First time grow in zone 9b, lets learn from my mistakes

  • Thread starter cbrians
  • Start date
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microscope came in! basically the same as the loupe but on your phone, it’s only as good as you are. Being on the phone screen helps a bit. Shitty screen shots attached.

See bits of amber everywhere, little bits on the nuggets and a lot of leaves are almost gold dusted.

Supposed to cool off on tuesday, and monday night is my birthday, so looks like we have a death date for monday night.
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Alright yall, faithful moment has come. Started this journey in march, and it’s probably the longest I’ve committed to anything.

All good things come to an end. Last living photos of my ladies 🥹

I did a light trim on the cheese one and my hands smell like a piece of hash that a cat pissed on. Tasty.
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washed and hung!

Dry room is mocking me. With two coolers of ice, three fans, heat reflective insulation, and a humidifier is still 20 degrees too hot and dry. Hung the whole plant to hopefully humidify the room and slow the dry.
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A few more days and it will cool down some. Do you have anything to measure the humidity in the jars once you jar it up? Or bags?
Yeah I have like 6-8 different thermometer hygrometer combos.

When I put the reveg in bags it went up from
20% to about 54% humidity on its own. I just stuck a leaf from last nights harvest into each bag to hopefully bring her up a bit


Okay, comparatively I’m winning against mother nature. Still not enough though. I’m gonna add another humidifier later and hopefully that will get things in line for the rest of the dry.

Little late to the game, but I’ve added pictures of the outside of my drying room and the space it’s connected to. What can I do that isn’t super trash looking to help cool the area?
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