Do Users Outwiegh Growers? Supply and Demand.

  • Thread starter Simple
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Okay so my Newbness just realized I cant send PMs. So here is my response to Sky high...

I was tryin to be civil and polite. But all you seem to do is bash people and tell people to get out of your? state. YOU HAVE THE BOULDERITIS!! Seek doctor immediately!

Seriously, there is no need to speak to people the way that you do. I have been here for over ten years. Didnt come here to "grow cannabis." Im not going to appologize to some degenerate breeder who gets ripped on constantly for their shitty strains here. but yet no reworks? you rip on people and their threads like Greenmopho. But all in all, seems like they are the better grower missy. Not someone who has the demeaner of a teenager and talks about colorado like its a freaking gang! haahah grow up! take your drama elsewhere! if you feel like im your competition, then prove to people that your the better grower. Dont bash people and tell them to leave. Do you own colorado? ahahaha Do you own america? hahaha people like you make me laugh.

This is America, and I can go where I want. And its a capitalist economy as well. If I can grow better cleaner shit, then im going to do it. if that drives you out because youve been growin the same old PGB hahahah or some knock off weak yeilding haze. Then thats business baby. Its not my problem. You could be honest. Accountable for what people are saying. But yet no reworks? no appoligies to people who have said your gear is beesters at best? People like you have no respect. You talk and talk and talk. But please try to realize, in work, in a capitalistic society, your work (buds) should do all the talking. I am not your enemy. I am a farmer im on the side of farmers. You could be spending your time trying to unite. but all you seem to be doing is bash.

Oh and im definately going to stick up for myself and others. if you havent noticed yet. Ive been dealing with thugs like you for my entire life. Stake off your little properties, stay within your fences and you can do whatever you want. Come out into the real world and out of the forest, make some NEW friends find some NEW ideas. then maybe you can cure your boulderitis.

Im here cause my family is here as well. and im STILL raising my kids here. I have property here as well. The way you speak about things in this thread definitely shows your life isnt "MORE than growing" if it was then you wouldnt be so upset and curse and yell and bash people. Good job representing your company. if you think for one second im gonna sit on my ass and watch people like you bash PEOPLE WHO WERE ON YOUR SIDE. PEOPLE WHO ARE FARMERS. You got another thing coming.

I started this thread to be positive, move forward, because people like you do nothing but complain nag and bash. There is no positivety in your threads. You talked about how raids would make things better!? hahaha fear mongler!

Please ill ask one more time. Go away. Take your negativity somewhere else. Or if you need to have a drink and let it out, PM me. You can call me a transplant all you want and I will let you get it out and hopefully we can move forward. In fact I think im gonna PM you this instead of posting it. cause it has nothing to do with the thread.

I started this thread to discuss our current market and develop strategies so WE can move forward. I am trying to form a conscious positive dialog in order to form new ideas and grow bonds with people so we can move forward positively. open a "union" of growers dispensary? open our own chain in another state? there are options out there. even in this state... Or you could keep talkin about how raids will be good and how anyone else who wasnt born here can screw off.

Moving on...


What do people think of the idea of a "union" of growers dispensary? Not a Union itself. but a type of company/MMC that consisted of all the caregivers/growers (or even just a small group of elites) that dont want to be with a restraunt owner or what not? Something like that?

While in theory it is a great idea, in the end it would be impossible to pull off. As you have noted, and I have seen, there are very few people in this industry that can work together and get anything done. Way too much infighting, and way too much of individuals thinking that they are the "one".

When we set up our business, it was built from the inside. No contract growers, no partners, no backers, nobody except me and my spouse in the corporation as 50/50. Granted we have employees, but all decisions are made directly from the core without outside influence.

If you could get people to work together it would be great. But recent history shows that to be next to impossible.


Ya know, Simple, Sky has been here a LOT longer than you have. And his points are very valid. It's the people who have moved here, with pot leaf dollar signs in their eyes, that have messed things up for those of us who call this our home. And then they leave because it's getting too hard ... while we stay and have to live with what the money grubbers have done.

Sky has no need to remove his post ... his opinion is welcome, whether you like it or not. We are all free to express our opinions here, period. :)


Moving on... I have written Sky high a PM because I searched threads she/he has posted on and the drama that she/he has turned into is not needed in this thread. I want to be positive and sky highs agenda of bashing people and treating colorado like her red headed bitch, seems to be different. SO I have PMed he/she in order to take their rant away from this thread. In hopes he/she may cure their sickening disease of BOULDERITIS! hahahaha And chill the hell out. Stop smokin those sativas you make over there and smoke some chill out indicas yo.

Okay so I wanted to throw out a few ideas this morning. What do people think of the idea of a "union" of growers dispensary? Not a Union itself. but a type of company/MMC that consisted of all the caregivers/growers (or even just a small group of elites) that dont want to be with a restraunt owner or what not? Something like that?


Moving on... I have written Sky high a PM because I searched threads she/he has posted on and the drama that she/he has turned into is not needed in this thread. ...In hopes he/she may cure their sickening disease of BOULDERITIS! hahahaha And chill the hell out. Stop smokin those sativas you make over there and smoke some chill out indicas yo.

Will all due respect.
Who the hell are you?

Sky High is not in Boulder. If you had been on here longer you would know that. If you opened you ears and listened, or opened your eyes and read you would know that.

Till you SHOW us something, you are just another troll.

Maybe you are one of the "CAlifornians for Medical Marijuana Regulations" cronies, getting $10/hr to troll the forums and try to sway public (er...grower) opinion in your favor.

95% of the Disps out there are world class A-Holes...Failed owners/managers of: restaurants , pawn shops, used car lots, and Internet ponzi schemes.

Open your eyes and wake-the-fuck-up.

RE: A Union.
Unions have been used throughout history when a segment of the population is marginalized. Unions are powerful, think United States of America (that is a union). The problem lies in, when the Union has achieved it's goals of 'leveling the playing field', what happens next?
Does it dissolve?
Does it turn into the UAW?
Or the teachers union?

Remember, Communism/Socialism works...In theory.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix.


While in theory it is a great idea, in the end it would be impossible to pull off. As you have noted, and I have seen, there are very few people in this industry that can work together and get anything done. Way too much infighting, and way too much of individuals thinking that they are the "one".

When we set up our business, it was built from the inside. No contract growers, no partners, no backers, nobody except me and my spouse in the corporation as 50/50. Granted we have employees, but all decisions are made directly from the core without outside influence.

If you could get people to work together it would be great. But recent history shows that to be next to impossible.

Thanks for the response man! Great point too.

Sadly, you are right. It seems us farmers are, for lack of a better phrase, shooting ourselves in the foot. Were arguing with eachother. Turned against eachother. And I guess im saying, if there is a line that has to be drawn in the sand, Im drawing it between the farmers not willing to move forward and thus work together vs the farmers that seem to curse and bash others. Let our buds do the talking. But it seems we cant do that. And with the HT cup its obvious SOME patients dont really care about our dick measuring who has the better buds contest. they just want some quality dank.

thinking about it, if there were even three people who had control. that would be to much. someone needs to have control, sharehold. It just sucks how in colorado we are fighting eachother and not making money (caregivers) at least theyre not suppose to be. And in cali they are fighting too. but at least the farmers are getting payed. At least people like harborside are now admitting that they would be nothing if it wasnt for their farmers. Check their website out. they WANT to work with people who are willing to move forward and they WANT great unique strains. AND they PAY.

I cant walk into any dispensary anymore and sell them my dankest of the dank beautiful mold resistant unique high strains. Thats why im considering somewhere else and/or growing for someone else.

Ya know, Simple, Sky has been here a LOT longer than you have. And his points are very valid. It's the people who have moved here, with pot leaf dollar signs in their eyes, that have messed things up for those of us who call this our home. And then they leave because it's getting too hard ... while we stay and have to live with what the money grubbers have done.

Sky has no need to remove his post ... his opinion is welcome, whether you like it or not. We are all free to express our opinions here, period. :)


Thank you for your diligent response Mel. The way you speak is very calm and your tone is easy to respond to and have an educated discussion.

You and sky are right, on one level. In the business of supply and demand, if one moves to a place where the supply is low and the demand is high, and then I increase supply. then yes I would be "messing shit up" but I am just your competition. That is just the real world. Sorry for what you went through. Thank you so much for laying the foreground. Seriously.

I played hockey throughout my whole life. went to school bc of it. We all got to understand that we will "lose" sometimes. and that its what we do when were losing that starts the NEW equasion. if we curse and find excuses and sneaky ways to beat the system and "make it hell" for our regulators. then small farms that relied on wholesales to dispensaries will all go down in flames. its happend. Caregiver model lost. its out the door. Unless you wanna just throw a few hundred thousand at litigation and donations to party members....Then MAYBE youll change something. But i can definitely tell you the state isnt going to be cursed at and called the "secrete police" look where advocates got us. If you and sky want to point fingers maybe you should look at the advocates doing that?

I cannot sit back and watch someone curse and yell and say that I dont have balls because im trying to find another way besides this caregiver model. And if it has to be somewhere other than colorado. Who cares why does that have to be a big deal?

If the market were legalized youd have everyone out here trying to make a buck. the market then would TRULY be flooded. So dont curse and damn people like me. I know your not. But if you are on their side then how are things moving forward? And patients don't buy lbs. at least they are not legally suppose to. So to say that the caregiver model is financially profitable is wrong. It may help patients. It helps people have access to medicine. That they wouldnt normally have of course. I grew up in the midwest where cannabis IS looked at the same thing as heroin and cocaine. So I appreciate so much the vibes that people like you layed before me. I can use something that helps my pain and still be able to play with my kids, because of that. ITs a godsend thank you so much! Seriously! But to say that one is suppose to make a living off of sick patients. Isnt that kinda obtuse as well? Im just saying to each his own and I dont think one farmer is better than the other unless their work and attitude shows different. And I dont think patients should be judged on why they use. Im a farmer, smokers are smokers. I farm they smoke/ingest. The more people doing that, the better quality clean buds we can get out there that we are producing, the better it is for US. The more people cursing and fighting, the further we (farmers) get away from being prosperous and settled.


Your name is Simple.
Your thoughts are Simple.

But you fill them will all sorts of needless words.

Why don't you just get to your point, man?

Who are you?
Why do you have a stick up yer ass for SH? He may be abrasive at times, but once you get to know him (from the digital dialog, never met him in person) he grows on you, like a beneficial fungus.
What is YOUR agenda?

There was a model before dispensaries. It worked.
Sky High just likes to remind us of that.
All the young blood out there.
Perception is reality and reality is perception.

Maybe you should learn humility.
I know the Old Timers may seem a little of the hitch now and again, but they been fighting this war since we were in diapers.

P.S. SH, looks like you just picked up a 'Hater of the Month'.


Will all due respect.
Who the hell are you?

Sky High is not in Boulder. If you had been on here longer you would know that. If you opened you ears and listened, or opened your eyes and read you would know that.

Till you SHOW us something, you are just another troll.

True. Thank You.

Thats why I am here. Thats why I am responding. Im trying to come out of the shadows, out of the garden. And fight for the medicine! I will show what I do, as soon as im able to post pictures! I dont want to argue, thats why I said Boulderitis. I know sky high isnt in boulder. I have searched their threads. Boulderitis, meaning the inability to look outside ones world. To think that the world revolves around their "culture" and "ways of thinking" Isnt that what kids in boulder say. Its their "culture, and their way of life" that is sooo superior to others. Give me a break. Im just saying lets be real. Were not in the same market. so to bitch at people like me for comming here, does nothing but stir peoples emotions up. Thats why im responding thats why im sticking up for "transplants" as you natives like to call it. Thats why im trying to pool ideas. Not talk shit.


Maybe you are one of the "CAlifornians for Medical Marijuana Regulations" cronies, getting $10/hr to troll the forums and try to sway public (er...grower) opinion in your favor.

95% of the Disps out there are world class A-Holes...Failed owners/managers of: restaurants , pawn shops, used car lots, and Internet ponzi schemes.

Open your eyes and wake-the-fuck-up.

RE: A Union.
Unions have been used throughout history when a segment of the population is marginalized. Unions are powerful, think United States of America (that is a union). The problem lies in, when the Union has achieved it's goals of 'leveling the playing field', what happens next?
Does it dissolve?
Does it turn into the UAW?
Or the teachers union?

Remember, Communism/Socialism works...In theory.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix.

Yessss, first of all thank you for communicating in a calm peaceful manner and the fact that you used the Jimmy Hendrix quote, is awsome. And thank you for conveying your point of view without cussing. I am more than willing to answer you.

So, to answer your questions. No I am not working the forums/threads for dispensaries. I am a farmer, father, and husband. I am here because I truly love this herb. I am here because I have had "the fear" and im trying to moveforward.

I have a "stick up my hole" as you say it, because I dont like when people talk shit because I moved here. Thats really immature to tell you the truth. Technically this is none of our land. Is sky high a native american indian? Was their "properties" fought for by his ancestors? Im just sayin lets get real here if you wanna pull the native card im sorry im here to say your full of shit. The government stole this land from the native tribes and auctioned it off to the highest bidder. shit they even gave land away because it was either shitty or people were getting killed. So, therefore, my ideas are simple yes. but complex and "wordy" hahaha I know, because I am educated, I went to school and studied business and horticulure and philosophy and indigenous cultures. And I refuse to let "old timers" as you say, just talk shit. I am a different generation, it seems, than SH. But I also have children. I know humility. And If I was wrong I would be honest and look at how I was wrong and not try to duplicate my mistakes and teach my kids not to make the mistakes I did. I wouldnt say "its there fault, how can we make it harder for them... thats just immature... and inability to find humility right there.

So to say that you all "natives" are better than me or any transplant for that matter, for the sole reason that you live here, you are incorrect. IF you wanna prove your genetics dank and growing techniques superior and better than mine, then obviously you are better than me.

But WITH ALL DUE RESPECT like I said, SH gear isnt all that great. Hes had many complaints on this website that overweigh the negative. And Ive grown his gear! i have the tests. hes not OGRascal... hes not Chemdog. So seriously please get off the high horse of your the shit because you live here. Honestly the only other places that vibe exists is Hawaii where indigenous cultures still live. and subsects of old tribes. You are not indigenous people! you are "the white man" just like me. So untill someone shows me that SH or any native for that matter is an indigenous person who was given land by his/her ancestors. I will continually say this native being better than transplant thing is BS.

And furthermore, when Mel addressed me like an adult, and didnt curse at me and make me out to be a bad guy, I gave her praise. I thanked her and will thank anyone who has layed the foreground. But if your gonna attack me then well, i will stick up for myself.


wouldnt a union model be the same as a co-op?

Yes. But arent Co ops not legit in colorado anymore? I dont know I only know of one "co op" out in the mountains.

Point being, I was trying to see if there is anyway any of us can unite. But many heads with the same say is good in theory yes. But its obvious, as others like SoCoMMJ have pointed out, that this model would not work with growers. There needs to be a "foreman" a "boss" We would fight all night long about what nutrients to use and what medium to use and wher and everything and it would be exhausting! ahahaha but good in theory yes.

Maybe if we could find someone who was a great, in it for the patients, superior business man that could delegate when and where and shit like that and we could just grow? Do what I do best and farm. I dont run a retail business well. Im not a retailer. Im not going to be impartial when im selling medicine. I grow, clean quality medicine.


Who cares if you lived there 50 years or 1 year bottom line is this is a new industry and industry where there is money to be made grow up and learn how to adapt. If your profits are being hurt that bad by new comers clearly your doing something wrong or maby you shouldnt be in the game in the first place. Its called competitive advantage what can you provide that your competition cannot, what sets you apart from your competition.

The people who bitch shouldnt be doing this, they are not good business people, because this happens all the time no matter where you go in any other industry competition comes and people adapt.

Look at all the pizza places in NYC. This is a new industry people mostly natives are getting the chance to start business in MMj then new comers come and the natives get alll upset because now they face alot of competition.

I hear it all the time all these new comers are restaurant owers etc yeah well if thats the case and you been doing before it was MMJ legal then you should be able to figure a way out to survive. The onyl people who can say they earned a right at this is the ones who were doing it way before MMJ came around.

Ask any real entrepeneur or business owner this is the name of the game and if that many un qualified people are getting into the industry and screwing it up, how hard could it be to push them out??


Boulderitis, meaning the inability to look outside ones world. To think that the world revolves around their "culture" and "ways of thinking"

Mirror meet face.


I hear it all the time all these new comers are restaurant owers etc yeah well if thats the case and you been doing before it was MMJ legal then you should be able to figure a way out to survive. The onyl people who can say they earned a right at this is the ones who were doing it way before MMJ came around

yep! thats the whole point, these retards jumped on the "im gonna grow legal pot" train and now 90% of them are wishing they hadnt. If you havent had to worry about your door getting kicked in, worry about snitches, worry about the helicopters, worry about how to wash the money, worry about GROWING ILLEGAL POT then IMO you have no business in this business. :anim_09::anim_09:
true grit

true grit

Why don't folks understand the basics of supply and demand? its plain logic/common sense- it doesn't matter if its pot, tobacco, tie dyes, BLA BLA BLA- if you have an economy that offers a new profiteering model to capitalists- THEY WILL COME. If laws were not adequately in place- then YES, some dumbasses will take full advantage until they are reeled in. You can't blame one party or the other, its nothing new, its in every industry and will always be.

This doesn't mean anyone here is any less welcome IMO, and frankly here (on these forums, with other farmers) is NOT the place to bash those people that did fuck it up. Because they probably aren't the farmers on here. Again we on this forum are but a small scope of whats happening in this scene. IMO there are some people who have moved here and definitely helped/improved what CO was doing in the mmj area. Plenty of people outside of mmc's who do more than help patients since moving here etc.

And it doesn't matter who thinks who should be in this business, who was in it before and who is in it now- none of that matters. ITS A MARKET- those that shouldn't be here will eventually fade away- its already happening, folks need to quit crying. I mean shit, still less than a year into 1284, and everyone is still under review/getting knocked daily. And FYI, some non patient/pre mmj business owners in the business now are much better functioning business people than many of the dumbass stoners that think they can run a biz because they can sorta grow or have at somepoint or know someone who does.


And FYI, some non patient/pre mmj business owners in the business now are much better functioning business people than many of the dumbass stoners that think they can run a biz because they can sorta grow or have at somepoint or know someone who does.

Whatch U talkin' bout?
I listen to my Doctor.
Doctor Dre.
Smoke weed everyday.

Definitely there are some bright spots.
Hope they shine.


ITS A MARKET- those that shouldn't be here will eventually fade away- its already happening, folks need to quit crying. I mean shit, still less than a year into 1284, and everyone is still under review/getting knocked daily.

Agreed. The great balancing agent of society is the consumer. You can't tell consumers what they want. You have to listen to what they are telling you that they want.

Marijuana cannaseurs will tell you that they want super frosty mega thc 1/2 hitters that cost $4000 a lb wholesale. The general populace will tell you that they want safe, quality product at a respectable price. The market will guide the business, not the other way around.

And in response to the OP, the supply and demand will cycle up and down until it closes in on a balance. Right now the growers are overgrowing the market. Once they figure out that they can't unload it all, they will grow less and prices will rise to balance.


And FYI, some non patient/pre mmj business owners in the business now are much better functioning business people than many of the dumbass stoners that think they can run a biz because they can sorta grow or have at somepoint or know someone who does.

LMFAO....Running a business and growing a quality product are different things all together. Sure its great that these Dbags are finding a way to sell shit weed to people that dont know the difference and make a no THAT SUCKS.

Your model is the same reason you can get bud beer at every gas station in town and have to drive all over to get something good. That what you want for MMJ??? Cause thats where your so called "nonpatient/premmj business owners" are taking it. :anim_09:


Agreed. The great balancing agent of society is the consumer. You can't tell consumers what they want. You have to listen to what they are telling you that they want.

Well... to a point. One issue I notice with inexperienced MMC owners and budtenders is that they do not have the knowledge to educate their customers, many of which do not understand what they are looking at. It's like a sommelier at a fine restaurant who doesn't know wine....

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