Fuck monsanto

  • Thread starter joeca1i
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George Sorros reduced his holdings in Monsanto last year (2011) from 2.6 million shares to 79,400 shares, which are valued at about $6 million.

Hmmm . is the source on that verified? And did he actually reduce his holdings or just hide them under the auspices of one of his other umbrellas?


Hmmm . is the source on that verified? And did he actually reduce his holdings or just hide them under the auspices of one of his other umbrellas?


sec 13f holdings report for quarter ended 6/30/2011.

but certainly don't believe it if it doesn't fit within your belief structure.



sec 13f holdings report for quarter ended 6/30/2011.

but certainly don't believe it if it doesn't fit within your belief structure.

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with "belief structure" , just makes me wonder where he moved it too and what he might be up to , that kind of money doesn't move around without making more of it.

Just looked it up. 83 percent of Monsanto is held by funds and cap management companies , and since Sorros is Mr. Hedge Fund...........well do the math.


we all must be ready for when this happens. Please dont wait till its to late.
Collect as much gear as u can and get regs so u can make more seeds wit the pollen from the males.
I am really getting disgusted with the "system".
Everything is a buisness a money maker and they get there pockets fatter while the citizens struggle to just get by....yet we always gotta stick our nose where it doesnt belong and "help" others when we need help right here in our own damn country.

sorry for blabbin


i have watched every monsanto documentary there is...they are the most evil company and they are going to fuck up this planet in a big way..

You need to watch these:

The World According to Monsanto
Controlling Our Food

I'll agree that Monsanto is bad--but I think a bigger problem is that their type of business practices are really not that abnormal these days.

Don't quote me but I believe it was Dow chemical (a huge conglomerate of many many companies and divisions) who made the pesticide atrazine (I believe) which went on to be linked to breast cancer through a particular mechanism.

Then through legal loopholes and help of politicians they essentially solidified the chemical and made it unassailable. Following that they then used the very mechanism of action for breast cancer which they had previously debunked in court and targeted a drug (through another of their divisions/companies) which dismantled the process and could be used to prevent or treat cancers of that type.

Then they charge way to much for the crap.

As an aspiring chemist I understand that in a very real way the people who control the knowledge that scientists have and know how to wield it are endowed with a very powerful weapon--perhaps the most powerful weapon. The world needs to make stuff, and we know how its made. While nobody thinks Dow is doing the planet any favors, they control such a huge part of that scientific market that we can't really afford to put a stop to them. Monsanto has really put themselves in a similar situation by forcing a wedge between food supply and growing population, rather than one between materials and chemists/process engineers/physicists as Dow has done.

This is the way groups come together to achieve goals in the world today. If we stop all of the shitty things, we'll find quickly that many good things stop happening as well. I don't disagree that it's necessary, but what people call for in terms of dismantling corrupt corporations is going to see the world burn.

We've been coddled, we are self-important and self-righteous, and our collective greed is the source of all of this bad shit as much as we'd like to point the finger--though that shouldn't detract from the finger pointed firmly at Monsanto, they are certainly up to no good.

If we 100% clipped this type of behavior in the world at the root tomorrow there would be riots in week--bad ones. We've all become far too used to the luxuries fucking the small guy over has afforded us.

That said, fuck Monsanto--as the title reads.


I have no problem with the concept of a coporation. It's meant to be a legal structure under which a group of people can aggregate labor, capital and materials to achieve specific aims, create value and earn a return on its investment. No problem there.

The PROBLEM is when we start according MORE civil rights to these legal constructs than we do to actual, living, breathing people! "Corporate Personhood" is an utterly destructive force in our society, undermining everything we purport to hold dear. It's as bad for civil society as repealing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 was for the banking system. Ten years of unbridled excess, and then *BOOM* the whole financial system blew up, leaving us and our children holding the bag. Who was behind this repeal? Big financial corporations, of course!

I propose a very straightforward solution to change the system for the better; repeal any 'personhood' rights afforded to corporations, and outlaw any corporate entity from offering even one thin dime to political ends or entities, under pain of massive fines and lengthy imprisonment for all senior officers, whether they 'knew' about it or not.

Every time I hear a republican whining about 'class warfare' against the rich it makes me sick to my stomach. After all, they've been successfully engaging in it against the poor and middle class for so long that few of us have ever known any different.

Another truth; Mr. Romney paid less than 15% income tax last year. No wonder he didn't want to release his taxes to public scrutiny. Why did he pay so little? Because capital gains and real estate appreciation are taxed very differently than wages- always less, and usually even deferred, at that. You may have heard the proposal to tax all millionaires' income at 30% recently? A red herring; those millionaires would simply shift their financial structure to dodge it.

Level the playing field, so the rich don't get all the tax breaks, and you'll see our government suddenly is swimming in more money than it knows what to do with. Pass a Constitutional Amendment to force a balanced budget and to pay down the nat'l debt- except in times so dire our very survival is at stake- and our country would right itself and sail proudly.

Do you all realize that if the tax structure in place the day Mr. Clinton left office was simply left alone, there would be NO national debt today? So who stole all the money? It sure wasn't the democrats...


just watch food inc and the world according to monsanto!!!

monsanto are fucking scumbags who are ruining the world, people need to wake the fuck up and stop paying for posion and start eating real food

rant over.....


I'll check those out--thanks for the recommendation.

I guess my only real point was that we maybe need to as a society (and I mean globally) start asking the question of why things have become this way in general.

Monsanto is sure enough an awful, awful company--but this type of business practice is an endemic problem, and it occurs throughout all industries. Even if we were to destroy Monsanto--another would take it's place. I'm only suggesting that we need to look to what is producing the conditions for companies to exist this way--and attack those. We need to find a way to kill the Hydra--not chop off one of it's heads.


However in the meantime chopping off this head is certainly a good cause that we should all get behind--I don't want to detract from that clear truth.
Pinky Lee

Pinky Lee

"Mon santo", ("My saint")... now that's some twisted irony 4 u. Our saint has designs on controlling the planet's food supply, plain and simple. Break or make the farmer dependent upon your science and the rest will come.
Privatization of the water supply is the next battlefield. Australia sold water rights in what seemed like an equitable split between large corporations and small operators. What do you think happened? The corporations bought out the small guys and are running the show. The government attempted to buy back some of the rights but the price of water went up and the cost was prohibitive.
"Fuck! " is right.
dirk d

dirk d

everyone in the usa needs to contact their elected congressmen and women and senators and let them know this monsanto bs is not acceptable. that Genetically Modified food sources labeling must be allowed.


I'll check those out--thanks for the recommendation.

I guess my only real point was that we maybe need to as a society (and I mean globally) start asking the question of why things have become this way in general.

Monsanto is sure enough an awful, awful company--but this type of business practice is an endemic problem, and it occurs throughout all industries. Even if we were to destroy Monsanto--another would take it's place. I'm only suggesting that we need to look to what is producing the conditions for companies to exist this way--and attack those. We need to find a way to kill the Hydra--not chop off one of it's heads.


However in the meantime chopping off this head is certainly a good cause that we should all get behind--I don't want to detract from that clear truth.

Correct; and the only way to prevent another cartel leader from just taking over the cartel after shooting the first one is to change the rules of the game. That's why I advocate for the repeal of 'corporate personhood'- and to tax them at the same rates as the workers they so willingly toss away like so much scrap. If corporations had to abide by standards of ethics wtih the force of law and real teeth in them, the playing field would change overnight. We as citizens actually DO have this power, but only if we're united. The right wing strategy of divide and conquer has been working for a long time now, so long that many of us have forgotten where the real power lies, or what to do with it.


Correct; and the only way to prevent another cartel leader from just taking over the cartel after shooting the first one is to change the rules of the game. That's why I advocate for the repeal of 'corporate personhood'- and to tax them at the same rates as the workers they so willingly toss away like so much scrap. If corporations had to abide by standards of ethics wtih the force of law and real teeth in them, the playing field would change overnight. We as citizens actually DO have this power, but only if we're united. The right wing strategy of divide and conquer has been working for a long time now, so long that many of us have forgotten where the real power lies, or what to do with it.

Exactly, I'm all for burying Monsanto--but if we're going to band together and accomplish something (not likely--sad to say) then we should change the practices, not individual practitioners.

People only come together around issues very rarely--when it happens that they do, their cause should address the whole problem, not a tiny part of it.

Either way sign me up for anything I can do to help bury these dudes.


Exactly, I'm all for burying Monsanto--but if we're going to band together and accomplish something (not likely--sad to say) then we should change the practices, not individual practitioners.

People only come together around issues very rarely--when it happens that they do, their cause should address the whole problem, not a tiny part of it.

Either way sign me up for anything I can do to help bury these dudes.

Right there with you.............folks might want to Google and research **Anniston Alabama** a town that Monsanto virtually destroyed.

Courtesy of development and/or distribution by Monsanto..........PCBs , Dioxin , DDT , 2,4,5t , Agent Orange ,Glyphosate.......toxic copper based IUDs through their subsidary G.D. Searle and I could go on.....for hours.


holly shit...this is some crazy shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanna get involved...someone pm me


i have watched every monsanto documentary there is...they are the most evil company and they are going to fuck up this planet in a big way..

You need to watch these:

The World According to Monsanto
Controlling Our Food

You can add 'Food, Inc.' and 'King Corn' to that list! We're all fucked...
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