Demontrich's E-cig Vape Juice No Nicotine Tek

  • Thread starter DemonTrich
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My favorite response to "it's bad for you", is "then stick it up your arse!"

And I mean that literally.

Setting your meds on fire and huffing them is clearly nonsensical. In addition to destroying a bunch of it, you're also inhaling all kinds of known bad actors.

Vaporizing it (flowers or concentrate) makes more sense, but anyone who dabs has heard themselves wheezing, and has to know its not good for their lungs.

If you follow that logic to it's end point, the appropriate thing to do is make suppositories.



I dab 2g of distillate a week by myself. I also use 1-2 .5mg carts made with distillate as well. I never cough, have lung butter or issues. Period. It' all in how clean your starting product is. Every extract i get back, it immediately goes into my vac chamber.

So please don' "blanket statement" everything.

Some flush their pots and believe "white ash is the shit. I can get white ash by using my torch on any bowl. Viola, white ash. I never flush.


I dab 2g of distillate a week by myself. I also use 1-2 .5mg carts made with distillate as well. I never cough, have lung butter or issues. Period. It' all in how clean your starting product is. Every extract i get back, it immediately goes into my vac chamber.

So please don' "blanket statement" everything.

Some flush their pots and believe "white ash is the shit. I can get white ash by using my torch on any bowl. Viola, white ash. I never flush.

The only blanket statement I'm trying to make here is that it's a personal decision, and if you are concerned about harm I'm gonna tell you where to put it (for least "harm").

Putting it your vac chamber does nothing to remove fats & waxes from raw extracts, and seems pretty pointless on distillate which should have given up all traces of solvent before it got to your hands...

to each their own.


If you're concerned about consuming something that can potentially harm you in any way you live on the wrong planet


The advantages of huffing your meds are:

1) immediacy of effect
2) ease of titration.

there are also cons. Some of those are related to the competency of the person doing the extraction. Others to the method. Still others to the route of administration. They should be acknowledged.

for those who are super concerned, there is a solution.



The advantages of huffing your meds are:

1) immediacy of effect
2) ease of titration.

there are also cons. Some of those are related to the competency of the person doing the extraction. Others to the method. Still others to the route of administration. They should be acknowledged.

for those who are super concerned, there is a solution.


Stick it in your butt. That's my life motto.


This is a tried and true tek on my thc vape juice with NO nasty nicotine for liquid e-cig carts. The way I makenit, the juice will not, or rather shouldn't seperate if done properly. I've been using the tek and making this for about 3 yrs. I've used ethanol, isopropyl, and bho extracts. ONLY the bho held stable and didn't seperate, even after 1 month in storage. I've found my patients do NOT like glycerin as a base. They say it leaves a nasty coating In their throats, so I use peg 400usp food grade base.

What you will need
Peg 400usp (bought on amazon)
Metal bowl
Heavy duty shot glass (thick)
Pan that the metal bowl can "float in"
Meat thermometer to take temps

I do equal parts (by weight, not volume!!) BHO to peg400.

Fill pot with water and put on stove,
Place your desired amount of bho and peg 400 into shot glass
Fill metal bowl with hot water about half way
Place shot glass with bho and peg 400 into metal bowl with water in it. The water should be higher than the mixture in the shot glass. DO NOT get water into shot glass!!
Turn on stove and get the water hot E Liquids.
Place thermometer into shot glass and get it to temp, between 120 and 140*, I'd strongly advise not going over 150*, there's no need to go that high of a temp.
Stir mixture very often until well blended. Keep stirring and let cook for about 25 mins.
You should have a nice golden clear liquid with NO partials in the mix.
Let cool for 30 mins or longer.
Fill your liquid cart and puff puff pass (pass if so desired or tell your buddies to get their own, lol).

I make cbd thc mixtures for both my MS patients and they LOVE it.

You can also flavor your mix by using food grade concentrate flavorings. Found again on amazon, wally world, eb@y, or a confectionary (baking) shop. Be warned, 1 drop goes a LOOOOOONG way. I love cotton candy, I also have strawberry, blueberry, amaretto, champagne flavorings.

I was bored today and had some juice orders to fill and edible orders as well. I'll post my smores bars tek a little later on.
I'm now down to 1.5mg of nic, thinking about trying zero. I don't think I'm addicted to nicotine, but addicted to vaping. Does anyone vape zero nic?

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