First attempt at growing will commence in May, tips?

  • Thread starter Maxim Bryson
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Maxim Bryson

I am 19, aspiring to first begin my own collective, eventually transferring to running a dispensary. I am a resident of the great state of Washington and have proper licensing.
sky high

sky high

Stay in school and get an education. Weed should only be a side endeavor. Things change. Laws change. You need to be prepared for whatever happens in the future. (weed won't be worth shit if nationwide legalization happens at some point)

Good luck

Maxim Bryson

Stay in school and get an education. Weed should only be a side endeavor. Things change. Laws change. You need to be prepared for whatever happens in the future. (weed won't be worth shit if nationwide legalization happens at some point)

Good luck
not the question i asked. To each his own.


keep very detailed records, treat your people with respect, work harder then anyone else working below you, follow the law to the letter and start putting away cash for your legal fund cuz at some point you are gonna need it. keep it simple, top of line stains, and stay as low key as you can it make it. good luck
sky high

sky high

not the question i asked. To each his own.

OK then....the first thing you need to do is move out of your parents house. Then read all you can ...and start growing. Spend at least 5 years tending a continuous/perpetual garden and getting to know the plant >before< you even think about heading/starting any operation that supplies cannabis to others in any capacity. It isn't at all realistic to think that you can start a pot business've never even grown the plant before. There's a huge learning curve here...whether you like it or not.

And while you blew off my other still stands, 'cus anybody here who knows even a cunt hair about owning/operating a BUSINESS knows that the fastest way to fail in that business is to think that an education in accounting/business/management is something >you< just won't need.

In all reality, such knowledge is an equally important aspect of owning a "dispensary" as growing the weed will be. i said before...when all of this goes nationwide and pot is $50 a z at the gas station on the'll have something to fall back on so my tax dollars won't have to support you.

thanks for making me proud that my 19 year old knows that school comes before pot.


I have no hate for ya kid and I'm glad you have some dreams. While aggressive, Sky High has a lot of good points and I think that growing while you attend college can allow you to learn a lot not only about yourself but about the world you live in because like it or not, you will face a whole lot of different perspectives especially in regards to pot.

On to my advice...Read everything you possibly can and realize that just as with life, there is no easy straight forward answer to anything because there are just too many variables. Jorge Cervantes Grow Bible is an excellent resource and can serve as an excellent base to all things growing...this being said, it is not a fool proof book. Networking will be your biggest resource and always let everyone stick their necks on the line before you put yours out or not this is still the game. Best of luck!
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