Fuck monsanto

  • Thread starter joeca1i
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MONSANTO AND rbGH (Posilac) Monsanto Chemical Co., maker of fine poisons such as DDT, agent orange, Roundup and more... spent around half a billion dollars inventing a shot to inject into cows... to force a cow to produce MORE milk (for an already glutted taxpayer subsidized market). Unfortunately, they created *FIVE* errors in their Frankenstein Posilac (rbGH) shot that direly affected all test animals... but that important report (Richard, Odaglia & Deslex, 1989) has been hidden from everyone under Clinton's Trade Secrets act. The Canadians read enough of this report (before it was stolen) to reject rbGH for their country. Monsanto's Posilac creates additional IGF-1 in milk: up to 80% more. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) insists that IGF-1 is destroyed in the stomach. If that were true, the FDA has proven that breast feeding cannot work. Common sense says their "finding" is ridiculous because this growth factor DOES make the baby calf grow (rapidly, as mother natured intended). Visit the Dairy Education Board at http://www.notmilk.com/deb/100399.html to review a DAIRY study that confirms what the FDA has lied about this for years. IGF-1 INCREASES This study involved two groups. One group consuming 12 ounces of milk a day and the other consuming the USDA recommended allowance of 24 ounces (three cups). This report notes that the participants consuming 12 ounces more milk per day... HAD A 10% RISE IN IGF-1 IN THEIR BLOOD SERUM! Now, consider that PER DAY, from ALL sources, the typical milk/dairy consumer ingests approximately 39% of daily diet from dairy... and that 10% increase becomes the "tip of the iceberg". We have NO idea of the non-dairy versus full-dairy difference but considering cancer rates... it has to be significant.

We really have to start producing our own food. More production and less robotic consumption.



MONSANTO AND rbGH (Posilac) Monsanto Chemical Co., maker of fine poisons such as DDT, agent orange, Roundup and more... spent around half a billion dollars inventing a shot to inject into cows... to force a cow to produce MORE milk (for an already glutted taxpayer subsidized market). Unfortunately, they created *FIVE* errors in their Frankenstein Posilac (rbGH) shot that direly affected all test animals... but that important report (Richard, Odaglia & Deslex, 1989) has been hidden from everyone under Clinton's Trade Secrets act. The Canadians read enough of this report (before it was stolen) to reject rbGH for their country. Monsanto's Posilac creates additional IGF-1 in milk: up to 80% more. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) insists that IGF-1 is destroyed in the stomach. If that were true, the FDA has proven that breast feeding cannot work. Common sense says their "finding" is ridiculous because this growth factor DOES make the baby calf grow (rapidly, as mother natured intended). Visit the Dairy Education Board at http://www.notmilk.com/deb/100399.html to review a DAIRY study that confirms what the FDA has lied about this for years. IGF-1 INCREASES This study involved two groups. One group consuming 12 ounces of milk a day and the other consuming the USDA recommended allowance of 24 ounces (three cups). This report notes that the participants consuming 12 ounces more milk per day... HAD A 10% RISE IN IGF-1 IN THEIR BLOOD SERUM! Now, consider that PER DAY, from ALL sources, the typical milk/dairy consumer ingests approximately 39% of daily diet from dairy... and that 10% increase becomes the "tip of the iceberg". We have NO idea of the non-dairy versus full-dairy difference but considering cancer rates... it has to be significant.

We really have to start producing our own food. More production and less robotic consumption.


I'm not saying I want hormones in my milk (or that you should) but cow are ruminants. This means they have a special type of stomach which is very different from our own.

In very acidic conditions (such as those found in our stomach) it would be expected for hormones to be rapidly broken down by the free hydrogen ions. A ruminants stomach pH is around 6.5, whereas a human stomach has aa pH of around 2.

That means that the Hydrogen ion concentration in a human stomach is 4 and a half orders of magnitude larger than in a cow's (because the pH scale is a logarithmic scale).

This is roughly the difference between a concentration of 0.01 and 0.0000001.

IE, the concentration in our stomach is 100,000 times greater than that of a ruminants. As far as chemistry is concerned, this a huge god damn deal. So the FDA hasn't proven that breast feeding "doesn't work".

That said, I wouldn't wanna drink that shit.


I bow to your superior 'super' nerd like knowledge in this matter, regarding the break down of hormones within the environment of the stomach. I just feel that its the unnecessary modifications now happening on a large scale basis in commercial food production, (for profit) that lead to issues in not only animal health but as a direct consequence, human health.

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