Fuck monsanto

  • Thread starter joeca1i
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I have been watching chemtrails since 1997. Some people laugh after I tell them. Doesn't change the facts. I have seen so much in the skies over the years that I have had little doubt for a decade. The UN has admitted this guys. Monsanto owns the largest private army in the world... XE. They used to be Blackwater before they took their no bid contracts and moved offshore so they don't have to pay a tax with our money or face our courts. This is Totalitarian Corporatism at its worst folks. Seen the UN green army? California was supposed to be the first big business takeover of MMJ. It probably will be anyway but I hope you guys fight it off like you did before. Of course they are behind the laws. They write the laws. Just look who sits in the committees in congress and in the state Senate LOL. RJ Reynolds has hundreds of thousands of acres in Cali primed to give you 7-11 Poison weed as soon as the CIA wraps it's biz with the cartels up! I was approached with questions about developing patented cannabis seed and I got pissed and it was someone from a big company. They said that was a done deal regardless. You can't talk to these people. They are into being evil.

Putting tin foil hat on


I skimmed through this thread, and I didn't see something that I'd like to bring to peoples attention.

Last years Prop 19 here in California was largely funded by Monsanto. They used other figureheads to disguise who was really behind it, but from what I understand the money trail led to them.

Not all of it , it also led to Big Tobacco , Big Pharma and a man who is heavily invested in all ofthem , and whom incidentally is quite likely the wealthiest person on the face of the Earth if you count his illegal and grey market income...............co-incidentally he's quite close to O'Bummer.

George Sorros................start running down his South American connections sometime , all that property in Cartagena and Barranquilla is distinctly interesting.

And then there's the connection with Norman's Cay. Old Caribe getabouts know what I'm saying.....other folks can google Norman's Cay and put two and two together.


likes to smell trees.
Monsanto's attempt at monoplizing the market has been referred to as "Terminator" seeds.

They have also made seeds that are aluminum resistant. Why? There are operations going on as we speak which are called "geoengineering" (aka weather modification). To perform this operation, they have admitted that there are/will be spraying millions of tons of aluminum in the stratosphere. Well, what goes up must come down....and if enough of that aluminum get's into out soil, plants will not thrive.

sources cited (upon request)...which means if you think I am bullshitiing I will post some links that clearly show that these geoengineering operations are ongoing with full steam ahead. One can easily google "geo-engineering" or "weather modifications and aluminum" and it's quite easy to see the patents that have been filed to conduct this atrocity.

Sounds like a great opportunity for a genetically engineered bacteria that breaks down and converts aluminum.
true grit

true grit

Yeah wanna talk about dicks....one homie said they just got involved with teh purchase of Whole Foods(not sure on this one) ... if they can't grow it and control the whole market...theyll just buy it.


^ wow, can't believe that if it's the case....

i definitely share the hate for the disgusting company... they have single handedly contaminated almost the whole world water with RoundUp!!!

Anger cannot even come close to describe how i feel about Monsanto.... terrible, terrible stuff they make.... :swear :middlefinger :fighting0087:


Oh and don't you dare speak out against them now. Monsanto owns Blackwater Ops....so if you oppose them, they will just take you out.

Monsanto buys Blackwater


She needs to quit refering to Monsanto as " He" , it's NOT a single person controlling the company.


Oh and don't you dare speak out against them now. Monsanto owns Blackwater Ops....so if you oppose them, they will just take you out.

Monsanto buys Blackwater

Internet rumor based upon a miss-translation from Spanish into English by Pravda:


I skimmed through this thread, and I didn't see something that I'd like to bring to peoples attention.

Last years Prop 19 here in California was largely funded by Monsanto. They used other figureheads to disguise who was really behind it, but from what I understand the money trail led to them.

You still haven't sussed out where the money trail leads. Lets cut to the chase here , the largest shareholder within Monsantos structure and the power behind the money there and funneled in other ways to Prop 19 was none other than George Sorros.


Your 100% wrong bluenote.... Read rev 9:11 ... matthew 4:9

****DO NOT**** start telling *ME* to
read the Bible" , nor WHERE in the Bible to read. I really don't think you want me to tear open that can of Worms and Delusions for you. And I'm **quite** willing to do so , in addition I *really* do not care for proselytisers. Not in the slightest degree.
BC farmer

BC farmer

Bluenote, hahaha!! Good call, I almost vomited on my keyboard (literally)when I read that. Thanks for cheering me
This Monsanto talk is utterly depressing but informative.


Bluenote, hahaha!! Good call, I almost vomited on my keyboard (literally)when I read that. Thanks for cheering me
This Monsanto talk is utterly depressing but informative.

Yeah well , he'll be back , complete with the usual Fundie Tricks , Scriptural Proof-Texting along with application of the Mosaic laws etc.

But he ran into a real problem here , I was **born into and raised** in that world , educated within it's system ( prior to education beyond said system) and I **know** all the bullshit tricks , hyperbolic semantics etc, from the inside out.

And in my case the modern implementations of Christianity produced an atheist , one who is only to willing to confront the proponents of the MASSIVE amount of sick , controlling rhetoric and aberrant ' Preachers' now prevalent.

JoeCali would be rather ill-advised to pursue this further , if he does then I'm going to proceed to kick down the freaking house of cards that is now Christianity in America in specific and ALL THREE of the Abrahamic religions in general.

He has *already* shown the 'apocalyptic Christian' card , along with the same rudimentary verses they always quote. He'll be Pentecostal based , though it may well be one of the more submerged offshoots.

At the risk of sounding conceited , he may very well have picked the very worst possible person on this entire forum to throw those verses out at. If he pursues the proselytising you'll find out why.

There *is* an offside chance that he'll be an Adventist , Watchtower or the like , maybe WCOG though it's quite fragmented since the reorganisation.

And I ***hope*** he brings up con-artists such as Osteen , Joyce Meyers , TD Jakes , The Murrays , Camping , Rod Parsley , Oral " Huckster" Roberts etc.etc.

WRONG subject on his part , and *very* bad timing.
BC farmer

BC farmer


Buddy you are getting quite worked up on this. I can see why though..
Atheist myself and this will be interesting to watch.
Have you read "The God Delusion"? Great book that re-affirms all you are saying here.

There was a bus in my neck (Interior of BC) that drives around with an ad: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof; Allah, BigFoot, Zeus, Thor, Magic,GOD, CHRIST :)



Yeah I guess that pretty much just show us all doesn't it Joe. No rebuttal , no concise , reasoned arguement , just more regurgitated CRAP propaganda.

And golly gee whiz there Joe , find me a Preacher in America with even the ball of a Rabbit , they're too busy protecting that 501C3 status to speak out against the govt , whom they are of course in bed and humping away with.

The frigging U N holy marriage of politics and Christendom in this country has us well on the way to Facism , complete with your political False Hope and Resident Facist and Racist in disguise Ron The Puke Paul.

Go ahead and put up some more videos , might occur to you that I could post up a whole slew of 'em that make you like like a deluded , paranoiac fool.

Or you could just actually construct a rebuttal , or COULD you?

Does your knowledge of religion in general and Christianity in specific go beyond the rudimentary aspects that you've been indoctrinated and programmed with? Can you do anything whatsoever beyond parrot the propaganda repeatedly?

Now either bring something to the table or don't you *ever* presume to dictate to me about religion again , because I will react like this *every* time and since I've done things such as run Bishop Long and TD Jakes off the freaking stage at TCU in an open debate they got so damned frustrated ....well I really don't think that you're going to be much of a challenge.

And it's going to be one HELL of a lot worse if you turn out to be a proponent of certains sects and/or denominations , your rhetoric will give you away on that issue , as will the sources of other propaganda you post or quote.

Proselytisers and divisive denominationally oriented apocalyptic caterwaulers have done more damage to the actual I N T E N T of the Bible itself and the teachings of Christ than in the previous 2000 years , and you D NOT want to start your " Dominionist" bullshit here either because I'll gut that NeoCalvinist Sacred Cow for you in short frigging order , and all the way back to Kuyper ( you HAVE read Kuyper haven't you? Best go do so , along with Flavius Josephus and a few others.) , furthermore I'll connect the DOTS for folks here from the Domionist B U L L S H I T in a straight line through the John Birch Society to your " Daddy" ........freaking False Panacea Paul.

Hey want me to highlight EXACTLY where Religion and the control factors have led some folks? Want me to connect the Davidians , Branch Davidians , Shepherds Rod , Stron City ( Travesser/Bent) C.O.G. ( google flirty fishing) , the Danites and of course shall I highlight the Butler/Hale/WCI connection with Pentecostalism , want to discuss Armstrong do ya? Hows about Aimee Semple MacPherson?

Or jump a different way , I DARE you to do so.

But after this is over there is ONE thing that will be goddamned for sure , you'll watch that shit with trying to club others with religion , I don't talk much about it until I get fed up with someones bullshit on the subject..........fact is I carry one HELL of a lot BIGGER club as regards the subject than YOU do and a lot larger than you counted on.

So how do ya like me NOW , proselytiser?


OH and Joe , your bullshit though thinly disguised that others are " less human" than you are because they believe differently than you do comes clearly through with your simple selection of EXACTLY the wrong one of Christ's Parables to illustrate your point.

In this case and utilised the way you have it merely illustrates the corrosive , D I V I S I V E nature of the modern implementations of Christianity , along with the twisting in selfserving support of the **INSTITUTION** of socalled Christianity instead of actual support of the basic precepts of the New Testament.

And it's DIVISIVE not only to the Body of Christ , meaning Believers in toto , it;s also divisive to *humanity* and a corrosive influence that fosters conflict. In point of FACT more humans have died on this planet in conflict over whose ' God' was " correct" than for ANY other single reason since recorded history began. Now jump right in that BearTrap I just left ya , run your mouth as regards Islam or Judaism...........

And by the way , in your nattering for Paul and tieing religion to it. There are those of us in this country that ***WILL NOT*** live in a theocracy , and don't tell me " well leave" then , cause straight up and the same as I stated to Rawles himself about his theologically based " redoubt" ...........*I* will live where I damn please , want me out come put me out.

I'm a **Libertarian** keep that in mind , if ya think I'll trade one abusive political system for a Theocracy think again bud. And there are MILLIONS like me , get used to it.

Tell ya what Joe. If you can't answer with a rational , logical arguement and can do nothing but throw up videos then *everytime* you do so I'll highlight another scandal as regards religion or perhaps expose what's actually behind certain quite large denominations.

Your choice , but this t'ain't a church , folks " in the congregation" here can speak up so your ' Bully Pulpit' is gonna get shot fulla holes.


You still haven't sussed out where the money trail leads. Lets cut to the chase here , the largest shareholder within Monsantos structure and the power behind the money there and funneled in other ways to Prop 19 was none other than George Sorros.

George Sorros reduced his holdings in Monsanto last year (2011) from 2.6 million shares to 79,400 shares, which are valued at about $6 million.

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