• Thread starter Confuten1
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exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
I got what looks like Calcium deficiency per the charts, but I know its not Def most likely to much CA. I added 2.5 ml of Calmag per gal( irun aqua flakes in coco) and I also foliar sprayed Cal25 within a couple days. I think i used to much cal25( its hard to measure such a small amount ).
Jus wanted to make sure that Calcium lockout resembles Calcium deficiency.

thanks for the help



think it through bro, if calcium is locked out then of course it will display as a deficiency, now figuring out WHY is the tricky part. is the most common culprit.

peace, bozo


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
i did think it thru, i just like to use my resources available, hence asking the farm. Its not PH, I used to much calcium via cal mag and foliar cal25.


Premium Member
What's up confu. Over feeding of a particular thing can cause lockout therefor creating a deficiency. Iv done this same thing before. Iv found it to be much easier to over do Cal in a foliar over watering with it. Are you using RO, city or well water?


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
What's up confu. Over feeding of a particular thing can cause lockout therefor creating a deficiency. Iv done this same thing before. Iv found it to be much easier to over do Cal in a foliar over watering with it. Are you using RO, city or well water?

Sup @Skunkmasterflex thanks for ur reply. I clean city water with my RO system. I add back Calmag at 2-2.5 ml per gal. Recently I started foliaring with cal25, it's very hard to measure and I think I used to much.
The whole point of this thread was to confirm that what I am seeing is most likely due to overdoing Cal and not something else like mites or aphids. (I've been looking at roots, under leaves and at growth tips). Plants went form looking super happy to having lil rust spots on them.
Since I foliared with cal25(and can still see the residue on the leaves) I wonder if I should spray them down with straight water to rinse them off.



Premium Member
Iv never used cal25 before so I'm not exactly sure if water will rinse off anything or its all been taken in by now. When I over neem iv soaked plants with water and it helped take off extra oils a bit. When it comes to foliar feeding I think the damage is done already by the time it shows. But, either way spraying with straight water never hurts lol. Soak those babies down with some straight RO and kick the lights off for like 4 hours.....I can't see that making anything worse


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
Iv never used cal25 before so I'm not exactly sure if water will rinse off anything or its all been taken in by now. When I over neem iv soaked plants with water and it helped take off extra oils a bit. When it comes to foliar feeding I think the damage is done already by the time it shows. But, either way spraying with straight water never hurts lol. Soak those babies down with some straight RO and kick the lights off for like 4 hours.....I can't see that making anything worse

Thanks man, they got a tea drench yesterday and like u said spraying with water can't hurt so might as well try to rinse off remaining residue.

Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

whats good confu, sorry to hear about your recent misfortune. Im with Skunkmasta, real easy to over feed when using ca25 as a foliar. i fucked up awhile back, i read some shit from Cap and i was like "fuck i gotta try that!" well i used a bit too much and within 24 hours brown necrotic spots showed up on my foliage... What threw me off was that im pretty savy at figuring out whats locked out within my medium, but i never seen a Ca lockout when using a foliaro_O. just figured i burned em a bit... i also didnt take into consideration that i should lower my Ca ppm in my nute levels when i plan on using a Ca supplement foliar...

im not saying this is what happened in your case, but i follow your posts, and you got mad skills as a grower. So its fair to say that you have a program "dialed" in. And if the only variable you just recently changed was adding ca25 in as a foliar and now your having negative affects... hmm well im guessing you answered your own question;)

hope all turns out for the best man


whats good confu, sorry to hear about your recent misfortune. Im with Skunkmasta, real easy to over feed when using ca25 as a foliar. i fucked up awhile back, i read some shit from Cap and i was like "fuck i gotta try that!" well i used a bit too much and within 24 hours brown necrotic spots showed up on my foliage... What threw me off was that im pretty savy at figuring out whats locked out within my medium, but i never seen a Ca lockout when using a foliaro_O. just figured i burned em a bit... i also didnt take into consideration that i should lower my Ca ppm in my nute levels when i plan on using a Ca supplement foliar...

im not saying this is what happened in your case, but i follow your posts, and you got mad skills as a grower. So its fair to say that you have a program "dialed" in. And if the only variable you just recently changed was adding ca25 in as a foliar and now your having negative affects... hmm well im guessing you answered your own question;)

hope all turns out for the best man
What's up Z! Just curious why u would have to lower ur Cal at the root level to increase ur Cal by foliar. I am sure there is some science behind it and I'd like to learn something here myself. Thanks ahead of time bro.


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
Thmx for the post @Theoneandonly Z , that's what I'm thinking man, spraying
Cal25 was the only thing that changed and it involves Ca and that's what the leaves are showing so it must be that. I can deal with that no biggie, before I figured it out I was concerned I might have some bugs so this thread is a big relief (confirming what I thought might be the issue) . I haven't had nute lockouts or burns in years so this kinda thru me off at first. Hey Man U going to the cup right? I'll pm u.



exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
What's up Z! Just curious why u would have to lower ur Cal at the root level to increase ur Cal by foliar. I am sure there is some science behind it and I'd like to learn something here myself. Thanks ahead of time bro.

My understanding that Cal at the leaf is more ready available than at the root zone so a lil goes a long way. If u make it available at the root and leaf , it's kinda over kill . That's what I did applied to much at the leaf and and I also applied it at the root when it wasn't nessissary and thus locked up the Cal.



My understanding that Cal at the leaf is more ready available than at the root zone so a lil goes a long way. If u make it available at the root and leaf , it's kinda over kill . That's what I did applied to much at the leaf and and I also applied it at the root when it wasn't nessissary and thus locked up the Cal.

Thats what I was looking for. Thank u! Sux that it happened bro! Good luck!
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

Thmx for the post @Theoneandonly Z , that's what I'm thinking man, spraying
Cal25 was the only thing that changed and it involves Ca and that's what the leaves are showing so it must be that. I can deal with that no biggie, before I figured it out I was concerned I might have some bugs so this thread is a big relief (confirming what I thought might be the issue) . I haven't had nute lockouts or burns in years so this kinda thru me off at first. Hey Man U going to the cup right? I'll pm u.


i should be there. hit me up


exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
Ca25 is 1 tsp level teaspoon per gallon. How is that hard to measure Confu? Also 2.5 mL of Calmag isn't that much..

Maybe something else. Pics?

Sup @Capulator, I use a shot glass measure for the small stuff, I only mixed up 1/2 gal so cut that in half and it's the first measure line on the bottom of the shot glass. Add that to the fact that this stuff is flakey chunks and didn't create an even line I had to eye ball it and thus used to much/ hard to measure. Way easier to mix up 2-5 gals of this stuff mixing small amounts is hard. I've always ran 2-2.5 ml per Gal Calmag no problems even when spraying cal25(the right amount) however I am running a bunch of non-OG plants this veg and they can be more sensitive than previous plants.
I'll get the camera out it's the only things I've done different tho and never had this issue/ plant showing spots.



exploitin strengths - perfectin weaknessess
pixs u requested @Capulator , u going to the cup man?


tell me what u think


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