I'm glad that these are doing well. I've had pretty good success with clones. If I can recommend a 100% success rate combo for you, here it is. I'm no expert but I really think this is a killer combo and I've seen 100% success rates.
1. Make cutting, your cuttings show you already know the right size.
2. Trim all leaves by half. This increases the plant's rooting hormones. I see you already know this too

3. Dip snips in
Clone X rooting gel
4. Insert into
General Hydroponics Rapid Rooter Plant Starters
5. Place into humidity dome with top, and the vents fully open.
6. Water with something easy and beneficial, I use Super Thrive, TPS billions, and Bloom City Clean Kelp, just enough to touch the bottom of all plugs by 1/8 - 1/4"
7. Place on heating mat
8. Keep low light on them, diffused, or indirect light is best, not 24/7
8. In about 3 days the water will evaporate. Make decision to transplant or water just the plugs, no excess, one more time.
9. Transplant whether you see roots or not.
10. Foliar spray clones if struggling
That works perfect for me