Got 2 9” fans blowing up top just under the lights
3, 6” fans blowing above canopy
2 6” fans through canopy
A large 20” fan blowing under canopy and around pots
And a small 4” inline fan on the floor as a scrubber.
Hmm, fully scrogged through the 4x8?
Can you get some fairly wide pics showing the whole tent? Probe placement etc etc?
I know you said you tried it outside the tent with no luck, how big is the lung room that the tent is in? I run a 50pt in my 20x12 lung room with no problem getting the room down to 45%
What are you trying to maintain inside the tent for RH /Temp
And what is the lung room temp / RH as well with no dehu running?
I keep my probe roughly canopy level but with no foliage within 8-10” of it, I also put a little hood over my probe with a. Piece of paper I noticed my probes always read slightly higher temps than the thermometers / hydrometers I have around the tent
The piece of paper shields the probe from direct light beaming on the probe increasing its temp reading especially of your lights are 18-20” from the canopy