drying/curing help

  • Thread starter haney
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ok guys im new here and new to the scene really, i would appreciate any help on drying and curing. from time the plant needs to be cut down im lost on what to do and whats the best methods for the best outcome, i have tried many times and no matter what strain it all turns out the same with the same smell. thanks in advance.


Haney ,

Things are much simpler they they seem . Follow this advice to The Tee & All will be Well .

Roll up a nice joint & proceed to smoke it , Then do yerself a Favor & read up as much as possible on The How's & Whys from Seasoned Farmers here on the site on just how they do things .

All the needed Info is here on The Farm from several Excellent Farmers trials and tribulations . Read through & sort out the things that will work fer you .

Be Patient & take yer time doing things rite & You'll be a Happy Farmer in no time enjoying yer Perfectly Cured harvest . Good Luck ,,,


welcome to the farm came to the best spot
heres some food for thought to get ya started

I love the grow FAQ's cant give that enough credit


lots of ways to do it right, IMO (and from info gathered from my own readings, here and elsewhere)

I cut them at night, trim them immediately and hang them in the dark on a line indoors. (some people use fans to circulate air) The proper temp and RH are important. Depending on the weed strain it may take 7 to 12 days to dry on the lines then I put them (loosely) in mason jars and burp them 2-3x per day. Once all the moisture is out of the buds I let them cure 2-6 weeks. IMO curing is key as it will get rid of the hay smell (chlorophyl) and let the terpenes? do their transformation which produces a nice smell and a smooth smoke. I have read where cured weed can go on for months if not years as it ages like fine fricken wine. Sweet stuff huh? I'd like to see someone pull out a mason jar and go "ahh yes old chap, we have here some DJ Blueberry bottled in 1998 a fine year for ganja growing ."

Stickier and bigger buds will take longer to dry. Some folks use the "snap stem" method as a gage to indicate when the weed is dried. (although I found that to vary quite a bit, especially with big buds vs smaller ones)

The worst thing you can do is jar them too early and have mold ruin your loving buddages. Overdry them them and the THC and smell diminishes.

DJ Shorts bagging method (teabagging? no, jk) seems popular but I question putting fresh weed in paper bags and on top of each other as it could increase chances of producing mold. I guess you'd have to take them out quite a bit or at least move them around..and IMO this would damage the trichromes. Less handling of the curing buds will leave the tri's intact.

Then again, everything I just said may be wrong. :mad0233: :sad0104:

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