

Axel Rose

Calgon?... I think thats the stuff in my grandparents medicine cabinet hahaha lol jk jk I'm not that young.

I like your dropout plan. It sound like you are trying to be self sustainable. I have a long way to go but it's my ultimate goal. I would like to have as much as I possibly can coming out of my garden and straight into my kitchen. I like that idea of medicinal mushrooms. My GF has been putting together a binder full of different ways to use herbs/extracts for medicinal purposes from scratch. I have a decent selection in my vegetable garden but I need more time throughout the days. I feel like I'll never catch up sometimes.

My journal is all over the place atm. I feel like I need an assistant sometimes but I hope you like it.

GL with you bees ;)
Not a lot of people know how crucial they are to our environment.
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It's very hard to be totally self sufficient. For the most part, you can't do everything yourself. So far though, it's tough finding people to share the load too :(
A lot of people talk the talk. But when it comes right down to it, they're an albatross.

I don't really trust the food supply anymore, the stability of it is the most troublesome to me. Then the pesticides/GMO's.

I mean, look how Kali is screwing themselves.

1. They make pot legal.
2. They can't kill a nematode to build a house. But we can spray everything in sight with poison.
3. Pass a law that there can't be pesticides on pot
4. Now they're running out of pot!
5. DUH DUH DUH!!! lol

If it's bad to be on your pot, how is it OK for your food?

Anyway, I'll grow as much as I can. I got a proper farmer to get my beef and bacon from. I order wheat from a place out west to make my own flour for bread.

There's a generally accepted rule for things you eat. If a 5th grader can't pronounce an ingredient, you shouldn't eat it ;)

Also, a little health tip. When you go to the grocery store. Only buy food from the outer walls of the store. This is generally where the real food is. Meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. All the other spots are processed foods. i.e. things that can not be pronounced ;)

I've had bees for 3 yrs, starting the forth season this year. This is the first year I have survivor colonies so I'm stoked. I had 6 out of 13 make it so far this year. I'll be expanding that number back up to at least that many again this year. I need to find another location or two.

I also keep quail for eggs ;)

I can't wait to move to my cabin full time. Then I can do all of this at one location.



It's very hard to be totally self sufficient. For the most part, you can't do everything yourself. So far though, it's tough finding people to share the load too :(
A lot of people talk the talk. But when it comes right down to it, they're an albatross.

I don't really trust the food supply anymore, the stability of it is the most troublesome to me. Then the pesticides/GMO's.

I mean, look how Kali is screwing themselves.

1. They make pot legal.
2. They can't kill a nematode to build a house. But we can spray everything in sight with poison.
3. Pass a law that there can't be pesticides on pot
4. Now they're running out of pot!
5. DUH DUH DUH!!! lol

If it's bad to be on your pot, how is it OK for your food?

Anyway, I'll grow as much as I can. I got a proper farmer to get my beef and bacon from. I order wheat from a place out west to make my own flour for bread.

There's a generally accepted rule for things you eat. If a 5th grader can't pronounce an ingredient, you shouldn't eat it ;)

Also, a little health tip. When you go to the grocery store. Only buy food from the outer walls of the store. This is generally where the real food is. Meat, dairy, fruits, and vegetables. All the other spots are processed foods. i.e. things that can not be pronounced ;)

I've had bees for 3 yrs, starting the forth season this year. This is the first year I have survivor colonies so I'm stoked. I had 6 out of 13 make it so far this year. I'll be expanding that number back up to at least that many again this year. I need to find another location or two.

I also keep quail for eggs ;)

I can't wait to move to my cabin full time. Then I can do all of this at one location.
Never buy beef or chicken from a “grocery store”! Find yourself a local butcher.


The left is Big Blue Cheese and the right is Blue Dream. Sadly I didn't get any clones from the BBC. It was a bonus bean from somewhere, can't remember where.


You could try to revert her back to vegetative cycle. Its worth a shot if you dont want her gone.
I thought about it. But my veg space is much smaller and I've already added a reveg to the crowd. It's a 5% CBD strain, supposed to be 5%/10%. Really packs a punch for 10%THC. Cuttings failed of course.

I also have a bunch of new to me beans to work into the rotation. Gelato is probably gonna go in first :D

Can't remember the others something about Godzilla is sounding familiar. I "think" I may have posted it a little ways back?
Axel Rose

Axel Rose

I thought about it. But my veg space is much smaller and I've already added a reveg to the crowd. It's a 5% CBD strain, supposed to be 5%/10%. Really packs a punch for 10%THC. Cuttings failed of course.

I also have a bunch of new to me beans to work into the rotation. Gelato is probably gonna go in first :D

Can't remember the others something about Godzilla is sounding familiar. I "think" I may have posted it a little ways back?
If that's the case I would take revegging that CBD strain instead the BBC too. I've been on a CBD binge lately.

Which ever one you choose next I'll be following along:cool:. I cant remember where but I saw a Godzilla cross on a top shelf I really wanted to try.
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