DIY - Over, Under, Sideways, Down...Sky High builds an Under Current knockoff

  • Thread starter sky high
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sky high Could you comment a little on your feeding please?

How high do you feed the plants when they are in peak flowering?

Do you use any additives?

When mixing new solution in a recirculating system is there a certain way of adding nutes/additives or do you simply dump it in & allow the water circulation to do all the mixing for you?
sky high

sky high

yo guys. Thanks for takin a peek.

I was all over the place on nutes on this grow, forknowledge. On this next grow I am going to follow a (loose) feeding schedule using Nutri-Plus nutes/additives. I think my switching it up contributed to the lock out and overall may have hurt my yields.... though I'm still not gonna complain.... nope.

4 weeks into bloom I bought a couple of quarts of 2-part Bloom nutes from Nutri-Plus. @ the same time i bought their bud booster/amino package called "Bud+" that seems to be a pretty direct cop of AN's original formula of powdered Big Bud... 0-39-52 er somethin'. i used this as directed for weeks 5-6....topping out the system @ 1300 ppms for those 2 weeks, then dropping back down below 1000 or so for weeks 7-9.....then I started to drop the ppms everyday by removing about 1/2 of the system water and replacing it with tap water.

These last few weeks I've drained the system a few times and refilled it with fresh water right from the garden hose. As I mentioned a few posts up...I have only been able to get the ppms down to about 350 or so. This changed over the last few days. After being impressed with the nutri-Plus bloom (clean, no dyes, 8 ml per gallon in the UC) I bought additional products in the of which is called CLEAR. I was hesitant to use a flush agent..cus shit like Clearex and Final Flush is just weak sugar water and i didn't need/want to go down that road when I could make a diluted "flushing agent' of my own that is similar for 1/100th of the cost....

then I smelled this stuff. Dunno what the smell is. Kinda sweet but not like sugar or molasses. Says it's chelating minerals...... I'm thinking like H & G's "drip clean' product....

So I tried it...dumping a quart in the 60 gallons i'm running in the UC. It said to run it for a week. Today was day 4 of the run. When I opened the mixing bucket this AM I saw the water was far darker than it was yesterday.....and it had a slight "sulphur" type smell to it. Thinking (but not believing totally) that I may have contracted a case of root rot...I drained the system.....and then I got in the room with the garden hose and flushed >through< each rootball with a good force of clean water. When i checked in the mix bucket again the water was even more dark brownish...and draining...

After this stuff drained i decided I'd fill the system back up and drain it as many times as it took for the water to run clear in the bucket.

Much to my the bucket filled the water cleared....and cleared.... and the pppms dropped to 170....and stayed there. My thought 4 hours later..still looking at clear water and 170ppms... is that this CLEAR product (works!) completely stripped all the gunk out of the buckets and off the roots. time will tell because in a few days I will harvest these and see the roots for the first time. should be interesting....

As far as adding nutes/etc to the system..... I generally just add the nutes into the mix bucket in small amounts and let it stabilize after each addition. ditto with pH adjustment. Dump in 25 ml....wait a few minutes (smoke a bowl)...see where it stabilizes...repeat if necessary until you dial it in where you want it.

I may start harvesting these tomorrow. Kinda sad to see em go...LOL.... but it's gonna be a bit of a chore to get this all trimmed so I think it may finally be time to get the show on the road.....

I'll take a parting shot before I get started....whenever that is.....

s h
sky high

sky high

Most definitely, RMCG. I just checked the mixing bucket again and the water is clear with no smell whatsoever. From all took out additional ppms I couldn't get out with plain water and served to clean some of the residual gunk out of the system. For $13.... I don't feel too hurt @ this point....especially since I didn't spend a buncha $$$ on nutes this run.

s h


Most definitely, RMCG. I just checked the mixing bucket again and the water is clear with no smell whatsoever. From all took out additional ppms I couldn't get out with plain water and served to clean some of the residual gunk out of the system. For $13.... I don't feel too hurt @ this point....especially since I didn't spend a buncha $$$ on nutes this run.

s h

Good to know. Having a hell of a time getting ppm's down in my DIY UC during flush. Just spent over 3 hours filling and draining 85 gals worth several times only to get it to ~500. Didn't push anything through the netpots though. Planning another flush Saturday.

Already have clearex (yes, easy to make, but easier to buy :dull), but might have to have some of this on hand instead.


Thanks for the thorough explanation sky high much appreciated.
sky high

sky high

:cool0010: I think we have arrived! :cool0010:

Time for the chop, folks! :fighting0040:

there's not much >visible< change from the last pic to this pic....but down in the trenches the trichs have been busy, busy, busy. Still seein' some clear....but I can see the tables turning and I think considering the time involved in taking these down I'll get a nice spread across the clear/cloudy/amber range if I make a move now.

a bit of lunch and a FAT joint and the fun will begin!

s h
Nono 127
true grit

true grit

Yep simply f'n awesome. That shit killed it bro. here in a week or so you are gonna have sore arms for days to come....hehe


hahaaaaa, did you Wait to make that post? if not, awesome timing! lol
& that ^ guy would make one helluva living as a trimmer :-D


Another quick question...

At what height do you place the lights at, is it so the bulb is halfway up to the plants or a little higher so the top colas receive the most amount of light?
sky high

sky high

Day 5....... "I've got blisters on me fingers!"

4 1/2 of 6 plants down. Hopin' to finish up today (OK, tonight).

I need a bigger drying rack.

this shit is off-the-hook.....
Nono 134


Chillin' in the Shade...
Amazing work sky high! Looking forward to some nug shots after the cure... :cool


big pat on your back sky high! just read over this whole thread with some cookies....great work and thanks for the heads up on the part locations! cheers!
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