Deficient plants in coco

  • Thread starter BudGoggles
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Thats good new. I was wondering how come I havent seen a single flier in the new grow room. I always see gnats from dirt and coco
So these little bugger will eat the gnats and Im good to go

Thanks cant wait to show you guys some healthy plants in coco crush the UC


Living dead girl
First off thanks everybody
I can say very strongly that I do not have aphids. I took a plant out of the pot and scoped it for about a 1/2 hr and it was clean.
So now I need to address the issue.

im going to guess that you rinsed the coco with RO and didnt pre-charge with any type of nute or Ca product? the coco itself is "eating" your nutes right now, not the plants. its hogging a ton of the present Ca and since you are using Calimagic with Calcium Carbonate, that process will raise the pH.

When I started the coco I ran 500 ppm solution threw them. That was 1 ml cal mag what ever else base to reach 500 ppm conv .5 scale

Im going to give that mix a whirl with tomorrows feeding. So calmag 4 ml per and the rest base. I will also foliar with epsom at seamaidens rate.

Heres a pic of the roots

View attachment 301574
I was going to back off on feeding once a day to every other day. Is it safe to say they can handle daily waterings????

Thank you guys /gals huge

Looking at that, I think they're just straight up hungry and have a bit of a Mg-. Looking at the root mass, hellz yeah they can handle dailies! The root mass looks so healthy that, to me, it could only be an issue of not enough feed.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I hit mine with an epsom salt light dilution as a foliar feed...Aaaa whaaaatttt?? seem to really kick'm into gear and back to color


epsom foliar in coco ftw!! i like to hit them every 3-4 days for the first 2w of flower as well. they go through a major transition from using alot of Ca to using alot of Mg in the first couple weeks and the foliar really helps that along ime.


Living dead girl
If you do it that way, you can give Ca only, thus allowing you to push a little bit more without pushing EC terribly high. I always always ALWAYS ALWAYS start the Ca from the beginning for any plant that's going into coir, I have found it's that important. Giving them Mg is just too easy, as you're saying. I do often alternate giving the Ca and Mg via root feeds, too, though.

After reading some stuff on peat vs coir, I'm going to have to revisit using coir only for indoor cultivation. I demand fast growth if I'm going to spend valuable electricity on it, but don't want to sacrifice quality and neither do I want the other products I use to be environmentally unfriendly. I will continue to include rice hulls in the mix, and plan on adding biochar (I must get out to Yuba City to get those!).


So when Im using coco am I going to need to keep the calimagic up to 4ml per gal during flowering???
Im total new to coco so Im not sure. With rdwc I would only use 1 ml calmag and I would cut it out around week 4 of flower and the plants didnt mind and stayed green all the way up til I flushed


i used to use Calplex, but it got discontinued. still searching for another Ca only product i like.

i honestly just switched from pure coco to a peat/coco/ewc blend. i was getting sick of playing the coco games like we are discussing here. i put the girls into that before they vegged for 3w under the big lights. it was a much easier transition since the coco did not need to charge up and imho i maybe lost a day or two in growth speed. next run im going to try a side by side and then pick a method for the coming months.


Living dead girl
Coconut coir 'latches' onto certain molecules, which is why we precharge with LOTS of Ca and Mg before ever planting anything, otherwise it will snag onto those molecules, making them unavailable to the plant for uptake and utilization. Ca is especially problematic because it is relatively immobile, therefore it must be laid down in plant tissues from the beginning, and continuing well into flowering. Mg is mobile, highly, and so it is a very easy deficiency or toxicity to correct. In fact, everything happens quickly in coir, IME, good and bad. That makes responses easy to gauge. Once I began using Ca and Mg separately I was easily able to tell the difference between the problems when they're not in balance or are deficient or cannot be used by the plant because they're being given at the wrong pH, or the temps are too cool.

Coir is also very high potassium, which just happens to be an antagonistic mineral towards many other important minerals. Thus, lower-K feeds are, IME, required, to keep control of that problem. Let me show you more pictures!

Mineral interaction chart


So when Im using coco am I going to need to keep the calimagic up to 4ml per gal during flowering???
Im total new to coco so Im not sure. With rdwc I would only use 1 ml calmag and I would cut it out around week 4 of flower and the plants didnt mind and stayed green all the way up til I flushed

i doubt it but i have only used RO in UC not coco.

i drop calimagic completely around that same time and use it sparingly after i flip the lights. by time you hit flower the CEC should be nice and charged, that combined with coco specific nutes is enough Ca for my girls on TAP water. you might need a little bump with the RO (i.e. 1ml/gal @ every feeding) but i would watch the plants for that.


Coconut coir 'latches' onto certain molecules, which is why we precharge with LOTS of Ca and Mg before ever planting anything, otherwise it will snag onto those molecules, making them unavailable to the plant for uptake and utilization. Ca is especially problematic because it is relatively immobile, therefore it must be laid down in plant tissues from the beginning, and continuing well into flowering. Mg is mobile, highly, and so it is a very easy deficiency or toxicity to correct. In fact, everything happens quickly in coir, IME, good and bad. That makes responses easy to gauge. Once I began using Ca and Mg separately I was easily able to tell the difference between the problems when they're not in balance or are deficient or cannot be used by the plant because they're being given at the wrong pH, or the temps are too cool.

Coir is also very high potassium, which just happens to be an antagonistic mineral towards many other important minerals. Thus, lower-K feeds are, IME, required, to keep control of that problem. Let me show you more pictures!

View attachment 301756

great post and great chart. i use it often!


Living dead girl
i used to use Calplex, but it got discontinued. still searching for another Ca only product i like.

i honestly just switched from pure coco to a peat/coco/ewc blend. i was getting sick of playing the coco games like we are discussing here. i put the girls into that before they vegged for 3w under the big lights. it was a much easier transition since the coco did not need to charge up and imho i maybe lost a day or two in growth speed. next run im going to try a side by side and then pick a method for the coming months.
Kenny, this is what I prefer, used with rainwater or RO/DI.

BioLink Ca Plus 6% Ca

In fact, I'm going to order some right now, as I'm out.


Thanks for all the info this is huge help
Its hard to sift threw all the threads and find whats good and whats na say


Kenny whats your ec of your tap water
Im thinking about mixing tap with ro til my ec is .2 or .3


Living dead girl
But, that's the thing, BudG. Everyone has a slightly different way, methods that work great for one guy are terrible for another. So, I guess it's like they say--you've gotta get in where you fit in.


Yeah I can grow em in the UC just gotta get this coco thing down. I like the coco considering I can run bennies and other organics and the plants love it. You should see my mothers

100 3067
100 3069


right about .25 here

you will love the coco once you get your methods hammered out. very simple and such low risk compared to the UC.


Living dead girl
Alright, I can't find an online supplier for the BioLink Ca Plus, so I'm online at and I'm probably going to end up ordering some Calcium-25. Been reading a lot about it, anyway.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
So when Im using coco am I going to need to keep the calimagic up to 4ml per gal during flowering???
Im total new to coco so Im not sure. With rdwc I would only use 1 ml calmag and I would cut it out around week 4 of flower and the plants didnt mind and stayed green all the way up til I flushed


Hell I run coco in a worries and great jump start on the veg table before bucket heads prevail
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